
  • 网络video interview
  1. 那么在视频面试时,你该如何表现呢?

    So , how should you behave during a video interview ?

  2. 郝健表示,视频面试时人人都会紧张。

    According to Hao , everyone is nervous during a video interview .

  3. 去年发表于《管理决策》(ManagementDecision)的一项研究指出,与当面接受面试的求职者相比,进行视频面试的求职者获得的好感度评分与面试分数更低,而且被推荐雇用的几率也更低。

    Job applicants interviewed on video receive lower likability ratings and interview scores , and are less likely to be recommended for hiring , than candidates interviewed in person , according to a study published last year in Management Decision .

  4. 视频面试减小成功机会如果你应聘一个千里之外的工作,Skype视频面试当然比面对面面试省钱。

    Video Job Interview May Weaken Your Chances If you 're applying for a job a couple thousand miles away , a Skype interview will certainly be cheaper than meeting in person .

  5. 如今,视频面试几乎已经成为网络招聘的标准步骤之一。

    Video interviewing is now nearly a standard step in online recruitment .

  6. 因此电话或视频面试是给人留下好印象的额外机会。

    Think of a phone or video interview as an extra opportunity to impress .

  7. 陈长青建议求职者应该像准备正常的工作面试一样,为视频面试做足准备。

    Chen said that candidates should prepare for their video interview just like they would for any other job interview .

  8. 因为一份研究显示视频面试让你看起来比面对面更不讨喜。

    Because a study finds that a video chat can make you seem less likeable than a face-to-face interview would .

  9. 今年,该公司将负责处理在美国的250万场视频面试,而在五年前,这一数字仅为13000。

    This year , the company will handle 2.5 million interviews in the United States , up from 13000 five years ago .

  10. 对我们许多人而言,这种经历似乎很快就无可避免——这种无人视频面试正变得日益常见。

    For many of us , this experience may soon be unavoidable - the human-free video interview is being more * commonplace .

  11. 结果是,通过视频面试的应聘者更不讨喜,入职几率很低。

    Turns out , job seekers on video were rated as less likeable , and were less likely to be recommended for the job .

  12. 希文是一家叫维立克机构的首席运营官,这家机构是为那些美国大学和寄宿学校的申请者们提供视频面试和身份验证的。

    Sivan is the COO of Vericant , a company that offers video interviewing services and identification verification for U.S. college and boarding school applicants .

  13. Hirevue便是众多美国视频面试软件制造公司之一。现在,它已经和包括德勤、摩根大通以及安德玛在内的600家大型机构建立了合作。

    HireVue , one of a handful of American companies making video interview software , works with around 600 large organizations , including Deloitte , JPMorgan Chase and Under Armour .

  14. 不光是应聘者视频面试得分变低,面试官也被认为风度不够,能力不足,不值得相信,甚至不够有吸引力。

    And it 's not just the interviewees who got worse scores with video . Interviewers themselves were judged as less personable , competent and trustworthy . Even less attractive .

  15. 在深圳参加视频面试时,我穿了西装上衣和正装衬衫,还打了领带,我以为只能看到上半身,她说。

    For the video interview in Shenzhen I wore a suit jacket , a dress shirt , and a tie , presuming that only my top half would be visible , she said .

  16. 尽管视频面试十分常见,但一些公司现在却用上了更高科技的面试方法:面试问题将会出现在电脑屏幕上,并要求限时作答。

    While Skype interviews are nothing out of the ordinary , some companies are now using a much more high-tech solution . The interview questions pop up on the screen , giving a limited amount of time to respond .

  17. 我们希望他们(申请人)不仅通过作文题来展现自己的沟通和人际交往技巧、以及个人成就,还可以通过视频、团队面试和演讲来展现这些技巧和成就。

    We want them [ applicants ] to express their communication and interpersonal skills as well as achievements not only through essay questions but also video , group interview and presentations .

  18. 本段视频为怎样主持面试提供了建议,关于怎样理解简历,怎样保证顺畅的人际沟通等方面。

    This is an instructional video providing advice on how to conduct an interview . It gives information on understanding resumes and ensuring a smooth interpersonal interaction .

  19. 就申请过程本身而言,除了可能可以通过网络视频会议进行更多面试外,网络与传统因素之间的平衡未来或许不会发生太大变化。

    In terms of the application process itself , the balance between online and traditional elements may not change too much in the future , apart from the possibility of more interviewing via web-based videoconferencing .

  20. 用视频会议取代现场面试,人事经理和招聘人员就能更快地安排首轮面试,,这样一来既能节省交通成本,同时也加快整个面试程序。上海乐高有限公司人力资源总监陈长青(音译)说。

    Hiring managers and recruiters can conduct first-round interviews more quickly , save on transportation costs , and make the process much faster by using video conferencing rather than scheduling in-person interviews , said Chen Changqing , HR director at Lego Co Ltd in Shanghai .