
  1. 体验经济与旅游体验营销

    Experiencing Economy and Experiencing Marketing with Travel

  2. 本文在分析三峡库区营销环境的基础上,探讨了旅游体验营销这一新型营销方式在三峡库区旅游市场上的应用。

    The paper analyzes the tourism marketing circumstances in the area of the Three Gorges and discusses the application of the experience tourism marketing in that place .

  3. 文学旅游体验性营销。

    Market literature tourism by the way of " experience " .

  4. 体验经济时代的旅游体验式营销

    Experiential Marketing of Tourism in the Age of Experiential Economy

  5. 基于这一背景,对乡村旅游体验价值营销策略进行了研究。

    Against this background , the experience of the value of rural tourism marketing strategy is studied .

  6. 第六部分,对喀什民俗旅游开展体验营销应注意的几个问题进行了探讨。

    Sixth , on Kashgar folk tourism marketing experience to carry out should be noted that a number of issues were discussed .

  7. 本文在分析旅游产品体验营销的内涵、特点以及影响旅游产品体验营销定价的主要因素的基础上,提出了具体的旅游产品体验营销中的价格策略。

    Based on the analysis of the connotation , the characteristics as well as the main influence factors of tour products experience marketing pricing , this article endeavors to propose some pricing strategies of tour products experience marketing .

  8. 乡村旅游体验品牌产品营销对策研究

    Research on Experience Marketing Strategy for Brand Products in Rural Tourism

  9. 旅游服务的体验营销研究

    Research on Experiential Marketing of Tourism Service

  10. 略论体验经济背景下旅游产品的体验营销

    A Briefly Research on the Experiencing Marketing of Tourism Products on the background of the experience economy

  11. 本文分析了乡村旅游体验品牌产品营销的特点,提出了乡村旅游体验品牌产品营销策略。

    This paper analyzes characteristics of experience marketing for brand products in rural tourism , and puts forward relative marketing strategies .

  12. 可采取的旅游服务的体验营销内容包括设计有吸引力的旅游体验主题,提升旅游服务的体验价值,展示体验式旅游有形物,营造旅游互动体验氛围、重视对游客的感官刺激等。

    The contents of experiential marketing of tourism service include designing attractive theme of tourism experience , exalting the experience value of tourism service , exhibiting the tangible things of experiential tourism , building up interactive experiential atmosphere of tourism and emphasizing the sensuous stimulation to the tourists .

  13. 在此基础上,以体验经济的相关理论为指导,进一步探讨了体育旅游产品的体验式营销策略。

    Based on it , with experience economic relevant theories as guidance , it has probed into the experiencing marketing tactics of the sports tourism products further .

  14. 旅游突出的体验性,使旅游体验营销成为研究热点之一。在旅游体验营销的众多环节中,旅游体验设计的成败又直接影响着旅游体验的效果。

    With a prominent feature of experience , tourist experience marketing has been given special attention in research .

  15. 分析制约我国乡村旅游的发展的因素,挖掘乡村旅游资源文化内涵,运用体验营销相关理论,提出基于体验价值的乡村旅游模式和乡村旅游体验价值营销基本策略。

    Analysis of our country countryside constraining factor in the development of tourism , rural tourism resources mining culture , the use of experiential marketing theory , experience-based model of the value of rural tourism and rural tourism experience the value of the basic strategy of marketing .

  16. 第四部分,对喀什民俗旅游的游客体验情况进行实证分析。该部分是本文的难点内容。第五部分,构建喀什民俗旅游体验营销策略。

    The fourth part of the analysis of the tourism visitors ' experience to Kashgar folk tourism 、 Fifth , construction of Kashgar folk travel experience marketing strategy .

  17. 通过对旅游产品的独特性、旅游动机和心理模式、旅游产品价值的评估因素分析,阐述了旅游体验在旅游营销中的作用,并提出了旅游产品的营销策略。

    Based on analyzing tourist product and tourist with respect to peculiarity , motive , psychological model , and assessment for value , the paper explains that the experience of tour has an important role in tourist product marketing . It also provided some marketing tactics on tourist product marketing .