
  • 网络tourism employment
  1. 上海旅游就业效应评估指标体系探讨

    A Study on Evaluating Indexes of Tourism Employment Effect in Shanghai

  2. 我国旅游就业统计中存在的问题及改进思路

    The Problems and their Improvements of Statistics of China 's Tourism Employment

  3. TSA测度旅游就业的原理与方法

    Theory and Methods for Measuring the Employment in the Industry of tourism by TSA

  4. 上海旅游就业容量及拓展对策研究

    A Research on the Shanghai Tourist Employment Capacity and Its Developments

  5. 中国旅游就业结构正在转型。

    The tourism employment structure of China is just transition .

  6. 而影响旅游就业的因素包括宏观和微观两个方面。

    Both macro and micro factors may produce influences upon tourism employment .

  7. 在未来几年内,政府应采取多种措施扩大旅游就业。

    The government should take various measures to develop employment in tourism .

  8. 我国旅游就业统计研究

    Researches on Statistics of China 's Tourism Employment

  9. 运用就业乘数模型测算出了黄山市近十年的旅游就业乘数。

    Employment multiplier model calculations use a decade near the city of Huangshan tourism employment multiplier .

  10. 对旅游就业弹性测量的实证研究&以浙江省为例

    An Empirical Study of Elasticity Measurement of Tourism Employment : A Case Study of Zhejiang Province

  11. 旅游就业波动的弹性分析&对饭店、旅行社行业的实证考察

    Analysis on the Elasticity of Tourism Employment Fluctuation : An Empirical Study of Hotel and Travel Agency Industries

  12. 第三章首先指出旅游就业具有的类型及层次,然后针对三种就业类型给出了它们各自的统计范围和统计方法。

    Chapter 3 analyses the types and layers of tourism employment and then gives the statistical range and methods of 3 types .

  13. 研究旅游就业质量对于旅游业的发展以及缓解就业压力有着重要意义。

    It is of much significance to study quality of tourism employment for the development of tourism and relieving pressure in employment .

  14. 这在一定程度上将丰富旅游就业领域理论研究的内容,也成为了撰写本篇文章的现实意义和创新之处。

    To write this paper will enrich the field of research on tourism employment , and have great practical significance and innovation .

  15. 第四章是影响因素分析。通过对城市发展环境、旅游就业环境和旅游本科教育环境等因素的分析,揭示了目前高校旅游专业本科生就业流向是社会诸多系统综合作用的结果。

    Part 4 is about the contributing factor , the current orientation to employment of tourism graduate body is the outcome of multi-systems .

  16. 第四章在一定的设计原则的指导下从数量和质量两方面构建了我国的旅游就业统计指标体系。

    Chapter 4 establishes the statistical index system of our country 's tourism employment from the quantity and quality aspects under certain principles .

  17. 旅游就业问题是旅游研究的重要内容,是目前研究的热点。

    The problem on tourism employment is not only the main content of tourism research , but also the hot of current research .

  18. 承接第三章,第四章、第五章在旅游就业总量的基础上,分别对我国旅游就业的区域性分布、旅游就业未来发展趋势等方面展开论述。

    In succession , the paper introduces employment regional distributions in chapter four and anticipates the future station of tourism employment in chapter five .

  19. 三是旅游就业质量问题研究,包括旅游就业的形象问题、旅游就业的季节性问题等;

    The third is the research of the quality of tourism employment , including the image of tourism employment , the seasonal characteristics of tourism employment ;

  20. 据广东警方表示,这个团伙已成功安排了3200多名中国公民非法出境旅游就业,大部分是来自广东和福建省、年龄在20到30岁之间的男性。

    According to Guangdong police , the gang had arranged for more than 3200 people , mostly men in their 20s and 30s from Guangdong and Fujian provinces , to travel illegally for employment .

  21. 根据统计数据和数学模型预测,未来几年上海旅游就业将呈现较好的增长趋势,并且在2010年世博会举办期间达到一个峰值。

    According to certain statistics and mathematical model , it can be predicted that in following few years Shanghai 's tourist employment will remain an increase tendency and reach its peak in the 2010 Expo .

  22. 而目前,我国的旅游就业质量不容乐观,存在着薪酬低、保障差、职业形象差、流动率高等突出问题。

    For the time being , the quality of tourism employment is not optimistic . There exists many problems , such as low salary , low-level social security , poor professional image and high turnover rate .

  23. 旅游就业估算工作对旅游业宏观统计工作有一定的参考价值,同时,对旅游就业影响因素和地区差异的研究也具有一定应用性和实际性。

    The tourism employment estimating work has a certain value to the tourism macroscopic statistical work . Simultaneously , it has certain utility and practicality to the tourism employment influence factor and the regional disparity research .

  24. 并根据山东省的调查数据,对山东省的旅游就业质量进行评分,得出山东省旅游就业质量的总体评分为71.96分,属于就业质量一般的情况。

    The thesis uses the survey data of Shandong Province to assign marks of the quality of tourism employment in Shandong Province . At last , we get the score of 71.96 , at the level of common .

  25. 截至目前,中国旅游就业人数达7600万人,其中旅游直接就业达1100万人,间接就业达6500万人,相当于全国就业总数的9.6%。

    Up to present , the Chinese traveling employment population reached 76,000,000 people , among which traveling direct employment reached 11,000,000 , the indirect employment reaches 65,000,000 , which is equal to 9.6 % of the nation total employment .

  26. 第三章构建旅游就业效应评估指标体系,包括宏观层旅游就业容量效应评占指标、宏观层旅游就业质量效应评估指标、微观层旅游就业容量效应评估指标和微观层旅游就业质量效应评估指标;

    Chapter 3 establishes an evaluating indexes system of tourism employment effect including macroscopic tourism employment quantity effect evaluating indexes , macroscopic tourism employment quality effect evaluating indexes , microcosmic tourism employment quantity effect evaluating indexes , microcosmic tourism employment quality effect evaluating indexes .

  27. 区域旅游产业就业机会分析&以昆明市为例

    Employment Opportunities for Tourism Industry : Setting Kunming as Example

  28. 高校旅游毕业生就业统计范围问题研究

    Research on Industrial Employment Statistic Range of College and University Tourism Graduates

  29. 这个城镇依靠季节性旅游业提供就业机会。

    The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs .

  30. 中国旅游业对就业贡献的数量测算与分析

    On the Evaluation of Regional Development of China 's Tourism Employment