
  1. 论文由假日旅游市场需求与供给的现状入手,对我国的假日旅游市场进行了SWOT分析,认为其优势在于资源丰富;产业规模扩大;

    Through the SWOT analysis of the holiday tourism market in China , the advantages are found & natural resources are abundant , the industrial scope is enlarging , the domestic demands are stimulated .

  2. 中国滑雪旅游市场需求研究

    A Study on Demand of Skiing Resorts in China Skiing Tours

  3. 浅析国内旅游市场需求新趋势

    An Analysis on New Tendencies of Demand on Domestic Tourism Market

  4. 中国入境旅游市场需求的影响因素研究

    The Analysis on Affecting Factors of Chinese Inbound Tourism Market Demand

  5. 基于组合模型的陕西省旅游市场需求预测

    Forecasting of tourism demands of Shaanxi Province based on combined model

  6. 适应旅游市场需求弘扬民族文化教育&浅论土家族民歌与旅游专业音乐教学

    Adapting to Tourism Market Enhancing National Culture Education TOURISM INFORMATION

  7. 以旅游市场需求为导向设计、开发旅游餐饮产品;

    To design and exploit tourism-catering-product according to demands of tourism market ;

  8. 通过市场调查对广州旅游市场需求情况进行了分析。

    Through market surveys conducted an analysis of tourist market demand in Guangzhou .

  9. 第三部分,赤峰市旅游市场需求分析。

    The third part is the analyses of the tourism demand in Chifeng .

  10. 对旅游市场需求的灵活快速反应与管理创新

    Agile Response to Tourist Demand and Management Innovation

  11. 无锡老年人旅游市场需求与开发研究

    Research on Demand and Development of the Segmentation for Senior Tourists in Wuxi City

  12. 上海城市居民乡村旅游市场需求实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Market Demand towards Rural Tourism of Shanghai Urban Residents

  13. 都市自驾车旅游市场需求特征研究&以长沙市为例

    The Characteristics of Market Demand for City Self-Driving Tour with the Case of Changsha City

  14. 旅游市场需求与旅游产品的开发设计

    On the Development Model of Tourist Products

  15. 随着旅游市场需求的多样化,给旅游产品开发提出了更高的要求。

    As the diversity of the needs of travelling industries , higher demand of travelling products is needed .

  16. 只有把握旅游市场需求和变化趋势,才能开拓出有生命力的旅游产品。

    We can not develop vibrate tourism product without a good mastery of the need and the trend of tourism market .

  17. 了解游客的出游动机和心理需求可以准确把握乡村旅游市场需求。

    Finding out the motivation and psychological needs of tourists can help us to make clear the market demand of rural tourism .

  18. 旅游市场需求预测常见的方法有:时间序列预测法和因果模型预测法。

    Common forecasting method of travel demand is based on the mathematical model : statistical time series prediction method and causal model prediction .

  19. 本文通过建立计量经济学模型来分析影响中国入境旅游市场需求的各种主要因素,并评价其发生变化时可能对中国入境旅游市场需求产生的影响。

    The objectives of the article are to analyze the all kinds of main factors that affect inbound tourism demand of China through econometric model .

  20. 随着旅游市场需求的日益多样化,我国旅行社业的竞争日趋激烈,经营绩效日益降低。

    With increasing diversity of tourist market demand , the competition in our domestic travel agent industry is becoming increasingly fierce and the business performance is decreasing day after day .

  21. 如何顺应旅游市场需求的变化,开发新产品,延长产品的生命周期,成为了传统风景名胜区亟待解决的问题。

    How to conform to the changes of market demands , how to develop new products and how to prolong the life cycle of products have become urgent problems in the traditional scenic spots .

  22. 随着国内外旅游市场需求的日益旺盛、旅游投资热情的高涨和西部大开发战略的逐步推进,西北民族地区旅游业的发展前景十分广阔。

    With the sharp increase of market demand and the rising of investment in tourism , as well as the implementation of the West Development Strategy , tourism in these regions will have an extensive and favorable developing prospect .

  23. 要进一步开发德国市场,应针对德国旅游市场需求,多层次、全方位地宣传桂林,树立大桂林旅游形象,进一步细分市场,加强国际合作,努力培养旅游高级人才。

    To develop German market further , should aim at German travel market demand , propagate Guilin all directionally , set up Guilin travel image , divide into market further carefully , strengthen international cooperation , train travel high grade talent with great efforts .

  24. 因此,如何顺应旅游市场需求的变化,不断更新和再生其吸引力因素,开发新产品,延长产品的生命周期,成为了当今旅游基础理论和方法研究的前沿课题。

    Therefore , how to renew and refresh the products ' attraction to conform the change of the tourism market ? how to develop new products and prolong the products ' lifecycle ? These issues have become the latest study in tourism basic theory and method .

  25. 此外,本文还应用市场学的分析方法研究了乡村旅游的市场需求、产品类型和开发模式。

    In addition , market demands , product types and developing models of rural tourism are also studied with the application of market theories .

  26. 近年来,随着走出城市,走进田园,回归自然呼声的日益高涨,古镇旅游的市场需求开始逐步旺盛。

    In recent years , with the rising voice of " out of the city into the countryside , back to nature ", the market demand of ancient towns gradually became strong .

  27. 本文旨在运用计量分析的方法来研究中国入境旅游市场的需求及其变化趋势,建立计量模型来预测中国入境旅游人数。

    This thesis is trying to apply quantitative analysis to study the demand of Chinese inbound travel market and its variation tendency , and to create metrics models to predict the number of inbound visitors of China .

  28. 根据调查问卷以及各年份年鉴数据统计,分析库车县文化旅游市场的需求现状,并从性别、年龄、职业等方面对旅游者购买行为进行分析。

    According to the investigation and statistical of yearbook , analyzing demand situation of market of culture tourism in kuqa , and analyzed tourists buying behavior from such aspects , eg : sex , age , vocational and so on .

  29. 首先,简要介绍数据挖掘技术的发展现状及常用算法;其次,分析海南旅游市场实际需求,建立系统结构;再次,通过算法及代码实现系统功能模块;最后,测试系统功能及性能。

    Firstly it introduces the present situation of data mining techniques and frequently-used algorithms . Secondly it analyses the market demand of Hainan tourism and builds up the system construction . Thirdly it realizes the system function modul through algorithms and code .

  30. 北京市乡村旅游市场潜在性需求研究

    Potential Demand Analysis of the Rural Tourism Market in Beijing