
  • 网络enterprise survey;Business Surveys;establishment survey
  1. 文中对企业调查数据进行了统计分析。

    The statistic analysis has been carried out for enterprise survey data in the thesis .

  2. 本文在实际企业调查数据的基础上,分析了长三角中小企业2009年所处的市场环境。

    The paper analyzes the market environment of SMEs in Yangtze River Delta in2009 based on the data of enterprise survey .

  3. 通过GSP认证后陕西省药品经营企业调查研究

    Investigation on Shanxi Provincial Drug Handling Enterprises after Passing GSP Authentication

  4. 第四章:利用158家企业调查数据,对被调查企业的总体情况进行了描述,初步分析了影响食品企业通过HACCP认证意愿的因素及其相互关系。

    Chapter 4 , We describe the total character of the enterprise make use of 158 business enterprises inquisition data , analysis factor that influence the will of food plant to pass the attestation of HACCP .

  5. 企业调查显示新增出口订单处于萎缩状态。

    Business surveys show new export orders contracting .

  6. 可方便实现企业调查总队的问卷收集和处理工作。

    Can facilitate the achievement of the business survey questionnaire Corps collection and processing .

  7. 本文通过对无锡、扬州两地37家农村企业调查,分析了无锡和扬州两地农村小企业融资存在的一些共性:正规金融市场贷款与企业规模、地域有关;

    This paper examines the financing situations of rural small enterprises in Wuxi and Yangzhou .

  8. 合资企业调查启示录

    Enlightenment from the Joint Venture Survey

  9. 在下周公布的4月份企业调查报告中,我们应该能看到这方面更清楚的迹象。

    We should see clearer signs of this in next week 's business surveys for the month of April .

  10. 在对冷连接产品、市场和企业调查的基础上,进行目标市场的细分和定位;

    Probing into cold joint products , market and enterprises has laid a basis for partitioning , prioritizing and positioning .

  11. 问卷调查环节是与浙江省企业调查队合作进行的,选择了浙江省500余家企业作为本文实证研究的样本。

    The step of survey is done in collaboration with Zhejiang Enterprise Survey Team , choosing above 500 corporations as the swatch .

  12. 犯罪嫌疑人王某向工友吹牛,把自己曾抢劫出租车的事说了出来,民警在企业调查时获得线索将其抓获;

    Suspect Wang boasts to the co-worker , once robbed rental cars matter oneself saying that police when enterprise investigation obtains the clue to capture it ;

  13. 笔者通过对××市区部分重点企业调查,了解到现行固定资产折旧制度存在的一些问题。

    By investigating part of the key enterprises of Jiangmen city , the author has discovered some problems which exist in the current fixed assets depreciation system .

  14. 本文主要在深层次地环境调查和企业调查,收集研究分析所需资料的基础上,采用波特的五因素模型分析公司所处的外部环境。

    The article mainly analyse enterprise outside environment with POTER 5 elements model on basis of deep research of environment and enterprise , collection and study of data .

  15. 本文利用1999&2001年最新的企业调查数据,分析了中国工业结构调整对其生产效率和就业吸纳的影响。

    Using the 1999 & 2001 data from recent firm surveys , this paper analyzes the impacts of China 's industrial restructuring on its efficiency and labor allocation .

  16. 这消息出自于美国联邦储备委员会最新的企业调查,结果发现在全国各地大多数地区,经济活动有所回稳或改进。

    That 's the message implicit in the Federal Reserve 's latest survey of businesses around the country , which found economic activity stabilizing or improving in most regions .

  17. 在对山东省医药行业和企业调查的基础上,本文研究了目前的形势并指出了创造名牌中应注意的问题。

    Based on investigating medicine industry and enterprises in Shandong province , the paper studies the present situation and points out problems which should be noticed in famous brand creating .

  18. 对上海市相关企业调查的目的在于了解企业电子商务的应用状况以及电子商务对企业流程带来的冲击。

    The purpose of the survey related to the Shanghai enterprises was to understand the situation of the e-business applications and the impact of e-business on the business processes . 2 .

  19. 在定制课程排名使用的11项企业调查指标中,杜克有7项排名第一,其中包括受调查者最重视的一项指标“课程目标实现程度”。

    Duke scored highest on seven of the 11 corporate survey criteria used in the custom ranking , including the one considered most important by survey respondents , achievement of course aims .

  20. 本文运用实地调查与文献研究的方法,通过企业调查、专家咨询等形式,对我国目前生产力发展水平下农田生态系统农作物能耗评价指标体系进行了重建。

    The evaluation index system for crop energy consumption in farmland ecosystem was reconstructed under our current productivity level via enterprise survey and experts consultation by the method of field survey and literature research .

  21. 按照各种测算方法所依据的数据的来源和特征的不同,本文把产能和产能利用率的测算方法分为两大类:基于宏观经济统计数据的测算方法与基于微观企业调查结果的测算方法。

    Based on different data sources and characteristics , capacity and capacity utilization rate estimation methods are divided into two main categories : estimation methods based on macroeconomic statistical data and estimation methods based on enterprises survey results .

  22. 据中国企业调查系统的调查,我国企业因内部控制系统失败而破产的比例达到68%,民营企业更是达到了80%。

    According to the survey of the CBIS , the proportion of fall through of the Chinese business as a result of internal control thrashing is up to 58 % , private enterprise still more is being up to 80 % .

  23. 企业形象调查是企业导入CIS的重要前期准备工作。

    Corporate image research is the vital preliminary phase for the implementation of CIS .

  24. 本文由协同产品商务的概念出发,结合对单件小批生产的机械制造企业的调查,对适合此类制造企业的CPC系统进行了设计与应用的研究。

    This paper brings forward a new framework of CPC ( Collaborative Product Commerce ) systems in make-to-order manufacturing enterprise .

  25. 这项调查是由波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup)以及多个俄罗斯和外国商会协助设计的,并以对俄罗斯全国各地企业的调查为基础。

    The survey is designed with the help of Boston Consulting Group and a number of Russian and foreign business associations and based on polls among companies across the country .

  26. 安倍晋三将其有关上调消费税的决定与修正GDP估值的结果以及其他数据联系在一起,例如日本央行(BankofJapan)将于10月1日公布的企业信心调查。

    Mr Abe has linked his decision on the tax to the outcome of the revised GDP estimate , as well as other data such as a survey of business sentiment by the Bank of Japan due on October 1 .

  27. 根据对314家制造企业的调查结果,使用SPSS统计软件,通过相关性分析和层次调解回归分析,研究绿色供应链管理与企业绩效之间的关系以及质量管理对其的影响。

    Based on the investigation of 314 manufacturing enterprises , this paper studies relationship between practice and performance of green supply chain management through correlation and hierarchical moderating regression analysis , using SPSS statistics software .

  28. 敦豪与澳大利亚贸易委员会(dhl/austrade)近期对300家澳大利亚企业的调查显示,只有5%的小型出口商在使用货币对冲。

    A recent DHL / Austrade survey of 300 Australian companies showed only 5 per cent of small exporters were using currency hedging .

  29. 该文采用造纸企业的调查数据,利用随机前沿生产函数的方法,分析了造纸企业的技术效率及其影响因素,同时在影响因素中引入COD收费率指标分析环境政策对企业效率的影响。

    Based on the survey data of 126 paper mills chosen from six provinces of China , using a stochastic frontier production model , the paper analyzes the technical efficiency and effect factors , besides , index of COD is introduced in the analysis of effect of environmental policy .

  30. 分别给出了非参数GMDH的系列方法,包括:自组织模糊规则归纳(FRI)、客观聚类分析(OCA)和相似体合成(AC)用于企业市场调查数据分析的算法步骤。

    Produced algorithm steps separately from non-parameter GMDH , including Self-Fuzzy Rule Induction using GMDH ( FRI ), Objective Cluster Analysis ( OCA ) and Analog Complexing ( AC ) used in the enterprise market investigation data analysis .