
huǒ chái
  • match;light
火柴 [huǒ chái]
  • [match] 在一端粘附上易燃混合物的一小根细木棍或其他相当结实的易燃材料,粘附上的易燃混合物经摩擦会发火并因此点燃

火柴[huǒ chái]
  1. 火柴的光照亮了他的脸。

    The flare of the match lit up his face .

  2. 火柴闪亮了一下就熄了。

    The match flared and went out .

  3. 你拿那些火柴做什么?把它们交给我。

    What are you doing with those matches ? Give them to me .

  4. 我划了根火柴点着了那封信,然后看着它燃烧。

    I put a lighted match to the letter and watched it burn .

  5. 如果你摆弄火柴,最后可能烧到自己。

    If you fool about with matches , you 'll end up getting burned .

  6. 火柴点燃后在燃烧过程中释放能量。

    The energy is released by combustion on the application of a match

  7. 用一个有尖的东西,比如折断的火柴棍。

    Use a pointed object such as a broken matchstick .

  8. 他划亮一根火柴,伸长胳膊举着。

    He struck a match , and held it at arm 's length .

  9. 他拿了根火柴为她点烟。

    He held a match while she lit up

  10. 罗比娜划着一根火柴去点壁炉里揉皱的报纸。

    Robina struck a match and held it to the crumpled newspaper in the grate .

  11. 我们贮存的火柴使完了。

    Our stock of matches is used up .

  12. 火柴受潮了。

    The matches have got damp .

  13. 他划了一根火柴。

    He struck a match .

  14. 将火柴放在煤气喷嘴上点燃煤气。

    Put a match to the jet to light the gas .

  15. 天黑了,他伸手去摸盒火柴。

    It was dark and he felt after a box of matches .

  16. 如果闻到煤气味,千万不要划火柴。

    Don 't strike a match if you smell gas .

  17. 要使木材堆放处或石油储存库燃起,一根火柴就够了。

    A match is sufficient to set ablaze the lumber yard or the oil depot .

  18. 火柴发出最后的亮光。

    The match gave a last flare .

  19. 你有火柴吗?

    Have you got some matches ?

  20. "我还没来得及弄到什么东西,火柴就熄灭了,"年轻人生气地说。

    " Before I could get something , the match had gone out , " the young man said angrily .

  21. 但在他发现什么之前,火柴熄灭了,房子立刻又变黑了。

    But before he found something , the match went out , and the house became dark again at once .

  22. 老人说,孩子,你的青春就像燃烧的火柴,只能持续很短的时间。

    The old man said , My boy , your youth is like the burning match , which can only last for a short time .

  23. 老人点燃了一根火柴,对年轻人说:"在火柴熄灭之前,在房子里随便挑点什么。"

    The old man lit a match and said to the young man , " Before the match goes out , pick something in the house as you like . "

  24. 墙边整齐地放着几堆引火柴。

    There were neat piles of kindling wood against the wall .

  25. 那孩子玩火柴时把手指烧伤了。

    The child scathe its fingers while playing with a match .

  26. 火柴发出闪光。

    The match gave a flare .

  27. 加州高速公路巡逻队后来报告发现一辆朝LakeArrowhead开的灰色的篷货车上有人从窗口丢出燃着的火柴。

    The California Highway Patrol a short time later reported that passengers in a gray van were allegedly seen flicking burning matches out the window as they drove toward Lake Arrowhead .

  28. 事实上,IKEA是由一个17岁的瑞典农家男孩英瓦·坎培德于1943年所创立的。在创业之初,他销售的东西从火柴、鱼类到圣诞装饰品等无所不包。

    In fact , IKEA was founded in1943 by a seventeen-year-old Swedish farm boy Ingvar Kamprad , who started out selling everything from matches to fish to Christmas decorations .

  29. 由YurkoGutsulyak设计的火柴日历。

    Yurko Gutsulyak has designed a calendar made of matches .

  30. 笔者通过对JP火柴厂工人的走访调查,结合相关文献,分析得出了火柴厂工人的心灵结构:苦难与光荣。

    The author through to visiting survey to the worker of the JP match factory , and related literatures , analysis of the structure of the mind come to match factory worker : suffering and glory .