
  • 网络newspaper advertising;newspaper advertisement;Newspaper;Newspaper Ads
  1. 报纸广告是你们公司的最佳选择。

    Newspaper advertising is the best route for your company to take .

  2. 最头痛的事:传统报纸广告量下降。

    Headaches : a slowdown in traditional newspaper advertising .

  3. 例如,分类广告占vocento集团旗下地区性报纸广告收入的25%,在全国性刊物中所占比例则为40%。

    Classifieds represent 25 per cent of revenue at regional newspapers owned by the vocento group , for example , compared with 40 per cent at national titles .

  4. 日本2001年最佳电视、报纸广告赏析

    The Best Advertisement of TV & Newspaper in Japan , 2001

  5. 报纸广告大力宣传新型号的优点。

    The newspaper ads plumped the virtues of the new model .

  6. 他们在申请我们在报纸广告上招聘的职位。

    They are applying for the jobs we advertised in the newspaper .

  7. 这有利于报纸广告形象优化。

    This helps advertising image of the newspaper to optimize .

  8. 所有人都承认,当地电视和报纸广告销售受到了影响。

    All acknowledged that local television and newspaper ad sales were suffering .

  9. 注意力经济下的报纸广告

    Advertisements for Print in the " Attention-span Economy "

  10. 报纸广告在不断创新。

    The advertisement of the newspaper is innovating constantly .

  11. 论报纸广告版面设计的视觉流程

    On Visual Process of Ads Layout Design for Newspapers

  12. 报纸广告登载的求职申请表。

    Application forms for jobs advertised in the papers .

  13. 论报纸广告市场的开拓与经营

    Discussion on developing and operating newspaper advertisement market

  14. 但是他们主要强在报纸广告。

    But their strength is mainly in newspaper ads.

  15. 现代报纸广告版面设计与受众心理探析

    Analysis Modern Newspaper Advertisement Layout and Audience Psychology

  16. 表明招聘什么的报纸广告。

    A newspaper advertisement stating what is wanted .

  17. 第四部分内容是对报纸广告进行的研究。

    The fourth part is about the advertising .

  18. 新千年报纸广告的经营现状及其策略分析

    Present Management Condition and Strategy Analysis of the Newspaper Advertisement in the New Thousand Years

  19. 与仅仅是购买报纸广告位的时代相比,这个行业已经发生了巨变;

    The industry has changed a lot since the days of must buying newspaper space ;

  20. 报纸广告经营中的数据亮点等高线扫描数据的细化问题

    Data Shining Point in Newspaper Advertising The Investigation of Thinning of the Contour Raster Data

  21. 而报纸广告的接触率只有29.2%,杂志广告19.8%,互联网广告15.8%,远远落后于电视和户外广告。

    Far behind are newspapers at29.2 % , magazines at19.8 % , and Internet at15.8 % .

  22. 找工作有许多途径,例如求职机构或报纸广告。

    There are many different places to look for jobs , such as employment agencies and newspaper ads.

  23. 安卓鲁:有关报纸广告,我们需要再找一个不同的广告代理商。

    ANDREW : For newspaper ads , we will have to work with a different advertising agency .

  24. 同时报纸广告便于记忆和保存,其阅读寿命可以延续。

    Newspaper ads easy to remember and preserve , their life span can be extended to read .

  25. 追踪圣诞老人的传统追溯到1955年,当时科罗拉多州一家报纸广告印刷出错。

    The tradition of tracking Father Christmas goes back to a misprint in a Colorado newspaper advertisement in1955 .

  26. 取自老上海报纸广告,一则则广告中的货品、商标、广告词与人物,活生生地映射出一个时代。

    It maps the time living from the goods , logo , message and people in old Shanghai ad.

  27. 近代报纸广告语境中的女性身份认同与建构&以《大公报》广告为例

    Female identity recognition and development in advertisement copywriting of modern newspaper : Case study of Da Gong News

  28. 请注意报纸广告栏上注明的花牌化妆品免费试用期。

    Please note the free sampling time for FLOWER Brand cosmetics indicated in the classification of the newspaper .

  29. 然后,针对吉林省报纸广告产业发展现状,经济环境和产业环境进行分析,利用翔实的数据对吉林省报纸广告的市场进行描述和还原。

    Then , make the analysis of the Jilin newspaper advertising industry , economic environment and industry environment .

  30. 李奥纳德:是的。我们还同时刊登广告看板及报纸广告来帮助创立明显的品牌识别。

    Leonard : Yes . We 'll also run billboard and newspaper ads to help create broad brand recognition .