
yā suō
  • compress;reduce;condense;zip;encapsulate;capsule;cut down;zip up;narrow down
压缩 [yā suō]
  • [compress] 加以压力,以减小体积、大小、持续时间、密度和浓度等

压缩[yā suō]
  1. 可以把大量的数据压缩到一张CD-ROM上。

    You can compress huge amounts of data on to a CD-ROM.

  2. 空气会压缩,但是刹车油不会。

    Air will compress but the brake fluid won 't.

  3. 我们得把这篇文章压缩到1000字。

    We need to cut the article down to 1 000 words .

  4. 这个行业可能还得进一步压缩。

    The industry may have to slim down even further .

  5. 主要的论证被压缩进了一个章节。

    The main arguments were compressed into one chapter .

  6. 我写的演讲原稿被压缩到了大约十分钟。

    The original speech I had written got boiled down to about ten minutes .

  7. 我已设法把清单上的项目压缩到了23项。

    I 've managed to narrow the list down to twenty-three .

  8. 压缩气体经冷却凝结成液态。

    The compressed gas is cooled and condenses into a liquid

  9. 压缩磁盘驱动器有助于人们管理重要信息。

    Zip drives help people to organise their important information .

  10. 国防专家说合作项目正迫于预算压力越来越受到压缩。

    Defense experts say joint projects are increasingly squeezed by budget pressures .

  11. 那三本书的内容全都压缩进一本书了。

    All those three books are compacted and compressed into one book .

  12. 压缩空气的喷吐使飞机的左右和前后都能保持稳定。

    Jets of compressed air gave the aircraft lateral and directional stability .

  13. 这4场辩论将被压缩到短短8天的时间,这是前所未有的。

    The four debates will be compressed into an unprecedentedly short eight-day period

  14. 我们已经学会了如何把重要的信息压缩成简短独立的句子。

    We have learnt how to condense serious messages into short , self-contained sentences

  15. 公司最近压缩了产品线。

    The company recently slimmed its product line .

  16. 英译本可能被压缩成了更具可读性的单行本。

    The English translation may have been condensed into a single more readable book .

  17. 压缩盘可以用来储存相当于3张音乐光碟容量的内容。

    Zip disks could be used to store the equivalent of three music CDs .

  18. 美国自1978年起禁止在喷雾剂压缩气体中使用含氯氟烃。

    By 1978 , in the USA , the use of CFCs in aerosol propellants was banned .

  19. 地方议会只得到了华盛顿已披露内容的压缩版。

    The Council was merely given a condensed version of what had already been disclosed in Washington .

  20. 下载的字体可能为压缩格式,如压缩文件包。

    When you download the font it may be in a compressed format , such as a zip file .

  21. 这一章可以压缩成几个段落。

    This chapter could be condensed into a few paragraphs .

  22. 这种材料便于压缩,张开时速度又快。

    This material compresses well and then expands rapidly .

  23. 请压缩一下你的作文。

    Please shorten your composition .

  24. 你能把这故事压缩到500字吗?

    Can you boil the story down to five hundred words ?

  25. 空气是可以压缩的气体。

    Air is a compressible gas .

  26. 因为玻璃处于压缩状态,玻璃不能明显地延伸到超过座孔的端面。

    Since the glass is in compression , it cannot extend appreciably beyond the ends of the eyelet .

  27. 长官,他对舰上的事是懂的,像机器、空气压缩系统、电池组什么的,他全懂。

    Now he knows his way around the boat , sir , he knows the engines , the compressed air system , the batteries , all that .

  28. 压缩空气的喷射气流将气垫船浮在地面上,船的四周有柔性围裙来维持气垫并使气垫船稳定。

    Jets of compressed air lift the hovercraft off the ground , and flexible skirts around the craft retain the air cushion , and help to keep it stable .

  29. 迅速发展的技术使高技术人群的收入增加,同时也压缩了无技术人群的收入。

    Rapid technological advance has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while squeezing those of the unskilled .

  30. 自从工业化以来,维系这样一个缓慢的文化新陈代谢已经变得相当困难了,丰盛的午餐被压缩成了能够塞进午餐饭盒或者能在小吃摊买到的任何东西。

    Since industrialization , maintaining such a slow cultural metabolism has been much harder , with the long midday meal shrinking to whatever could be stuffed into a lunch bucket or bought at a food stand .