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huǒ yàn
  • flame;blaze
火焰 [huǒ yàn]
  • [flame] 火的灼热发光的气化部分

火焰[huǒ yàn]
  1. 火焰可以算作不朽的宗教象征。

    The flame is a quasi-religious emblem of immortality .

  2. 两片火焰化作一处,腾起了几百英尺高的烈焰。

    The two sheets of flame clashed , soaring hundreds of feet high .

  3. 消防队员奋力扑救大楼中熊熊的火焰。

    Firemen tried to quench the flames raging through the building .

  4. 炉火吐出红色黄色的火焰。

    Red and yellow flames spurted out of the fire .

  5. 火焰熔化了一段铅管,燃着了漏出来的煤气。

    Flames melted a lead pipe and ignited leaking gas .

  6. 火焰现正在他们脚下蔓延。

    The flames were now licking at their feet .

  7. 着火后只有几分钟火焰就蔓延到房子的各个部分。

    The flames spread to all parts of the house within minutes of ignition .

  8. 火焰散发出炽热。

    The fire gave out a fierce heat .

  9. 飞机发动机喷出火焰。

    Flames spewed from the aircraft 's engine .

  10. 火焰的舌尖舔卷着绯红色的天空。

    The apex of the flames licked the crimson sky .

  11. 火焰呼呼地蹿到了几百英尺的高空。

    Flames roared hundreds of feet into the air .

  12. 我把灭火器对准了火焰,但没起作用。

    I directed the extinguisher at the fire without effect

  13. 尼娜好不容易挣脱出来,拿起枕头用力扑打火焰。

    Nina managed to free herself and began beating at the flames with a pillow

  14. 我看到火焰从屋顶冒了出来。

    I saw flames spurt from the roof .

  15. 到处是烟雾和火焰,根本无法进入住处。

    At every turn smoke and flame stopped efforts to get into the living quarters .

  16. 那套公寓被火焰吞噬。

    The flat is engulfed in flames .

  17. 这些火焰造成了对流漏斗,把许多微粒抛向上层大气。

    These fires create convection funnels , and throw a lot of particles into the upper atmosphere .

  18. 火焰毕剥作响。

    The flame sputters out .

  19. 火焰燃起时,犹如几条红色条纹映衬在淡褐色的墙上。

    The flames begin as a few streaks of red against the pale brown of the walls .

  20. 汤姆用灭火器把火焰扑灭。

    Tom doused the flames with a fire extinguisher .

  21. 火把的火焰在微风中摇曳。

    The torch flared in the breeze .

  22. 营火在火焰熄灭后闷烧了好几个小时。

    The campfire smouldered for hours after the blaze died out .

  23. 火山喷出火焰和岩浆。

    A volcano spouts flame and lava .

  24. 火焰从烟囱里轰轰地喷出来。

    The fire roars up the chimney .

  25. 火焰升腾。

    The flames leapt up .

  26. 从燃烧的房子中冒出了浓烟和火焰。

    Smoke and flames issued from the burning house .

  27. 火焰腾升而起。

    Flames rose high into the sky .

  28. 火焰吞没了帷帘。

    The flames devoured the curtains .

  29. 火焰旺炽。

    The fire was blazing .

  30. 有标准形状的灯泡、火焰形状的灯泡、彩色球形灯泡等等。

    There are standard-shaped bulbs , flame-shaped bulbs , colored globe-shaped bulbs , and more .