
  • 网络temporary help employment
  1. 人才派遣新型就业用工形式在我国迅速发展,随着人才派遣员工规模不断扩大,人才派遣员工管理逐渐成为理论和实践领域面临的一个现实课题。

    As a new type of employment , personnel dispatching develops rapidly in China . It has become a practical research topic of the managerial domain .

  2. 在国内,FESCO又以由政府投资建立的身份向外资企业派遣员工,促进就业,规避用工风险。

    At home , FESCO dispatches employees to the foreign-funded enterprises , promotes employment and evades the risk of employment .

  3. 劳动派遣以其扩大就业、灵活就业等优势,发展迅速。

    Labor dispatching is developing rapidly as it benefits to the enlarging and nimble employment .

  4. 本研究成果也可为其他企业提高劳务派遣用工管理水平,改善派遣制员工就业质量,缓解劳资矛盾,促进企业在人力资源管理方面的健康可持续发展提供参考借鉴。

    The research result can also be used by other enterprises for reference to enhance the management level of labour dispatch recruitment , improve employment quality of dispatched labourer , and promote the healthy and sustainable development of human resource management of the company .

  5. 限制劳务派遣的适用范围,要限制劳务派遣制度的就业岗位,同时从行业类型上进行限制,还要对劳务派遣期限加以限制。

    Limit the scope of labor dispatching system , to limit the jobs , while type restrictions from industry , but also to labor dispatching time limit .

  6. 劳务派遣的出现引起了广泛的争议,正面评价大体为劳务派遣能够促进就业、丰富就业形势、节省企业劳动开支、增强企业活力。

    The emergence of labor dispatch has caused widespread controversy , the positive evaluation is that it can promote employment , rich the employment situation , save the labor cost and enhance the vitality of enterprises .

  7. 劳动力派遣的出现,帮助用工单位节省管理成本,增加用工弹性,拓宽派遣人员的就业渠道,缓解社会就业压力,促进人力资源配置等方面,发挥了积极的作用。

    The emergence of labor dispatch play an active role in witch it could help the employment units to save the costs of management , increase labor flexibility , expand employment channels , decrease the employment pressure and promote the allocation of resources .

  8. 目前,我国劳务派遣尚处于起步阶段,由于我国劳动力供大于求,从长远看仍然有较大发展潜力,劳务派遣将在促进就业方面发挥越来越重要的作用。

    At present , labor dispatching in China is still in the initial stage . In the long run , labor dispatching will develop greatly due to oversupply of labor .