
  • 网络stereopsis;stereoscopic viewing;stereoscopy
  1. 侧脑室三维重建及立体观测

    3-D Reconstruction of Lateral Ventricles and Its Observation

  2. 中国人颅骨三维重建及立体观测

    Three-dimensional Reconstruction and Observation of Chinese Human Cranium

  3. 一个完整的海洋环境监测系统由海洋环境立体观测、数据通信与管理、数据处理与应用等三部分组成。

    An integral marine integrated monitoring system consists of three parts including marine environment integrated observation , digital communication and management , and data processing and applications .

  4. 本文用了1999年夏季中国首次北极科学考察队对海冰、大气和海洋进行的同步和准同步的综合立体观测所获取的资料,研究海冰在海气相互作用中扮演的角色。

    Synchronous or quasi synchronous three dimensional sea ice air comprehensive observation was conducted during China 's First Arctic Expedition in summer of 1999 . Based on the data from that expedition the role sea ice plays in sea air exchange was studied .

  5. 当全球海洋科学进入多学科立体化观测时代,智能化的测试技术为海洋观测提供了更好的保障。

    When global ocean science goes in a multidisciplinary and three-dimensional age , intelligent test technology can supply better ensure for marine observe .

  6. 强化提高了海洋灾害防御能力,初步建成了海洋环境立体化观测网络;

    The capacity of ocean disaster prevention has been intensified and improved , and a multi-dimensional surveillance network for ocean environment is established preliminarily .

  7. 强化的途径是,对现有布局作适当的调整与优化,布设电磁波与断层土壤气为主的前兆台网,建设地下流体综合观测站与构筑地震前兆的立体化观测系统。

    The measure taken here includes modifying and optimizing the existing network , adding the EM wave precursor and fault-soil-gas precursor observation stations , and establishing the comprehensive ground-fluid observation stations , finally formed a three-dimensional observation system of seismic precursory .