
pài shēnɡ xū qiú
  • Derived Requirements;derived demand
  1. 造船市场需求是一种派生需求,受造船市场内外部环境影响,具有极强的周期波动性。

    Shipbuilding market demand is a kind of derived demand with great fluctuation .

  2. 文章根据劳动经济学的派生需求理论,证明工资通过4个渠道对劳动力就业造成影响。

    Based on the theory of derived demand in Labor Economics , the paper examines the influences of wage changes on employment in four aspects .

  3. 作为货物贸易派生需求的运输服务贸易也日益活跃起来。

    Trade in transportation services which is derivative demand as trade in goods is also increasingly active .

  4. 第三方物流是随着经济全球化进程的迅速发展而出现和发展起来的一种新的物流形态,是商品经济发展的一种派生需求,与经济发展密切相关。

    The Third Party Logistics is a new form of logistics developing in the process of the global integration of economy .

  5. 在此层级的每一级上,我们将使用功能分析来派生需求,并用工程方法来得出有效性度量。

    At every level of the hierarchy , we would use functional analysis to derive requirements and engineering methods to derive measures of effectiveness .

  6. 随着中国经济的健康发展和世界经济一体化进程的深化,公路客运作为其派生需求,已成为中国大城市迈进21世纪、保持经济可持续发展面临的世纪难题。

    With the development of economy , both in China and in the world , passenger transportation by bus has been becoming the " century problem ", which Chinese big cities have to face in order to keep economy develop steadily .

  7. 国际干散货航运市场作为世界经济和贸易的派生需求,行情常常受到世界经济波动、政治事件、自然条件等因素的影响,干散货航运企业也因此增加了经营风险。

    As other cargo transporting market , the international dry bulk cargo shipping market which is engendered by the world 's economy and international trade , is influenced by world political event , economic fluctuation and natural factors , it increases the business risks of shipping enterprises .

  8. 采用模型转换语言形式化定义了从产品功能需求模型自动派生领域功能需求模型的规则。

    We formalize the rules of deriving domain functional requirements models from product functional requirements models using model transformation languages .