
  • 网络Advertising Position
  1. 就连快速增长的在线电视和电影网站hulu今年也很难把所有广告位置全部售出。

    Even Hulu , the fast-growing online television and film site , has struggled to sell all its advertising space this year .

  2. 首先,这些广告位置可以相互替代。

    First , these advertising spaces are substitutes for each other .

  3. 他们决定把广告位置卖出去。

    They decided they were gonna sell advertising .

  4. 分析发布者网站的内容和它的客户,为广告位置和对象提出建议。

    Analyze publisher website content and its audience to provide advertisers insights for ad placement and targeting .

  5. 因此前几名的广告位置竞争十分激烈、相应的广告成本也较高。

    Therefore , the competition for front positions is fierce , and the cost is relatively high .

  6. 其次,实现了基于视频内容的时空分析来确定叠加广告位置的全自动化过程。

    Secondly , we propose to automatically detect the overlay ads locations by spatio-temporal analysis of video content .

  7. 例如,在幻灯片,我们比较的基础上的广告位置,每次访问所浏览的网页。

    For example , in the slide , we 're comparing ad positions based on pages viewed per visit .

  8. 淘宝向商户出售广告位置,同时也会帮助商户调到网站更加明显的位置并从中收费。

    It sells advertising space to merchants , and charges them for more prominent placement on the marketplace website .

  9. 如果我销售飞往冰岛首都雷克雅未克的航班机票,而你在谷歌搜索飞冰岛机票,那么我会想要一个广告位置。

    If I sell flights to Reykjavik and you Google flights to Iceland , I want one of those ad spaces .

  10. 会刊提供部分广告位置,是参展单位进行宣传的理想选择。嗯,我想要靠窗边的位置。

    Some pages are ideal advertisement for exhibitors . Uh , I 'd like to request a seat by the window .

  11. 如合同期满乙方未办理续签手续,乙方不再享有优先权,广告位置不予保留。

    If Party B fails to renew the contract before it expires , it can 't enjoy priority any longer and the advertising location will not keep it .

  12. 要设定转换率目标,并进行正确的分析,以便追踪哪个广告位置真正能产生最大的转换。

    Ensure that you have a back-end conversion goal set up and the right analytics in place so that you can track which ad position is actually resulting in the most conversions .

  13. 首页广告编排位置如下图所示。

    Allocation of ads on Frontpage see the following picture .

  14. 一个是为营销者准备的交流平台。他们可以实时地对广告投放位置进行投标。

    One is an exchange on which marketers will be able to bid for ad impressions in real-time .

  15. 然后,选择你想要的关键字来分析,您就会看到它如何完成每个广告的位置度量您选择。

    Then , select the keyword you want to analyze and you 'll see how it performed in each ad position for the metric you select .

  16. 并通过对速度的分层,结合户外广告的位置分布,最终,整理出一套户外广告体系&线性的户外广告体系。

    Through considering the division of speed levels and the position and distribution of outdoor advertisements , this paper intends to propose a kind of design system for outdoor advertisement & the linear design system .

  17. 网页广告靶屏位置的顾客视觉识别效应实验研究

    The Experiment Study of Customer Vision Recognition Effect of Web Advertisement Target Screen Location

  18. 户外广告牌的位置选择

    A selection on the outdoor billboard position Choice

  19. 如今,巴士是投放高质量商业广告的最佳位置之一。

    Nowadays , buses are some of the best places to put on quality commercials .

  20. 把地铁视作广告的黄金位置有两个原因:第一、消费者会花很长时间在地铁中;

    Subway systems are a perfect location for advertisements for two reasons : one , commuters spend a lot of time within them ;

  21. 也许你已经发现,某种特定大小的广告、页面或页面位置最适合你的广告客户,而你只想在你的媒体计划中使用这种广告规模或位置。

    Perhaps you have found that a particular size ad , page , or on-page location works best for your advertiser and you only want to include that in your media plan .

  22. 主要针对广告视频相对于新闻视频镜头短、切变多、变换快的特点,采用视频节奏技术获得了广告位置。

    Because of the characteristics of advertisement video , compared to the news video , include short lens , many shear , quick transform , it used the visual rhythm technology to obtain the advertisement position .