
  • 网络flexible employees
  1. 灵活就业人员及其社会保障对策研究

    A Study on the Question of the Social Security for the Flexible Employees

  2. 目的:探讨灵活就业人员参加社会基本医疗保险的可及性。

    Purpose The paper has discussed the accessibility of participating in social basic health insurance of flexible employees .

  3. 职业伤害保障试点我国将以出行、外卖、即时配送等行业的平台企业为重点,组织开展平台灵活就业人员职业伤害保障试点。

    The country will carry out pilots to offer occupational injury insurance for the flexibly employed in ride-hailing , food delivery , and instant delivery platform enterprises .

  4. 完善灵活就业人员社会保险制度研究

    Improve the Flexibility in Employment Study of the Social Insurance System

  5. 灵活就业人员医疗保险典型问题剖析

    Analysis of Typical Issues about Medical Insurance for Free Employees

  6. 灵活就业人员的社会保障问题分析

    An Analysis on Issue of Social Security for Flexible Employment

  7. 灵活就业人员医疗保险现状调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of health insurance of flexible employee

  8. 灵活就业人员医疗保障政策难点分析

    Challenges of health insurance policy for flexible employees

  9. 对太原市灵活就业人员的主要形式和特点两个方面展开分析。

    Taiyuan flexible employment officers of the main forms and features two area analysis .

  10. 最后,提出如何完善我国灵活就业人员社会保障制度的建议。

    Lastly , it proposes on how to complete the social security system of flexible employees .

  11. 针对这种情况,灵活就业人员的社会保障问题被提到议事日程上来。

    In response , flexible employees ' social security problems has been putting on the agenda .

  12. 本文主要研究的是中低收入的灵活就业人员的养老保险问题。

    This research is mainly targeted at the issue of endowment insurance of flexible employees with mid-or-low income .

  13. 并在此基础上,对目前灵活就业人员的医疗保险制度提出了思考和建议。

    On the ground , the paper proposes some suggestions for the current basic health insurance securities for flexible employees .

  14. 工会应关注灵活就业人员、进城务工人员的社会保险问题

    The Trade Union should give the concerns to the social insurance problem of the flexible employment personnel and the migrant workers

  15. 目前灵活就业人员医疗保险正在各地展开,并取得一定的成效,但也存在一些问题。

    Since the scheme of health insurance targeting flexible employees launches , the achievement has been obtained , but with some problems .

  16. 将灵活就业人员纳入基本医疗保险,是目前我国社会保险扩面工作的一项重点工作。

    Making free employees participate in basic medical insurance is key work for social medical insurance to broaden the scope of insurants .

  17. 在全国范围内存在约1亿人以上的灵活就业人员,但大部分没有得到基本的社会保障。

    There are more than 100 million flexible employees exists nationwide , but the majority has not got the basic social security .

  18. 灵活就业人员规模日益扩大,其社会保障问题,尤其是医疗保险问题日益突出。

    The growing flexible employees are confronting with the issues of social security , especially the issue of health insurance more significant .

  19. 首先是依靠法律制度来维护灵活就业人员权益,防止少数单位的政策投机现象。

    First of all , depending upon the legal regime to maintain the flexible employees ' rights prevent the minority policy congenial phenomenon .

  20. 在原因分析的基础上,笔者提出了提高吉林省灵活就业人员社会养老保险参保率的相关对策。

    Based on the analysis in the cause , the author proposed to improve the province flexible employment rate of social pension insurance-related measures .

  21. 合理的医疗保险制度安排可以提高灵活就业人员的医疗保险需求。传统医药仍是摩梭社会主要的医疗工具;

    The sound arrangement of the urban employees ′ primary medical insurance can increase the demand on the medical insurance of the flexible employees .

  22. 最后,针对前面所提出的问题,提出建立和完善城镇灵活就业人员社会保险制度的思路和措施。

    Finally , the issues raised earlier , proposed the establishment and improvement of employed in a flexible system of social insurance ideas and measures .

  23. 这不仅损害了灵活就业人员参加基本养老保险的基本权益,也不利于我国社会保险事业的长远发展。

    This will damage the benefit of the flexible employees to attend endowment insurance and it is not good for the development insurance industry of our country .

  24. 参加基本养老保险的城镇职工、个体工商户和灵活就业人员,以下统称为被保险人。

    Urban employees , individual industrial and commercial households and persons in flexible employment who participate in basic pension insurance shall be hereinafter together referred to as the insured .

  25. 据此结论,笔者从现行社会养老保险制度设计因素、灵活就业人员的个人因素、以及其他因素等方面分析了导致灵活就业人员社会养老保险参保率低的原因。

    Accordingly conclusion , the author from the system design factors , personal factors , other factors , analysis of the resulting flexible employment rate of social pension insurance reasons .

  26. 结果:灵活就业人员对社会医疗保险制度有很强的认同感与倾向,具有强烈的意愿参加社会基本医疗保险;

    Result : The flexible employees has strong acceptance and incline to the system of social health insurance , and the strong will of participating in social basic health insurance ;

  27. 提高各类所有制企业的参保率,统一城镇个体工商户和灵活就业人员的参保办法,扩大社会保险覆盖范围。

    We will extend coverage of social security programs to more employees of enterprises under all forms of ownership and to self-employed people and people without fixed employment in urban areas .

  28. 为了保障灵活就业人员的老年基本生活,降低未来不确定性风险,应该建立和完善适合灵活就业人员的养老保险制度。

    In order to protect the flexible employment of the basic old age and reduce the risk of future uncertainty , we should establish and improve employment for flexible pension insurance system .

  29. 其后分析了灵活就业人员的特点、构成、分布和规模等基本状况,作为研究灵活就业人员社会保障问题的基础。

    Then , analysis is carried on the characteristics , the constitution , the distribution and the number of the flexible employees , which is the base theory to study social securities of flexible employees .

  30. 第3章介绍并分析了外国政府对灵活就业人员的社会保障政策及其特点,为我国研究灵活就业人员的社会保障问题提供借鉴和参考。

    In 3rd chapter , social security policy and its characteristic in other countries are introduced and analyzed , which provide models and experience for our country to study the social securities covering the same field .