
  • 网络Tourism Marketing Positioning
  1. 淮南市旅游市场定位与营销策略分析

    Analysis on the Positioning of Tourist Market and Marketing in Huainan

  2. 大连市旅游市场定位及开发战略

    Tourism market location and development strategy in the city Dalian

  3. 第二章是长三角国际客源旅游市场定位。

    Chapter two was the positioning of the international tourism market in Yangtze delta .

  4. 南海市旅游市场定位

    Tourism market positioning for Nanhai City

  5. 石燕湖的旅游市场定位为长株潭地区,随着旅游产品的进一步开发,逐步扩大市场空间。

    Shiyan Lake is Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan region , with the further development of tourism products , the market space can gradually expand .

  6. 从市场功能、市场类型、市场空间三个方面对南海市旅游市场定位作了探讨。

    Market positioning is an important job for tourism management . The tourism market in Nanhai City is studied on the function positioning , sort positioning and space positioning .

  7. ⑶既有有关旅行社在会展旅游市场定位的深入研究很少,本文运用战略管理理论阐述了旅行社在会展旅游市场的全新定位的依据、方法和步骤。

    ⑶ There are few study articles about travel agencies in the MICE tourism market correct positioning , this paper elaborates the basis approach and methods of positioning systematically based on the strategic management theory research .

  8. 连云港旅游市场的定位与创新

    The Direction and the New Ideas in Tourism Market of Lianyungang

  9. 河南省南太行山旅游客源市场定位与营销策略研究

    Study on Tourist Market Positioning and Market Strategy in Southern Taihang Mountains

  10. 就黑龙江省森林旅游产品市场定位进行探讨,提出黑龙江省森林旅游产品市场定位的依据及如何进行定位和应注意的问题。

    Here discussing on the location of tourism products , the basis and the way .

  11. 蒙山旅游客源市场定位及营销策略

    Mengshan Tourism Market Positioning and Marketing Strategies

  12. 通过对中国体育旅游的市场定位、市场细分、目标市场,以及目前所面临的竞争环境、存在的薄弱环节等方面的分析,进一步探讨明确中国体育旅游市场的促销策略。

    This essay probed the promotion strategy of sports tourism market in China , which based on the analysis in the marketing location , marketing division , target market , nowadays competition environment and weakness .

  13. 森林旅游产品市场定位正确与否,直接影响着黑龙江省森林旅游资源合理利用,旅游业产品竞争能力的提高,进而影响黑龙江省旅游经济发展和林业产业的发展。

    The location of forest tourism products effects the rational utilization of forest tourism resource directly , and the competition capacity of tourism products , in Heilongjiang . Further effects the development of tourism economy and forestry .

  14. 但当前旅游市场的定位还不明确,品牌知名度较低,营销措施和方法还不到位,旅游产品研发、更新较慢,旅游路线设计还不尽合理,旅游项目配套设施不完善。

    But the current tourism market positioning is not clear , tourism product development is not slow , famous brands are less , the design of tourism routes is not quite reasonable , the marketing means and methods are not proper .

  15. 第三部分主要分析了发展乌鲁木齐城市旅游的客源市场定位,应以国内市场为基础,同时兼顾国内和国际两大客源市场。

    Part three : mostly analyze market of tourist source .

  16. 延边旅游客源市场的定位分析

    Positional Analysis of Tourism Guest market of Yanbian Autonomous Prefecture

  17. 第八部分,分析了西安观光农业旅游的客源市场定位和宣传促销等问题。

    Finally , analyzes the orientation of tourist market and the promotion problems .

  18. 四川体育旅游目标市场的定位

    A research on the positioning and subdivision of the sports tour 's target market in Sichuan

  19. 通过分析,对韶山青少年红色旅游市场进行市场定位和功能定位,将韶山景区的青少年客源市场分为核心、次要和边缘客源市场三个部分。

    Through analysis , we make the function of the market , dividing the young source market of scenic area about Shaoshan into three parts : the core , secondary and marginal source market .

  20. 本论文通过对澳门旅游客源市场的定位与细分、对澳门目前旅游形象的评价,以及对澳门旅游形象形成的本体要素、从体要素、媒体要素的深入分析,对澳门旅游形象进行分层次定位。

    By the market positioning and segmenting and evaluation of Macao 's tourist image , with also the deep analysis on her image forming elements of major element , minor element and media element , the paper makes the positioning for Macao 's tourist image .

  21. 山旺国家地质公园地质旅游资源研究及市场定位

    Geological Tourism Resources Studies and Market Positioning of Shanwang National Geopark

  22. 临夏回族自治州旅游客源市场分析与定位

    Tourist Generating Market Analysis and Location for Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture

  23. 城步旅游客源市场的开发定位与营销对策研究

    A study on development location and marketing countermeasures of tourist market in Chengbu

  24. 浅议旅游市场营销学的定位

    A Brief Talk On The Orientation Of Tourism Marketing

  25. 旅游市场的分析与定位

    Analysis and Orientation on Tourist Market

  26. 在对贵州营销环境认真分析的基础上,提出了旅游形象定位、市场定位、产品定位、功能定位。

    On the basis of analysis to the marketing environment of Guizhou , the author has given positioning of image , market , products , function .

  27. 同时研究了上海邮轮旅游市场开发的目标定位以及有关战略,最后针对上海发展邮轮旅游的现状及具体的问题提出了未来市场发展的建议。

    Furthermore , this article has also studied the localization of target as well as the related strategy in development of Shanghai cruise traveling market . Finally aiming at the present situations and concrete problems , the article brings out the development proposal in future market .

  28. 应时代的需要,从三明市旅游产业定位、旅游市场定位、旅游品牌形象、旅游市场开拓等问题提出初步认识。

    This article answers the calls of the time by offering some basic insights into such issues as industry positioning , market positioning , brand image , and market expansion .

  29. 开发这些旅游产品必须加强旅游产品市场定位,重视旅游形象设计和产品的创意与创新。

    We pay great attention to market position , tourist image and product innovation in the development of tourist products of the geopark .

  30. 旅游需求发展趋势与西部旅游市场定位导向

    The Trend of Tourism Development Demand and the Guide