
  • 网络Piezoresistive effect;piezoresistance effect
  1. P型金刚石薄膜压阻效应的理论研究

    Study on the Piezoresistive Effect in P type Diamond Films

  2. 在价带分裂模型和F-S理论的基础上,导出了金刚石膜压阻效应的理论计算公式。

    According to the valence bands split model and F-S thin film theory , a calculation formula of piezoresistive effect has been presented .

  3. 纳米Si薄膜的结构及压阻效应

    The structure and piezo-resistance effect of hydrogenated Nano-Si films

  4. 本文应用能带结构的多谷模型,对N型硅在[100]方向的压阻效应进行了理论分析。

    The piezoresistive effect of N-silicon at the [ 100 ] direction is analysed theoretically by means of the multi-valley 's model of band structure .

  5. 研究了半导体的压阻效应、压阻张量、压阻系数,进而对MEMS悬臂梁进行了受力弯曲分析,分析压敏电阻的设计位置。

    Piezoresistive effect of semiconductor piezoresistive tensor and the piezoresistive coefficient are studied . MEMS cantilever bending force is analyzed , and the location of the varistor is design .

  6. 结果表明,该陶瓷耐压性能不仅与PTC效应,压阻效应有关,还与显微组织结构中存在的玻璃相有关。

    The results show that withstand voltage characteristics of the ceramics is not only correlated with both effects of PTC , voltage-dependent resistivity , but also with glass phase in microstructure .

  7. 并利用量子隧道效应和能带退耦分裂理论,阐明了隧道压阻效应的形成机理,在此基础上建立了多晶硅压阻特性的新模型&隧道压阻模型(TPM)。

    The mechanism was illuminated using quantum tunneling effect and energy band split decoupling theory , consequently , a new model of poly-Si piezoresistive properties –– tunneling piezoresistive model ( TPM ) was established .

  8. 该结构基于GaAs-PHEMT结构的压阻效应,通过对质量块施加一定的力改变PHEMT结构漏极电流的输出,并通过外围测试电路来检测该电流变化,从而检测力和加速度的大小。

    The structure is based on piezoresistive effect of GaAs PHEMT structure . The drain current output of PHEMT changes when the mass receives force . And then the force signal is converted to electrical signal , and the current change is detected through the external testing circuit .

  9. 介观压阻效应微陀螺仪的制造问题及改进方法

    Problems and Improved Methods in the Fabrication of Meso-Piezoresistive Effect Micro-Gyroscope

  10. 基于介观压阻效应微位移传感器的设计与仿真

    A Design and Simulation of Displacement Transducer Based on Meso-piezoresistive Effect

  11. 压阻效应随微缺陷增多而降低。

    The piezoresistive effect is degraded with increasing micro - defects .

  12. 金刚石薄膜压阻效应研究现状

    Current Status of R D on Piezoresistive Effect in Diamond Films

  13. 基于介观压阻效应的新型微陀螺仪结构设计与优化

    Structure Design and Optimization of the Novel Micro-Gyroscope Based on Meso-Piezoresistive Effect

  14. 基于碳纳米管高分子导电膜的压阻效应

    Piezoresistive Effect of Conductive Polymer Films Based on Carbon Nanotubes

  15. 掺磷纳米硅薄膜电导及压阻效应的研究

    Structure Characteristics and Piezo-Resistance Effect in Hydrogenated Nanocrystalline Silicon Films

  16. 结果表明该薄膜有明显的压阻效应。

    They show that the film exhibits remarkable piezo - resistive effect .

  17. 碳纤维水泥基材料压阻效应研究

    Study on piezoresistivity of carbon fiber reinforced cement based composite

  18. 碳纳米管膜的压阻效应及其相关力学性质研究

    Study on Carbon Nanotube Film 's Piezoresistive Effect and Related Mechanical Properties

  19. 复合材料层合板面内压阻效应层合理论研究

    Study on lamination theory of piezoresistance for composite laminate

  20. 利用硅横向压阻效应的压力敏感器件

    Pressure sensor based on transverse piezoresistive effect of silicon

  21. 多晶硅薄膜晶体结构对薄膜压阻效应的影响

    The Influence of Polysilicon Thin Film Crystal Structure Upon the Film Piezoresistive Effect

  22. 压力传感器利用的是半导体的压阻效应,通过微机械加工技术制作而成。

    Pressure sensor made by micro-machining technology and based on the semiconductor piezoresistive effect .

  23. 管径相关的多壁碳纳米管膜的压阻效应

    Diameter-dependent piezoresistive effect of multi-walled carbon nanotube films

  24. 多晶硅薄膜的高温压阻效应

    Piezoresistive Effect of Polysilicon Films at High Temperature

  25. 传感器的探头是利用单晶硅的压阻效应原理制成的。

    The probe of the sensor is made of single-crystal silicon Piezoresistive effect principle .

  26. 实验观测到异常的压阻效应。

    An abnormal pressure effect was observed .

  27. 实验结果表明碳纳米管膜有显著的压阻效应。最后讨论了碳纳米管膜形成压阻效应的原因。

    The experimental results showed that there has a striking piezoresistive effect in carbon nanotube films .

  28. 压阻效应即材料的电阻率随着外界所施加压力的变化而发生变化的现象。

    The phenomenon that the resistivity of the composites changes with the pressure is called piezoresistive effect .

  29. 传感器是依据硅微压阻效应原理,采用相关半导体平面工艺技术、微机械加工技术以及电子线路中信号调理与补偿技术,将压力敏感元件与调理电路一体化封装在壳体内。

    Based on the techniques , the pressure sensor and modulating circuit were sealed within the shell .

  30. 各部分分别基于半导体压阻效应、电阻迁移率变化、极板间电容变化为原理制作而成。

    They are based on the principle of silicon piezoresistive effect , mobility change , and variable capacitance respectively .