
  • 网络Stress interview;Pressure Interview
  1. 但是最糟糕的压力出现在面试过程中。

    But the worst stress of all often occurs during the interview .

  2. 现场面试时的压力很大,面试的次数越多,你就越能适应,并能更好地掌握面试技巧。

    Interviews are high-pressure situations in which you 'll be put on the spot . Doing more of them will help you get used to it and master better interviewing skills .

  3. 第二章中,职业顾问谈到了人们在面试中感到压力或没有为面试做准备时出现的尴尬的失误。

    In the second chapter a careers adviser talks about embarrassing blunders , gaffes people make when they ' re under pressure during interviews or have not prepared for the occasion .

  4. 如果你申请的职位需要处理压力较大的工作,那面试时对方可能会刻意设计一个压力较大的面试环境。

    If the position you are applying for involves a lot of stress the interviewer might deliberately set up a stressful situation . These stress interviews are designed to see how well you would handle pressure .