
  • 网络Nippon;Nippon Paint;nipponpaint
  1. 在这些供应商中,ICI和立邦漆是最进取的两间公司。

    ICI and Nippon are two most aggressive companies and both want to be No.

  2. 九十年代末,老人涂料在广东市场面临着ICI和立邦的激烈竞争,市场占有率在迅速下降。

    In 1990 's , Hempel is facing competition from ICI and Nippon , and the share of market has decline rapidly .

  3. 同年,互联网用户的批评迫使一条立邦漆(Nippon)广告的创意人员作了道歉,在这条广告中,一条龙从柱子上滑落下来。

    In the same year , criticism from internet users forced an apology from the creators of a Nippon paint advert that featured a dragon slipping down a pillar .

  4. 论公序良俗原则&从立邦漆龙图广告谈起

    The Principle of Public Order and Good Custom & On Nippon Dragon Advertisement

  5. 高原,弗吉尼亚州立邦联大学,美国。

    Yuan Gao , Virginia Commonwealth University , USA.

  6. 在很多亚洲国家,建国立邦的领袖们似乎更倾向于将职位传给更加聪明知性的女儿们,而不再传给碌碌无为的花花公子们。

    In Asian countries it now seems easier for a dynasty 's founder to pass over talentless playboys in favour of more intelligent and perceptive daughters .

  7. 价格策略方面,确定了以竞争为中心的定价目标,二线城市市场采取略低于立邦价格的高价值定价策略,工程市场则采取成本加成定价方法。

    In the price strategy , formulated a competition-oriented pricing goal , mid-tier products use the " high value " strategic pricing , and projects products adopt cost-plus pricing method .

  8. 创新是国家立邦之本,是企业兴旺的源泉,也是学生个体身心发展的需要,学校则是培养创新人才的摇篮。

    Innovation is the foundation essence of a country , a source of firms ' being prosperous , and a necessity for students ' physical and mental development . School is the cradle of cultivating innovative talents .