
  • 网络cubic kilometers
  1. 在近20×106a内有数百万立方千米的高温岩浆喷出地表,喷发速率约为0-03km3/a,对全球气候环境变化和生物灭绝产生巨大影响。

    In a period of nearly 20 × 10 6 a , millions of cubic kilometers of high_temperature magmas were erupted to the surface , which exerted notable impact on the global climatic environment and the extinction of living beings .

  2. 据《海洋学》相关研究记载,最新最准确的估计,海洋总水量为13.32亿立方千米。

    The latest , best estimate is 1.332 billion cubic kilometers , according to research published in the journal Oceanography .

  3. 流出这1立方千米的岩石

    that could flow out of a cubic kilometre of rock .

  4. 估计大约有4立方千米的矿物被送到了空中,并且在2-3年里才能散去。

    It is estimated that around 4 cubic km of material settled into the atmosphere where it stayed for 2 to 3 years .

  5. 考虑到目前每年粮食生产用掉7500立方千米水,而且水供应已经很紧张,这根本不是一个容易的任务。

    This is not any easy task , given that current water usage for food production is7,500 cubic kilometres per year and supplies are already scarce .

  6. 据美国科学期刊《水资源研究》的一项研究显示,2003至2009年间,土耳其东部至伊朗西部地区共失去了144立方千米的淡水。

    According to a study in Water Resources Research , an American scientific journal , between 2003 and 2009 the region that stretches from eastern Turkey to western Iran lost 144 cubic kilometres of fresh water .

  7. 同时,来自华盛顿大学在极地科学研究中心的研究指出,2010的的海冰体积为20300立方千米,比1979年以来的最低记录减少了38%。

    Meanwhile , research from the polar science centre at the University of Washington suggests that the volume of sea ice in March 2010 was 20300 cubic km , 38 % below the 1979 level when records began .

  8. 据美国科学期刊《水资源研究》的一项研究显示,2003至2009年间,土耳其东部至伊朗西部地区共失去了144立方千米的淡水。这相当于一个死海的容量,数字十分庞大。

    According to a study in Water Resources Research , an American scientific journal , between 2003 and 2009 the region that stretches from eastern Turkey to western Iran lost 144 cubic kilometres of fresh water . That figure is vast .

  9. 他们总结称,过去50年,如果水库没有蓄积1.08万立方千米的水量,由于冰层融化,全球变暖本来会导致海平面再升高3厘米。

    They concluded that global warming would have raised sea levels by an additional 3 cm over the past 50 years , as a result of melting ice , if 10,800 cubic kilometres of water had not be impounded in reservoirs .

  10. 他们发现在同样的14个月期间,冰层下湖泊溢出了1.7立方千米的水(相当于0.4立方英里),75公里(相当于45英里)长的伯德冰川的移动速度加快了10%。

    They discovered that during the same 14-month period that 1.7 cubic kilometers ( 0.4 cubic miles ) of water cascaded through subglacial waterways , the 75-kilometer ( 45-mile ) long glacier downstream picked up speed , moving about 10 percent faster .

  11. 总而观之,地球上的水约有13亿立方千米(33250万立方英里),然而人们对盛着这些水的江河海洋却仍知之甚少——对生活在其中的生物也一样。

    All said and done , there 's about 1.3 billion cubic kilometers ( 332.5 million cubic miles ) of water on the planet , and the seas and rivers and oceans that hold all that water are still some of the most poorly understood regions on Earth - and so are the creatures that live in them .

  12. 尽管地球拥有3.2亿立方英里(1333立方千米)水资源,我们的星球相比太阳系的其他星球而言简直就是一片沙漠。

    While Earth harbours about 320 million cubic miles ( 1333 cubic km ) of water , our planet is practically a desert compared to the rest of the Solar System .