
  • 网络tourism investment
  1. 这个由康卡斯特集团旗下的UniversalParks&Resorts和北京首寰文化旅游投资公司联合经营的主题公园,将于9月1日开始试运营。

    The park , a joint venture between Comcast Corp 's Universal Parks & Resorts and state-owned Beijing Shouhuan Cultural Tourism Investment , will begin trial operations on Sept. 1 .

  2. 然后针对江苏省旅游投资环境专门要素分析如旅游资源状况、旅游市场分析、旅游业发展综述、旅游人力资源情况、江苏旅游发展的SWOT作了较为深入的分析。

    Then the special factors of Jiangsu tourism investment environment are deeply discussed , such as the situation of tourism resources , the tourism market , the whole tourism industry development , tourism human resources , and the SWOT of Jiangsu tourism industry development .

  3. 投资刺激者&通过金融激励措施刺激旅游投资;

    Investment stimulator & stimulating tourism investment by offering financial incentives ;

  4. 形成多元旅游投资体系。

    And four , to form a multi-outlet tourist investment system .

  5. 民营经济旅游投资行为研究

    Research on the Behaviors of Non-Governmental Economy 's Investment in Tourism

  6. 应用实物期权法对旅游投资项目评价研究

    The Application of Real Options Method to Evaluate Tourism Investment Projects

  7. 从为提高今后旅游投资决策水平以及完善、改进现有项目的目的出发,有必要对旅游投资项目进行后评价工作。

    INVESTMENT So it is necessary to improve the investment decision .

  8. 第二部分:旅游投资环境评价的理论及方法基础。

    Part ⅱ: the theory and methodology of the IE of tourism .

  9. 旅游投资是旅游开发建设的投资行为。

    Tourism investment is the investment behavior of tourism development and construction .

  10. 构建了旅游投资环境评价指标体系。

    The evaluation system is established for evaluating the tourism investment environment .

  11. 这一跨越需要巨大的旅游投资来推动和实现。

    The span needs lots of tourist investment to improve and realize it .

  12. 辽宁省旅游投资环境评价;

    Evaluation of tourism investment environment in Liaoning Province ;

  13. 旅游投资环境评价研究

    Research on the Evaluation of Investment Environment of Tourism

  14. 第三部分,对旅游投资环境进行了分析。

    The part analyzes investment environment of tourism .

  15. 旅游投资项目的产品化及营销策略

    Tourism Investment Product Proceeding and Corresponding Marketing Tactics

  16. 民营资本旅游投资行为引导与规范对策研究

    The Guidance and Regulation for Private Tourism Investment

  17. 旅游投资项目效益和费用是旅游项目技术经济分析的基础。

    Cost-benefit analysis for tourism investment project is the foundation of its tech-economic analysis .

  18. 旅游投资在西部旅游扶贫中的效用分析

    An Effective Analysis of Tourist Investment on Assisting the Poor in the Western Regions

  19. 旅游投资是旅游产业发展的必要条件,也是旅游产业快速发展的催化剂。

    Tourism investment is necessary to tourism industry .

  20. 张家界旅游投资环境研究&基于旅游投资企业的视角

    Research on Tourism Investment Environment in Zhangjiajie from the Perspective of Tourism Investing Enterprises

  21. 旅游投资国际公司是一家领先的跨国集团总部设在伦敦,英国。

    Travel Ventures International is a leading multinational conglomerate headquartered in London , United Kingdom .

  22. 运用此模型对旅游投资项目进行效益预测,从而衡量旅游项目投资是否成功。

    Using this model to forecast benefit and measure the success of tourism project investment .

  23. 欢迎来到国际旅游投资公司,下一个大的大熊猫在直销行业。

    Welcome to Travel Ventures International , the next Big Giant in the Direct Selling Industry .

  24. 二是需要确保旅游投资的有效性,避免旅游项目的重复建设和旅游投资资金的浪费。

    Second , efficient investment should be guaranteed avoiding the waste of capital and repeatedly building .

  25. 旅游投资需求量很大与旅游投资资金来源短缺的矛盾;外资引进与旅游外汇流失的矛盾;

    The great investment demand and the pour source foreign investment attraction and loss of foreign currency from tourism ;

  26. 喀斯特地区旅游投资经营者心理与行为研究&以贵州省为例

    A study on tourist agents ′ paychological behavior in the karst area & With special reference to Guizhou province

  27. 具体包括了旅游投资概述、旅游投资乘数效应、旅游投资的主要研究内容及主要投资领域。

    The part analyzes the theories of tourism investment , which are including concept 、 multiplier and main investment area .

  28. 分析造成旅游投资项目的这种被动局面,固然因多种因素所致,其中可行性研究的欠科学性所造成的决策上的失误是重要原因之一。

    One of the important reasons is that non - scientific feasible research work results in many mistakes in decision-making .

  29. 结果显示,西安的旅游投资环境最好,商洛最差。

    The result shows that Xi'an 's the investment environment of tourism is the best and Shangluo 's is the worst .

  30. 究其原因,旅游投资项目不是一个来源于旅游市场,能多方面满足投资者需求的营销产品。

    However , it produces little effect because tourism investment projects are not marketing products that can satisfy the needs of investors .