
  1. 总部位于美国的旅游市场调研公司PhoCusWright的一份报告显示,亚太地区在线预定数量的增长速度是整个旅游市场的两倍。到今年年末,这一数字将会占到预定总量的25%。

    According to a report by PhoCusWright , a U.S. - based travel market research company , the number of online bookings in Asia-Pacific is growing twice as fast as the overall travel market . By the end of this year , they 're projected to make up 25 % of all travel bookings .

  2. 旅游地市场调研模式研究

    Study on Model of Marketing Research of Tourist Destination

  3. 本文研究的旅游地市场调研的模式适用于不同类型的旅游地,模式具有普遍意义。

    Model of marketing research of tourist destination is applicable with different kind of tourist destination , so model have universal sense .

  4. 旅游需求是旅游供求市场中的重要组成部分,通过对上海国内旅游市场的问卷调研,重点分析了上海国内旅游者的人口统计学特征、行为决策、时空分布规律和需求结构。

    Tourism demand is an important component part of tourism market . According to the survey of questionnaire on Shanghai national tourism market , this paper especially analyses domestic tourists ' demography characteristic , their travel behavior , space-time distribution regularity and demand structure in Shanghai .