
  • 网络compressing cost
  1. 因为压缩成本或许也可以从这方面下手。

    It 's one of the possible cost savings .

  2. 优化运输组织压缩成本支出

    Optimizing Transportation Organization and Reducing Cost and Expenses

  3. 所以最大化地压缩成本是注塑机行业最突出的特点之一。

    So making the cost as little as possible is one of the biggest features .

  4. 尽管进行了两轮裁员,雅虎仍需进一步压缩成本,摒弃不盈利的业务部门。

    In spite of two rounds of redundancies , more costs need to come out , with unprofitable units binned .

  5. 然后运用价值工程的方法,分析了如何合理地确定需求、压缩成本、提高项目的显性功能与隐性功能;

    Then analyzes how to identify the requirements , reduce the cost and increase the explicit and tacit function of project .

  6. 从而可以大幅度降低电涡流缓行器的容量,压缩成本和使用费用,同时相应地降低电瓶容量和车辆整备质量。

    The capacity of electrical eddy current rail broke can be largely reduced . So can costs , capacity of storage battery and full mass .

  7. 我们讨论如何让业务服务有价值,帮助他们压缩成本及推动产品更快进入市场。

    We would talk about how various business services would be useful to them , helping them cut costs or drive product to market faster .

  8. 将近40%接受调查的欧洲企业计划压缩成本,其中61%的公司表示,会通过裁员来实现这一点。

    Nearly 40 percent of the European companies surveyed were planning to cut costs ,   and 61 percent of those said they would do so through layoffs .

  9. 对迫于竞争压力而想方设法压缩成本的全球汽车厂商而言,克莱斯勒外包部分小型车生产业务的决定也让它们看到了一种新的商业模式。

    Chrysler 's decision to essentially outsource the manufacturing of some small-car models represents a new business model for global auto makers , which are struggling to control costs amid mounting competition .

  10. 而在激烈的市场竞争中,产品的价格往往不能由企业自身来决定,因此,提高产品利润的途径只能是尽量的压缩成本,控制成本支出。

    But in the fierce market competition , enterprises usually cannot determine the price of their products . The only way to increase the profit is to decrease the cost and expense .

  11. 企业生意难做,就会想办法压缩成本,减少生产,就会在裁减员工上打主意,而一个家庭如果有一位成员被裁员,就会影响到家庭生活。

    Enterprise business and will think of ways to reduce costs , reduce production , will be seen it fit to lay off its staff , and a family if a member is laid off , this will affect family life .

  12. ThinkEquities的拉杰什•盖伊:虽然iPad2厚度的减少,有助于其稍稍压缩材料成本,不过我们认为制造成本的上升会将其抵消。

    Think equities ' Rajesh ghai : while the cost of material may decrease slightly with the slimmer form factor , we expect the increased manufacturing costs to offset the savings .

  13. 最终的结果是缩短了产品进入市场的时间,获得了更高的质量,以及压缩了成本。

    The end results are reduced time-to-market , higher quality , and lower costs .

  14. 我可以压缩该成本,以提高利润,或者可以提高交易量。

    I can squeeze that cost and improve margin , or I can produce more volume .

  15. 制定年度管理费预算,并做好节约能源开支,压缩运营成本等相关工作;

    Making annual management budget ; meanwhile well controlling the issues relevant to expenditure and costs saving ;

  16. 然而,精减品牌可以压缩经营成本,因为每个品牌都需要一笔资金用于产品开发广告、经销商支持和其他方面。

    Yet cutting brands shaves operating costs because each brand requires a certain amount of spending on product development advertising , dealer support and other expenses .

  17. 与其它储氢技术相比,高压储氢容器结构相对简单、成熟;压缩氢气成本较低;

    The technique using compressed hydrogen gas is widely used due to its simplicity of the storage system and low cost for storage and transport of hydrogen gas compared with the other techniques .

  18. 做好增收节支工作,压缩各项成本支出,规范管理,理顺工程建设流程,重视投资效益分析。

    Do a good job in the work of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure , the cost of compression , standardized management , streamline the construction process , great importance to the investment-benefit analysis .

  19. 指出该技术既能满足铁路运输复杂的运输环境的要求,又能最大限度压缩建设成本,是提高铁路运输能力和实现行车指挥自动化所不可缺少的技术。

    It was pointed out that this technique not only suits the needs of complicated railway transportation environment , but also minimize construction cost , therefore it is very necessary to increase railway transportation capacity and realize vehicle operation dispatching automation .

  20. 当前,对中国汽车零部件企业来说,身处上游原材料供应商和下游主机厂商之间,身受原材料涨价的成本和主机厂压缩采购成本的双重压力之下,企业效益普遍堪忧。

    Currently , for Automotive Components Enterprises , between the raw materials suppliers and assembly manufacturers , with the pressure of the markup of the raw materials and reducing stock cost by assembly manufacturers , the benefits of these enterprises generally should be taken into account .

  21. 大幅压缩了改造成本。

    That will save many transformation costs .

  22. 与此同时,不断压缩的企业成本呼唤着新运营方式和新技术的产生。

    At the same time severe cost constraints have accelerated the introduction of new working methods and the introduction of new technology .

  23. 在此基础上进行了数值仿真,结果显示,服装原材料零库存管理模式能够压缩企业库存成本并快速响应市场。

    The numeric simulation shows that the new mode of zero-inventory management of raw material makes an apparel enterprise possible to cut down the inventory cost and perform quick response to the market .

  24. 随着JIT在企业中的应用,企业要求尽可能的压缩库存、降低成本,为此需要对提前/脱期问题实现准确的调度。

    With the applying of just in time in many enterprises , they require to reduce the storage and cost So it is necessary to realize the accurate scheduling for the earliness / tardiness problem .

  25. 建筑企业传统的材料供应商管理方法主要关注降低材料价格,压缩建筑产品的成本。

    Conventional materials supplier management focuses on materials price in order to reduce the cost of building products .

  26. 供应链管理出现在20世纪80年代,由于能压缩库存、降低成本、改善客户服务等作用在国内外快速崛起。

    Supply chain management appeared in 1980s and rapid rised abroad due to reducing inventory , lowering costs and improving customer service .

  27. 财新的调查还指出,随着企业压缩规模以节省成本,加上不再填补自愿离职员工的空缺,用工数量降至2009年1月以来最低。

    The survey also noted that staff numbers declined at the sharpest rate since January 2009 , as companies downsized to cut costs and did not replace voluntary leavers .

  28. 增长正在放缓,在世界上的第13位最大的经济体,由于全球信贷紧缩和南韩的地方,在地图上,压缩之间的低成本的中国和高科技日本。

    Growth is slowing in the world's13th largest economy , the global credit crunch and South Korea , on the map , compressed between the low-cost China and high-tech Japan .

  29. 在制定呼吸科新的绩效考核指标时,加强了公益性财务指标的考核力度,为患者考虑,在不影响治疗效果的前提下尽可能的压缩患者的就医成本,使更多的患者看得起病。

    When making respiratory new performance appraisal index , strengthen the assessment of the public welfare financial indicators , to their patients , treatment effect is not affected as far as possible under the premise of the compression of the patient ' smedical treatment cost , make more patients .

  30. 提出同步压缩割集、最优同步压缩时间、工作成本标志变化率和工程成本同步变化率等新概念,并给出相应计算公式;

    By giving the corresponding formulae , some new con - cepts are presented , such as synchronous compression cut set , optimal synchronous compression time , symbol change rate of work cost , synchronous change rate of con - struction cost and so on .