
  • 网络volcano park
  1. 腾冲县最主要的风景区是热海景区和火山公园景区。

    Tengchong 's main points are the Thermal Sea Scenic Area and the Volcano Park Scenic Area .

  2. 夏威夷大岛火山国家公园(HawaiiVolcanoesNationalPark)在它的纳马卡尼帕伊奥营地提供帐篷和补给出租,从而帮露营者减轻负担。

    Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is helping campers take a load off at its Namakanipaio campground with a tent and supply rental option .

  3. 我住在海兹恩达梅里达旅馆(HaciendaMérida),是个农场/咖啡加工厂改造成的生态旅馆,位于马德拉斯火山国家公园(VolcanMaderasNationalPark)里面。

    I was staying at Hacienda M é rida , aformer farm / coffee-processing plant-turned-ecolodge located inVolcan MaderasNational Park .

  4. 这一季,拉森火山国家公园(LassenVolcanicNationalPark)内的曼扎尼塔露营内提供新的豪华住宿与晚餐套餐服务,牛排只是其中一项额外服务而已。

    The steaks are just one perk in the new Deluxe and Dinner Date amenity packages being offered at the Manzanita Lake camping cabins in Lassen Volcanic National Park this season .

  5. 这儿有著名的夏威夷火山国家公园。

    Here is the famous Hawaii Volcanoes National Park .

  6. 我们现在可是在火山口公园。

    We 're at the volcano park now .

  7. 炽热的熔岩流从夏威夷火山国家公园的启劳亚火山喷涌而出。

    A flow of glowing lava issues from Mount Kilauea in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park .

  8. 浮山&天然火山地质公园

    Mt. fushan ── natural Volcano Park

  9. 滨海火山地质公园旅游产品开发问题研究&以漳州滨海火山国家地质公园为例

    On Tourism Products Development of Binhai Geologic Park of Strand and Volcano & Take Binhai National Geologic Park of Strand and Volcano of Zhangzhou as an Example

  10. 在线,《康泰纳仕旅人》对于其它五个公园:缅因州的阿卡迪亚,亚利桑那州的大峡谷,阿拉斯加州的德纳里,科罗拉多州落基山脉和夏威夷的火山国家公园,提供了更多的信息。

    Online , Conde Nast Traveler has more information on five other parks : Acadia in Maine , Grand Canyon in Arizona , Denali in Alaska , the Rockies in Colorado and Volcanoes in Hawaii .

  11. 火山湖国家公园是唯一的国家公园在俄勒冈州。

    Crater Lake National Park is the only National Park in Oregon .

  12. 漳州滨海火山国家地质公园是我国第一批公布的11个国家地质公园之一,是滨海火山地质公园的典型代表。

    The national geologic park of strand and volcano of Zhangzhou is one of the 11 national geologic park s announced firstly in our country , and is a typical representative .

  13. 腾冲火山地热国家地质公园旅游开发研究

    Study the Value of Volcanoes and Terrestrial Heat Tengchong National Geological Park and Way of Realizing the Park 's Value

  14. 研究结果较好地反映了火山口国家森林公园旅游开发现状,与实际状况大致吻合,说明这一方法是可行的。

    Its results reflect the situation of tourism development in Crater National Forest park , and are fit for the fact , and the way is practical .

  15. 我第一次游览火山口湖国家公园的时候,我就想拍下一张图片,可以日后回顾,温习此次难忘之旅。

    Here on my first time visit to Crater Lake National Park , I wanted to leave with an image that I could look back on and remember the experience .

  16. 简单介绍了火山口国家森林公园的旅游资源.并从地理位置、旅游资源和客源市场三方面对其区位条件进行了评价.旨在为进一步开发火山口国家森林公园的旅游资源提供依据。

    We introduced the tourism resources of the Volcanic Crater National Forest Park . In order to provide the evidence of developing the tourism resources of the park . its area position was evaluated basing on three aspects : the geographic area .