
línɡ ɡǎn sī wéi
  • inspiration thinking
  1. 钱学森对灵感思维的建树

    Contribution of QIAN Xue-sen to Inspiration Thinking

  2. 论灵感思维的神经生理机制

    On The Physiological Mechanism of Inspiration Thinking

  3. 直觉与灵感思维的新思考

    The New Think on the Intuition and the Inspiration Thought

  4. 论灵感思维的心理学本质

    On the Psychological Essence of the Inspiration

  5. 灵感思维与中国翻译思维理论研究

    Inspiration Thinking and Chinese Translation Theory

  6. 浅谈灵感思维的运用

    On Application of Thinking of Inspiration

  7. 从认知角度来讲,非理性对应的是形象思维与灵感思维。

    In term of cognitive angle , non-rationality corresponds to thinking in image and inspiration thinking .

  8. 灵感思维与科学创造

    Inspiration Thinking and Scientific Creation

  9. 灵感思维的神经生理机制问题是关系到灵感思维是否存在的一个关键问题。

    The physiological mechanism of inspiration thinking is a key problem about discussing the existence of inspiration thinking .

  10. 灵感思维在翻译活动中的表现

    Image Thought in Translation

  11. 我已无数次地使用塔罗牌来为企业作直觉策略计划工具和刺激灵感思维。

    I have used tarot numerous times with businesses as an intuitive strategic planning tool and brainstorming process .

  12. 两个监控系统的矛盾运动,产生了灵感思维,从而推动着思维结构的发展。

    The paradoxical movement of two monitoring systems brings the inspiration thinking , thus , promotes the thinking formation develop .

  13. 第三章从形象思维和灵感思维两个方面论述了他有关创作思维的看法。

    Third chapters two aspect has discussed his view about creation thought from the thinking in images and inspiration thought .

  14. 我们认为,创造性思维本质上是艺术思维与科学思维碰撞与升华的灵感思维。

    It is pointed out that fundamentally creative thinking is inspiration thinking which is the integration of artistic and scientific thinking after collision and distillation .

  15. 在教学过程中既要具备抽象思维和形象思维的能力,还要具备灵感思维和直觉思维的能力。

    Teachers should not only have the abstract thought and the thinking in images , but also inspiration thought and intuition thought during their teaching .

  16. 灵感思维作为艺术思维方式的最高境界是翻译创造和译者主体性的集中表征。

    As the top state of artistic mode of thinking , inspiration is an intensive representation of the translation creation and the subjectivity of the translator .

  17. 在灵感思维中,灵感、直觉、顿悟这三者无论是从概念、事例还是它的发生机制来看,都是很相近的。

    In inspiration thinking , the inspiration , intuition , insight , these three are very close , no matter according to concept , example or its emergence mechanism .

  18. 从科学方法而言,袁隆平院士在科研中成功运用了信息联想、辨证分析、试验探索、灵感思维等方法。

    The following methods play a significant role in his research into a hybrid rice : information association , dialectical analysis , trial and probe , and inspiration and thinking .

  19. 探讨了殊途同归、自由创造、集体智慧、问题探究、灵感思维等5种创新思维方法在图书馆工作中的应用。

    This article explores five thought methods applied in library work including reaching the same goal by different routes , free creation , collective intelligence , problem probe and inspiration thought as well .

  20. 同时阐明了灵感思维的类型,以及情报研究人员培养灵感思维的途径等,目的在于提高情报研究工作的水平。

    At the same time , it clarifies the types of inspiration thinking , and the way through which the IA personnel develope their inspiration thinking , the purpose is to enhance the level of his IA work .

  21. 文中首先明确了创造性思维中的一个最基本的要素&灵感思维的含义,探讨了产生灵感思维的基础与条件,批判了误以为灵感思维是唯心主义的观点。

    The paper firstly defines the meaning of inspiration thinking & a basic element in creative thinking , approaches the basis and condition of producing the inspiration thinking , criticizes the viewpoint which mistakes the inspiration thinking as idealism .

  22. 狭义理解,创造性思维不是一种单一的思维,它是直觉思维、灵感思维、聚合思维、发散思维、抽象思维和形象思维的新颖、灵活的有机结合。

    Specifically speaking , it is not a single kind of thinking , but a novel , flexible and organic combination of intuitive thinking , inspirational thinking , aggregate thinking , emanative thinking , abstract thinking and visual thinking .

  23. 从创作过程看,怪诞艺术以反向思维中超凡脱俗的想象智慧,来激发艺术家的灵感思维,从而不断创造出新颖的绘画形象。

    View from the creative process , to reverse thinking in grotesque art of the imagination a sight to behold wisdom , and to stimulate thinking inspired the artist to continue to create a new image of the painting .

  24. 灵感思维是设计创新的过程中发挥着重要作用的一种思维方式,既不神秘,也非虚无,它作为一种常见的思维形式是客观存在的,往往起着升华和飞跃的作用。

    It is a very important thinking method in the process of design creation . It is not mysterious , but objectively exists , and often plays an important role in raising the design work into a higher level .

  25. 作为一个高智能化的视觉过程,地图综合中存在大量的形象思维和灵感思维内容,现有的理论和方法目前都不能很好地全面解决。

    Automated map generalization is a high intellectualized visual process , abundant visualize thought and inspiration thought exist in map generalization , at present , existing theory and methods can 't solve the problems of automated map generalization completely .

  26. 在广义热力学第二定律的基础上,利用耗散结构理论和类空关联事实,着重从物理学角度讨论了灵感思维的产生机制。

    Then , the mechanism is discussed on the inspiration thought , it attaches importance to the physical context by means of the spacelike correlation and the theory of dissipative structure based on the second law of generalized thermodynamics .

  27. 系统辩证思维、发散思维、逆向思维、直觉思维和灵感思维作为非线性思维方式的五种具体形式,它们在不同程度上的融合、互补使非线性思维方式展现出强大的生命力。

    As nonlinearity mode of thinking , whith system-dialectic thinking , diverge thinking > inverse thinking , intuition thinking and inspiration thinking mix together and add each other on the different level , that make nonlinearity mode of thinking to emerge a large life power .

  28. 本文设计的新的作战模拟系统,将计算机模拟、实兵模拟和图上作业与推演有机结合,充分发挥人的经验思维、灵感思维、辨证思维和形象思维能力和计算机快速计算的能力。

    The new Combat Simulation system designed in the paper integrates computer simulation , actual combat simulation and on-map operation and calculation . The ability of human 's experience thinking , inspiration thinking , and visualized thinking is also made good use of in the system .

  29. 广告创意是一种创造新意象、新意念和新意境的思维过程,是灵感思维随机闪现,并由确定性的逻辑思维和直观性的形象思维巧妙融合的创作过程和策略思想。

    Advertising creativity is a thought process which creates new images , new ideas and new artistic conceptions . Furthermore , it is a creative course and tactic idea in which inspirational thinking flashes at random and deterministic logical thinking merges ingeniously with visual thinking in images .

  30. 论述在数学教学中激发学生直觉思维的重要意义,并通过一个实例来探讨如何在讲解数学的定义和定理的同时,激发学生的灵感直觉思维。

    Inspiring the students to proceed intuitional thought is of importance in the course of mathematics teaching .