
  1. 另两张显示奖状背面,印满广告图案,还有外语寒假乐学营等字样,并标明了招生对象、开设课程、地址和电话等。

    The other two show the back , promoting Language Winter Camp , listing the enrollment targets , course listings , address , and telephone number .

  2. ×××外语”字样。另两张显示奖状背面,印满广告图案,还有“×××外语寒假乐学营”等字样,并标明了招生对象、开设课程、地址和电话等。

    The other two show the back , promoting " Language Winter Camp , " listing the enrollment targets , course listings , address , and telephone number .

  3. 在书页夹上还可以贴上广告图案、卡通图案和格言等,可起到产品宣传推广作用,并增强趣味性。

    Besides , advertising patterns , cartoon patterns and mottos can be pasted on the book page clip , thereby playing a role in advertising and promoting products and strengthening interest .

  4. 为了在一天结束时拿到报酬,女孩必须让广告图案在大腿上停留至少八小时,这些广告图是用临时粘合剂贴在腿上的。

    In order to get paid at the end of the day , women must wear the advert , which comes in the form of a temporary adhesive , for at least eight hours .

  5. 从收集的大量服装品牌标识中随机选择一个成功的示例,从标识的名称、广告语、图案和色彩四个方面逐一进行分析,以验证所提出的服装品牌标识设计规则的准确性。

    By randomly selecting one successful example from the numerous apparel brand logos , the principles proposed in this study are verified from the four perspectives , that is the name , advertising slogan , pattern and color .