
shì jué zàn liú
  • visual persistence;duration of vision
  1. 研制一种利用人眼视觉暂留效应的线阵LED动态显示系统。

    Linear LED dynamic display system based on linetype array , which is the effect of persistence of vision , is manufactured .

  2. 根据“视觉暂留原理”而研发的“流光式LED全彩色显示屏”原理应用巧妙、成本低廉、360°无视线障碍是该结构的明显特点;

    The flow-light full color LED display that was developed on the principle of persistence of vision aroused people 's interests . It 's conspicuous advantages are applying principles ingeniously , low - costing , and no view obstacle in every direction within 360 degrees ;

  3. 该显示屏的主要原理是基于人眼的视觉暂留功能。

    The display is based on the persistence of vision .

  4. 人眼在观察快速运动中的物体时会产生视觉暂留现象。

    Visual staying phenomenon happened when people observe the rapid movement objects .

  5. 电影的最初想法是基于所谓的视觉暂留。

    The earliest ideas for motion pictures were based on what is called the persistence of vision .

  6. 受调制的离散二维图像信息,因视觉暂留而形成深度效应,将被整合感知为一幅连续的三维图像。

    These discrete images will be perceived and interpreted as an integrated three-dimensional image due to eye persistence .

  7. 人类真正向电影迈出的第一步是视觉暂留的实验的结果。

    The first real step toward motion pictures were the result of experiments in the persistence of vision .

  8. 自电影诞生以来,关于电影似动原理的解释,大致存在如下四种(依出现的先后顺序排列):(1)视觉暂留说;

    Ever since the birth of motion pictures , there are four basic interpretations of the illusionary movements : accordingly , persistence of vision ;

  9. 电影技术中,在一个装置上重显的一系列静止图象,因人眼有视觉暂留特性,这就给人以连续运动的主观印象。

    In filming , a succession of still images which gives the subjective impression of motion when used in a device which maintains persistence of vision .

  10. 基于视觉暂留效应,使二维旋转点阵分时显示三维图像的一系列截面信息,则在旋转形成的三维实空间内可得到再现的三维图像。

    A series of two-dimensional images , which are slices of a three-dimensional image , are displayed instantaneously in time sequence by a rapidly rotating two-dimensional dot matrix display panel .

  11. 经过大量的研究,人们发现LCD产生运动图像拖尾的原因包括了:液晶显示器的响应速度、显示器的保持特性及人类视觉的暂留特性三个方面。

    After in-depth study , people have found that the reasons of LCD motion picture smear and fuzzy include : the response speed of LCD , the hold-type displays of LCD and the human visual characteristics .