
  • 网络tourism market forecasting;forecast for tourist market
  1. 曲阜旅游市场预测分析

    The Analysis of Qufu Travel Market Predictions

  2. 基于灰色GM(1,1)模型的宁夏入境旅游客源市场预测研究

    Forecasting Inbound Tourism Market of Ningxia Based on Grey GM ( 1,1 ) Forecasting Model

  3. 基于ARMA模型的新疆旅游市场趋势预测

    Trend Forecast of Tourist Market in Xinjiang Based on ARMA Model

  4. 运用灰色系统理论,以全国主要海外客源市场游客数量的历史序列数据为依据,探讨了GM(1,1)灰色预测模型在旅游客源市场预测中的应用问题。

    On the basis of main tourism marketing historic data of china , this paper discussed the applying of GM ( 1,1 ) grey forecasting model in the forecasting of foreign tourism marketing with the theory of grey system .

  5. 基于组合模型的陕西省旅游市场需求预测

    Forecasting of tourism demands of Shaanxi Province based on combined model

  6. 基于灰色理论的国际旅游客源市场预测&以云南省为例

    Forecasting Model of International Tourism Passenger Source Market Based on the Grey Theory & A Case Study of Yunnan Province

  7. 旅游市场需求预测常见的方法有:时间序列预测法和因果模型预测法。

    Common forecasting method of travel demand is based on the mathematical model : statistical time series prediction method and causal model prediction .

  8. 通过各预测模型的精度比较,最终采用预测精度较好的GM(1,1)模型作为山东省国内旅游客源市场的预测模型。

    The paper uses GM ( 1,1 ) with higher forecasting accuracy as the prediction model of Shandong domestic tourism market , through comparing all kinds of model 's forecasting accuracy .

  9. 据宋海岩教授说,对于未来二十年后中国旅游市场激增的预测意味着中国正面临着巨大的挑战。

    According to Professor Haivan Song , the travel boom forecast for China over the next two decades means the country faces huge challenges .

  10. 对旅游市场进行分析预测,旅游资源进行分析评价。

    Wuchang City tourism market analysis and forecasting , analysis and evaluation of tourism resources , current situation analysis based on the Wuchang City , inside and outside the source markets , and Wuchang City , the future development of the tourists to predict .

  11. 江山市旅游市场开发及前景预测

    Exploitation and Prospect of the Tourism Market in Jiangshan City

  12. 旅游目的地客源市场预测模型新探索&以中国入境旅游为例

    New Exploration Research of Tourism Destination & A Case Study of China Inbound Tourism

  13. 中国入境旅游市场的多元回归预测

    Regression Analysis of Overseas Tourist to China

  14. 本文基于灰色系统模型和其它几类回归分析方法,对山东省未来几年的国内旅游市场进行发展趋势预测。

    Based on grey system model and other regression analysis , this paper predicts the development tendency of Shandong domestic tourism market in the future .

  15. 结合对出境旅游市场发展趋势的预测,论文还进一步从引导出境旅游健康发展的角度,探讨了今后中国出境旅游市场的行业管理政策。

    Combining the prediction of the trend of the development of the outbound tourism market , the paper , in term of guaranteeing the sound development of Chinese outbound travel market , probes into the administration policy of the Chinese outbound tourism market in the future .

  16. 分析天津市休闲旅游需求开发现状,并对未来我市旅游市场发展趋势进行预测。

    Analysis of Tianjin Development of leisure tourism resources , and future city development trends in the tourism market forecasts .

  17. 本文在对河北省入境旅游市场的现状进行分析的基础上,对入境旅游市场规模进行了预测,并提出了河北省入境旅游市场的拓展策略。

    With the method of Boston Consulting Group , the paper analyzes the number of inbound tourists in Henan Povince and sets up the model of the local inbound tourism market competitive state .