
  • 网络Corporate identity;cis;corporate identify
  1. 运用公共关系基本原理,把企业识别系统CIS策划引入地区形象塑造实务,研究重庆县域城镇形象建设问题。

    Applying the fundamental principles of public relations , this paper introduces the Corporate Identity System ( CIS ) into district image projection .

  2. 企业识别设计是美的设计,其中MIS属设计美的内容;

    Corporate identity design is the aesthetic design , in which MIS is the content of design aesthesia , BIS and VIS is the form of aesthesia design .

  3. CIS是英文CorporateIdentitySystem的缩写,即企业识别系统,或称为企业形象。


  4. 该方法对协助企业识别和设计有价值的Web服务具有重要意义,并为建立企业内ERP系统与企业间电子商务系统之间的集成提供了有效支持。

    This method provides great significance to help enterprises identifying and designing valuable business services .

  5. 企业识别系统(简称CIS)是企业发展的重要战略之一。

    CIS is one of the significant strategies for enterprise development .

  6. 借鉴CIS理论提出了房地产实行统一的企业识别系统的设想。

    From CIS unified theory made real estate enterprises customary identification system vision .

  7. CIS企业识别系统在高校体育团体中的实践与应用

    Application of Corporation Identification System in Sports Organization

  8. 企业识别系统(CIS)在高校图书馆中的应用,有利于塑造独特的图书馆形象。

    The application of CIS in university libraries may help to mold the unique library image .

  9. Ⅵ(VisualIdentity)视觉识别系统是企业识别系统(CIS)三要素其中之一,是企业信息传播的一项系统工程,主要通过视觉传达的方式得以外化。

    Visual Identity System is one of the three elements of the Corporate Identity System ( CIS ), and it is a systematic project for corporate information dissemination that conveys information by visual transmission .

  10. 企业识别系统(corporateidentifysystem,CIS)已逐步应用于医院文化建设,起着内聚人心、外塑形象的作用,但医院文化的丰富内涵也同样决定了CIS的局限性。

    Corporate Identify System ( CIS ) now plays a key role in the construction of hospital culture . On the other side , the CIS also has some limitations due to the complication of hospital culture .

  11. 将企业识别系统(CI)理论中的视觉识别系统(Ⅵ)概念加以发展提炼,将其部分内涵延伸移植到水泥工厂的建筑设计过程当中。

    Based on the philosophy of Visual Identity ( VI ) system from Corporate Identity ( CI ) theory , the author transplanted partial intentions of VI to architectural design in cement plant .

  12. CI(企业识别系统)作为企业或者品牌进行形象策划、设计、传播和管理的战略、方案和手段,越来越被企业界所重视。

    CI ( corporate identity system ) as a corporate or brand image planning , design , communication and management strategies , programs and tools , more and more valued by the business community .

  13. 本文阐述了从企业识别CI到品牌识别BI到产品识别PI的概念发展历程,重新确立了产品识别在IT设备制造企业的重要地位。

    After looking back on the historical evolution of Corporation Identity , Brand Identity , and Product Identity , the significance of product identity in the IT industry , especially in communication equipments manufacture , is reaffirmed here .

  14. CIS,即企业识别系统是在企业界发展比较成熟的形象塑造工具,对于塑造大学品牌形象同样具有十分的借鉴意义。它包括MI即理念识别、BI行为识别、VI视觉识别三项主要活动。

    CIS , Corporation Identity System , which includes MI , Mind Identity , BI , Behavior Identity and VI , Visual Identity , is the image-shaping tools developed in industries , and is referentially meaningful in the establishment of University Brand .

  15. 基于数字媒体的企业识别系统研究

    A Study on the Corporate Identity System Based on Digital Media

  16. 然后,确定品牌的核心价值,建立企业识别;

    Furthermore confirm the core value of brand , form the CI ;

  17. 企业识别系统设计美的表现研究

    The Study on the Expression of Aesthesia Design in Corporate Identity System

  18. 企业识别系统中的企业名称、品牌名称、标志同一化趋势

    Identity Trend of Enterprise Name , Brand Name , and Logo in EIS

  19. 星级饭店企业识别系统研究

    Research for Star Hotels ' Corporation Identity System

  20. 企业识别系统与品牌的塑造

    The Corporate Identity System and the Brand Name

  21. 企业识别市场机会的营销技巧

    Marketing skills for enterprise to recognize market opportunities

  22. 产品形象识别隶属于企业识别、品牌识别范畴。

    The product identification belongs to the category of corporate identity and brand identity .

  23. 企业识别标志与商业艺术性

    Identification Sign of Enterprise and Art of Business

  24. 新闻媒体经营管理与企业识别系统

    Mass Media Management and Corporate Identity System

  25. 企业识别系统的建立与更新

    Establishment and Renewal of Corporate Identity System

  26. 企业识别系统中的环境、资源观及其形象设计

    The Outlook on the Environment & Resources in Corporate Identity System and Its Image Design

  27. 企业识别与品牌价值构筑

    Corporate Identity and Brand Equity

  28. 这一特点也体现在数字媒体与企业识别系统的关系上。

    The similar relationship can also be found between digital media and the corporation identity system ( CIS ) .

  29. 企业识别。:。消费者通过公司的标识、设计和视觉形象确立的对公司的印象。

    Corporate identity perception consumers have of a company created by its logo , design , and visual image .

  30. 企业识别系统正是联系企业与消费者、品牌识别与品牌形象的中间链条。

    Corporate identity system is the middle chain that integrates among corporation and consumer , brand identity and brand image .