
  1. 第四章详细介绍了区域旅游品牌营销的方式。

    Chapter 4 details the regional tourism brand marketing approaches .

  2. 论旅游品牌营销的两个层面:标准化和个性化

    The Two Layer of Brand Marketing for Tourism Industry : Standardization and Individuation

  3. 武当山旅游品牌营销研究

    A marketing research on Wudang mountain tourism

  4. 云南省迪庆香格里拉旅游品牌成功营销经验

    The Successful Experience of Tourism Branding in Shangri-la of Yunnan Province

  5. 对澳大利亚国家旅游品牌全球营销策略分析

    An analysis of Australia 's tourism brands global marketing strategies

  6. 旅游产品品牌营销策略

    Marketing Strategy of Brand-names of Tourism-related Products

  7. 基于SWOT分析的拉萨旅游城市品牌整合营销传播

    Integrated Marketing Communication Based on the SWOT Analysis of the Lhasa City Tourism Brand

  8. 乡村旅游体验品牌产品营销对策研究

    Research on Experience Marketing Strategy for Brand Products in Rural Tourism

  9. 区域旅游服务品牌整合营销传播策略研究&以九色甘南香巴拉为例

    Research on the Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy of Regional Tourism Service Brand

  10. 希望能够为目的地在品牌营销的过程中提供有效指导。在论文的第五章,首次将旅游目的地品牌营销问题的探讨深入到旅游目的地品牌管理问题上来。

    At the chapter five , this paper approach to the management of tourist destination brand .

  11. 本文分析了乡村旅游体验品牌产品营销的特点,提出了乡村旅游体验品牌产品营销策略。

    This paper analyzes characteristics of experience marketing for brand products in rural tourism , and puts forward relative marketing strategies .

  12. 重庆都市旅游目的地品牌营销将构建四大体验系统:现代山城、豪放厚重的大山大水景观体验系统;

    Chongqing city tourism destination brand will set up four large experience system : The modern mountain city with generous landscape ;

  13. 最后是要注重旅游形象和旅游品牌的营销和管理,这是保持区域旅游形象生命力的保证。

    And managing and marketing of the brand to guarantee the market life of the regional tourism brand .