
  • 网络Pressure gradient;HVPG;pressuregradient
  1. 发现氯乙烯转化器的循环冷却水中的氯根离子浓度、冷却水的pH值、温度、压力梯度及它们之间的协同效应是影响腐蚀的主要因素。

    Chlorion concentration , PH range , temperature and pressure gradient and theirs synergistic effect are main corrosion factor in the circulating cooling water .

  2. 启动压力梯度动态变化对IPR方程影响分析

    Effect of Starting Pressure Gradient Dynamic Change on IPR Equation

  3. 利用VSP资料求地层破裂压力梯度

    Determination of pressure gradient of formational fracture by VSP data

  4. 第一部分介绍了不可压缩Stokes方程的压力梯度局部投影间断有限元法。

    In the first part , we introduce the discontinuous Galerkin method for the incompressible Stokes equations ;

  5. 周期压力梯度作用下管内上随体Maxwell流体不稳定流动的解析法

    A Variational Analytical Approach to Unsteady Flow of Upper Convected Maxwell Fluid in Tube Under Cyclical Pressure

  6. 本文在对非饱和土壤水运动方程时间差分格式中引入了水力传导度K(θ)对含水率θ的变化率和压力梯度在空间上的变化率,两个因子。

    In this paper two variation rates , K / θ and h2 / Z2 , are introduced in a time difference scheme of the equation of unsaturated soil water flow movement .

  7. 利用二维LDV系统对零压力梯度下光滑面和减阻沟槽面湍流边界层流场进行对比测量。

    Two-component LDV measurements in a turbulent boundary layer with zero pressure gradient have been performed .

  8. 论文研究结果表明:粗重颗粒在床层中的压力梯度以及浓度的轴向和径向分布和其随操作条件的变化规律与目前关于FCC颗粒的实验结果有明显的差异。

    The results show that the pressure gradients and radial distribution profiles of solids holdups and the effects of operation conditions on them are quite different from those of FCC .

  9. 通过AVO、压力梯度、动态流体等技术的应用,在储层流体识别方面取得进展。

    Application of AVO , pressure gradient , development fluid and other technologies , has made a great progress in fluid identification of reservoir .

  10. 基于考虑启动压力梯度和介质变形特性的单相流渗流方程,建立了适应于低渗透油藏油井的产能方程,并给出了低渗透油藏单相流IPR预测方法。

    Based on the flow equation concerned on threshold pressure gradient and deforming media , this paper productivity equation and IPR forecasting method for low permeability reservoir .

  11. 利用防抱制动系统(ABS)液压实验台,进行了ABS压力梯度多种工况的实验测试,包括普通制动、长加长减制动和阶梯增压、减压制动等工况研究。

    The pressure gradient of the anti-lock braking system ( ABS ) was experimentally studied using an ABS hydraulic test bench for various conditions including normal brake , on-off brake , and step brake .

  12. 0.01)排便时肛管压力梯度与对照组相反,呈上升趋势,两组患者排便时肛直角与肛上距有差异(P<0.05),临床症状表现亦不完全相同。

    The pressure grad of anal canal showed up-tendency in anismus patients which reversed to the patients in non-anismus group . Anorectal angel and UAD showed significant differences in two groups ( P < 0.05 ) . The clinic complains also showed differences in the two groups .

  13. 泄漏量的计算关键是如何求得油膜的最大压力梯度,用有限元法的ANSYS软件可以求出油膜的压力分布,从而可得到最大压力梯度。

    The key of leakage calculation is how to obtain the maximum oil film pressure gradient . Using finite element method ( ANSYS software ) can get the oil film pressure distribution , and then obtain maximum pressure gradient .

  14. 开槽壁采用只有压力梯度没有顶板运动的Couette流动的解析解近似。

    Flows in the slot are approximated by the analytical solution of couette flows without upper wall movement and the only impetus of the flows is pressure gradient .

  15. 应用SIMPLE/SIMPLER方法及QUICK格式求解GAO-YONG可压湍流方程组,对二维零压力梯度可压平板湍流边界层进行了数值模拟。

    Two-dimensional , stationary , compressible boundary layer with zero pressure gradient is numerically simulated with GAO-YONG turbulence model . Employing staggered grid arrangement , SIMPLE / SIMPLER code and a second-order QUICK scheme are used .

  16. 通过与实验结果以及BL模型计算结果的比较,表明不需要任何经验系数及壁面函数的GAO-YONG不可压湍流模型方程组能够对有压力梯度的湍流流动做出更好的预测。

    All the results further verify the adaptability of the GAO-YONG turbulence model , without using empirical coefficients and wall functions , to real turbulent flow with pressure gradient .

  17. 结果静息及收缩状态下,正常儿童肛管直肠之间不仅存在明显升高的压力梯度变化,而且存在明显降低的压力偏位梯度变化,并且在距离肛门缘1cm处形成压力及其偏位变化的特征位点。

    Results The gradient of pressure asymmetry was presented in the rectum and anus at the state of relaxing and contracting while the special point was 1 ?

  18. 在10m高提升管中对空气-沙子体系的压力梯度进行系统测试,研究了粗重颗粒平均颗粒浓度sε的轴向分布及操作条件对它的影响。

    The pressure gradients of air-sand two-phase flow in a CFB riser were systematically measured in a 10m high CFB riser to investigate the axial distributions of averaged solids holdups of coarse particles and the effects of operation conditions .

  19. 3根据对试验中水力参数的统计特性分析结果,论述了SPRT法对过渡流的识别和压力梯度法进行漏点定位在输水管道中的应用,并在试验管道中得以验证,收到较好的效果;

    According to the result of the statistical characteristic analysis , author applies SPRT method to identify the transition flow and the hydraulic grade line method to leak localization in experiment pipe .

  20. 动力学模型中除考虑了传统的受力以外,还考虑了假想质量力、Basset力、Saffman扬力以及压力梯度力等多种力的作用。

    The dynamic model , besides of traditional forces , the forces of imagination mass force , Basset force , Saffman lift force and pressure gradient force were considered .

  21. 材料与方法:对22例临床确诊的肝硬化门脉高压患者行WHVP测定,测量WHVP及肝静脉压力梯度(HVPG)。

    Materials and Methods : WHVP and hepatic venous pressure gradient ( HVPG ) were measured in 22 patients with the cirrhotic portal hypertension .

  22. 使用建立油气渗流数学模型的一般方法,通过在动边界上引入合理的Stefan条件,建立了考虑启动压力梯度带Stefan条件的动边界模型;

    The paper discuss the following content mainly : 1 . Using the general method to set up fluid flow through low-permeability media mathematics model and considering the influence of threshold pressure gradient , we set up a moving boundary model with Stefan condition .

  23. 水驱结束后再进行SL活性剂水溶液(活性水)驱油平均提高采收率6.95%,注入压力梯度峰值与水驱相比提高约10%;

    After water drive , with the activated water slug of SL injected and water drive going on again thereafter , the average enhanced recovery is about 6.95 % , and the pressure gradient of SL injection is about 10 % higher than that of water drive ;

  24. 根据空气-FCC颗粒在16m高循环床提升管内的压力梯度实验数据,对提升管颗粒加速区的平均颗粒浓度、颗粒加速区长度以及操作条件的影响进行了系统的分析研究。

    Systematic work was carried out to investigate the averaged solids holdup and the length of solids acceleration region in a riser , based on the experimental data of pressure gradients of air FCC particles in a 16m high CFB riser .

  25. 提出了基于压力梯度的DLA指进模拟方法,通过定义几何空间和压力梯度结合的压力导向行走规则,研究了粒子在岩心孔隙空间的DLA行走问题,模拟了粘性指进的发展过程。

    We propose a DLA viscous fingering model based on pressure gradient . The model , which is called pressure-guided rule , combines geometric space and pressure gradient . We investigate the DLA walking problem of particles in pore space and simulate the viscous fingering development process .

  26. 在本实验的五种筛孔直径下,压力梯度的实测值与按Poiseuille公式计算的理论值之比约为2&4。

    The ratios of the pressure gradients measured in the test to that predicted by Poiseuille equation are about 2 & 4 for the five kinds of diame - ters of sieve pore . Additionally , a simulating test of the pores being partly plugged has been performed .

  27. 水平井筒流体变质量流动压力梯度模型

    Pressure gradient model for variable mass fluid flow in horizontal wellbore

  28. 幂律流体在圆管中的紊流速度分布及压力梯度

    Turbulent velocity profile and pressure gradient of power-law fluid in pipes

  29. 考虑启动压力梯度的低渗透油藏不稳定渗流模型

    Unsteady seepage model for low permeability reservoir with threshold pressure gradient

  30. 研究了考虑启动压力梯度的非线性稳定渗流问题。

    The non-linear stable flow considering threshold pressure gradient is studied .