
  • 网络stereoscopic thinking;dimensional thinking;three-dimensional thinking
  1. 立体思维的研究具有重要的理论意义与实践意义:它是最佳的认识世界的思维模式,具有创新的品质;

    The research of stereoscopic thinking has important theoretical and practical significance .

  2. 立体思维是现时代的特征在思维模式中的反映

    Stereoscopic Thinking Is the Reflection of the Characteristics of the New Ages in the Thinking Mode

  3. 基于立体思维的企业VI创作与设计

    Enterprise Visual Identity Creation and Design on the Basis of Three-dimensional Thinking

  4. 以立体思维构筑保供电体系

    The construction of a guarantee system of supplying power by three-dimensional thinking

  5. 用立体思维观念制订《中国古代文学测试大纲》

    The Making of Test Outline in Ancient Chinese Literature with Cubic Thinking ;

  6. 干细胞研究中的多向立体思维方法

    Different Thought Way in Stem Cell Research

  7. 服装结构设计中的立体思维造像立体构成在服装造型设计中的作用

    3D Image Making in Garment Structural Design On Use of 3D Designing in Dress Style Design

  8. 创新的思维方式有线性思维、顺向思维、立体思维和换位思维。

    Innovation thinking is composed of linear thinking , straightforward thinking , dimensional thinking and transposition thinking .

  9. 医学创新人才必须注重交叉学科的学习、立体思维的培养、人文精神的培育。

    It is prerequisite for the innovative talents to learn the interdisciplinary and cultivate the tridimensional thought and the humanist spirit .

  10. 通过立体思维理论的研究探讨,将传统地理学的空间思维推向更加广阔的维度,在一定程度上突破了高中地理中较为单纯的区域空间。

    Through studying the stereoscopic thinking theory , it develops the stereoscopic thinking theory and breaks the relatively simple space of the senior school geography .

  11. 文章认为整个采写新闻的过程是一个新闻思维的过程,而且新闻思维是一种立体思维。

    The author believes that the gathering and writing of news is a process of thinking on news , which is a kind of multi-dimensional thinking .

  12. 音乐形式则表现为从单个音的线形思维(主调音乐)到多个音的立体思维(复调音乐),最后达到二者的共存;

    Musical forms have undergone from a single sound thinking ( homophony ) to a three-dimensional sound thinking ( polyphony ), and finally achieved both coexistence .

  13. 地理立体思维不仅考虑地理学的时间与空间双重性,还考虑思维过程中的系统性、完全性或整体性。

    Geography stereoscopic thinking considers not only the time and space of geography , but also the system of the thinking process , completeness or integrity .

  14. 这些都是空间可视化,立体思维的关键中心,这无疑会涉及的爱因斯坦被使用的理论之中。

    " These are crucial centers for spatial visualization , for three-dimensional thinking , that certainly would be involved in the theories that Einstein was working with ," Witelson said .

  15. 而且,立体思维可以实现从整体上研究刑事法,实现刑事一体化,刑事一体化是立体思维在刑事领域发展的必然结果。

    Moreover , it studies the criminal law as a whole , which realizes the integration of criminal law , an inevitable outcome , result of its utilization in the field .

  16. 理解语言的深层语义,就要进行立体思维,即在对方发出信息前,就把言语环境作为信息的一部分进行信息编码,预设出对方的心理意向性。

    In understanding the deep structure of language , three-dimensional thinking is required , which means coding the speech situation as a part of information and calculating psychological intention before one speaks .

  17. 树立时空整体观念,培养立体思维习惯,对于正确认识事物与科学处理问题具有重大意义。

    It is of great significance to adopt the integration concept of time and space and to train the three-dimenesional thinding habit for a correct understanding of matters and solving problems scientifically .

  18. 要切实提高学生的应用写作能力,就必须加强训练学生的思维能力,即非创造性思维、立体思维、创造性思维的训练。

    To improve students ' applied writing ability , it is essential to put emphasis on the exercising of thinking power which includes the exercising in non-creative thinking , stereo-thing and creative thinking .

  19. 创造性思维总是从主体所熟悉的单个的点、线、面开始,逐步拓展到事物的全体,形成立体思维,获得认识上的突破,完成创造的过程。

    Creative thinking always begins from the familiar main part 's single point , line and surface to develop the whole thing , form the chief thinking , get the understanding breakthrough and complete the creative process .

  20. 立体思维指导下的刑事一体化思想,具体到犯罪构成体系的构建,就是在犯罪构成体系内部实现实体法与程序法的一体化,它为犯罪构成体系构建提供了正确思路。

    When dealing with specific constitutional construction of crime , the theory of integration under 3-D thinking guidance refers to the unity of procedural and substantive laws within the system , which provides reasonable framework for its construction .

  21. 运用立体思维制订中国古代文学测试大纲,既可以克服已往测试的种种弊端,又能使该课程的检测与评价更加科学化、规范化、系统化、合理化。

    Making test outline in Ancient Chinese Literature with cubic thinking can not only overcome various drawbacks in previous tests , but also make the test and evaluation of the course more scientific , normalized , systematic and rationalized .

  22. 基于立体思维的滨海新城规划以浙江海盐滨海新城发展规划为例风景园林视角下的城市湿地恢复与利用以秦皇岛海滨国家森林公园湿地园为例

    Coastal Newtown Development Program According to Stereoscopic Thinking : the Case of Haiyan Coastal Newtown Conceptual Development Program The Restoration and Utilization of Wetland from the Perspective of Landscape Planning Landscape Planning Design of Wetland Park in National Seashore Forest Park , Qinhuangdao

  23. 科学的进步与科学方法的发展是协调进行的,科学方法的发展能从相当程度上反映出科学发展状况,因此对有机立体化学中的思维方式和研究方法做一历史分析是十分必要的。

    The scientific advance always keeps in step with the development of scientific approach and in return the progress of scientific approach reflects , to some degree , the scientific achievements .

  24. 启用“立体化训练”思维,以《钢琴全面训练基础教程》为载体,以期推进我国钢琴基础教学规范化进程。

    It 's advisable to initiate " three-dimensional training " thoughts based on Elementary Course for All-round Piano Training and to put forward the process of piano fundamental teaching standardization in China .