
  • 网络Visual element
  1. 解析网络Logo的视觉元素

    Decomposing and Analysing the Visual Element of Internet 's Logo

  2. 视觉元素包含画面、镜头;

    Visual element includes picture and camera lens .

  3. 在表示层中Web窗体的视觉元素的组织和用户界面的设计;

    Organization of web forms ' vision elements and design of UI in the Representation Layer ;

  4. 这个页面上直接呈现给用户的视觉元素只有一个“free”,它非常地吸引注意力,当仍然非常简洁且信息传递单纯。

    The only element which is directly visible to the users is the word " free " which works attractive and appealing , but still calm and purely informative .

  5. 论文针对地图设计、GIS、传统桌面软件和公用信息服务软件(Kiosksystem)的人机交互特性以及界面视觉元素进行了深入的分析研究。

    This paper analyses the human-computer interacting characteristics and interface visual elements based on map design theory , GIS , traditional software and Kiosk system .

  6. 最后的视觉元素是红色的文本字段,带有标签What'syourname?和按钮Rotate。

    The last visual elements are the red-colored text field with the label What 's your name ? and a button that says Rotate .

  7. 本文的主要贡献如下:(1)将纹理视为基本视觉元素的线性组合,并通过拓扑图格独立分量分析(TICA)来学习这些基本元素。

    The main contributions of this thesis are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) A texture in this thesis is treated as the superposition of the basic visual elements , which are learned from the observed texture image by the topographical independent component analysis ( TICA ) .

  8. 品牌文化视觉元素提升品牌价值。

    The video elements of brand culture can escalate brand value .

  9. 网页设计中视觉元素的功能与审美性研究

    Functional and Aesthetical Study of the Visual Elements in Webpage Design

  10. 中国视觉元素在现代广告创意中的运用研究

    The Application of Chinese Visual Elements to Modern Advertisements ' Design

  11. 精简视觉元素,避免视觉噪音。

    So , use visuals sparingly and avoid visual noise .

  12. 中国传统视觉元素在动画场景中的应用及研究

    Application and Study on the Chinese Culture in Animation Scenes

  13. 室内软装饰视觉元素漫谈

    Free Talk on Visual Elements of Interior Soft Decoration

  14. 色彩,是一切视觉元素中最活跃、最具冲击力的因素。

    Color is the most active and impactive factor in all optic elements .

  15. 第二章论述电影片头视觉元素形态的创意表现。

    The second chapter on the film titles visual elements form of creative performance .

  16. 传统与创新&浅析中国传统视觉元素与现代图形设计的融合

    Tradition and Innovation , On the Chinese Traditional Visual Elements and Modern Graphic Design

  17. 然而,自然的视觉元素和生命状态与生存环境磨擦所产生的认识是不同的。

    However , natural visional elements and original living environment differ from our cognition ;

  18. 通过对传单的视觉元素分析,找到最佳的视觉传达效果。

    By the visual element analysis , the best visual communication effects are obtained .

  19. 视觉元素圆在平面设计中的应用是变化无穷的。

    Circle in the graphic design of visual elements in the application is infinitely variable .

  20. 传统视觉元素在现代喜糖包装设计中的应用研究

    The Apply and Research about the Traditional Vision Elements in the Happy Sweet Packaging Design

  21. 创作载体之装订形式,成为贯穿整本书册的视觉元素;

    The binding forms of the carrier become the visual elements throughout the entire artwork ;

  22. 视觉元素在网页设计中的运用

    Application of vision element in webpage design

  23. 中国老字号视觉元素继承和发展问题研究

    Research on the Problem Inheriting and Developing the Chinese Old Famous Enterprises ' Visual Element

  24. 运用在图形设计中的肢体语言,其意义已超越普通的视觉元素,它是具有独立表达方式的、抽象的,甚至是充满无限创意可能的视觉语言。

    It is s a particular visualized language more than a visual element in graphic design .

  25. 文字从诞生开始便具有了点画这样的视觉元素。

    Since its natal day , characters possess the visual elements such as dots and strokes .

  26. 语义解读,研究园林景观视觉元素与它所表达的意义;

    Semantics is used in the research of the visual factors of gardening and its meanings ;

  27. 通过可以让使用者获取的视觉元素表达,信息得以感知和共鸣。

    Through the allow users get visual element to express , information to perception and resonance .

  28. 最终总结出有机食品包装设计中视觉元素的意义。

    Finally , the significance of visual elements in organic food packaging design was summed up .

  29. 因为标志的视觉元素和海报是完全一样的。

    because the visual information of the logo and the actual poster is exactly the same .

  30. 一个视觉元素越能在完成更多工作的同时表达仍然清晰,就越好。

    The more useful work a visual element can accomplish while still retaining clarity , the better .