
  • 网络Compensation system;reward system
  1. 科技企业报酬制度的几个实证特点

    Several Positive Characters about Reward System of Science and Technology Enterprises

  2. 改变观念和模式转变需要具有重要意义的行为改变,行为在很大程度上受承认和报酬制度的影响。

    Change the idea and pattern transformation requires significant changes in behavior , behavior in a large extent by the recognition and reward system effect .

  3. 所以“即使他们是这一行的顶尖人才,”维特林说,“但如果给他们的报酬制度与做99。9%工作的人大不相同,会给游戏公司带来更多的问题。”

    So " even though they 're the top craftsmen in their field , " Witlin says , " if we pay them under a vastly different system than the people who do the 99.9 percent of the work , that 's going to create far more problems for the video game companies . "

  4. 企业生命周期与激励性报酬制度

    Enterprise 's Life Periodic Time and the Recompense System in Encouragement

  5. 关于发达国家罪犯劳动报酬制度的思考

    Thoughts On the System of Criminals ' Payment for Labor in Developed Countries

  6. 企业家激励报酬制度的影响因素研究

    Study on Factors of Influencing Executive Compensation System

  7. 中国国有企业经营者报酬制度的转型建议

    Suggestions for the Transformation of the Compensation System of State Owned Enterprise Managers in China

  8. 年薪制是公司制企业普遍采用的经理人报酬制度。

    Annual salary system is a widely adopted remuneration system for managers of incorporated enterprises .

  9. 企业家激励报酬制度的设计

    Design of Executive Incentive Compensation System

  10. 基于不确定性决策的报酬制度

    Compensation System Basing on Uncertainty Decision

  11. 如果许多深层次的问题从报酬制度到监督机制不得到恰当修正,这些欺骗行为不大可能会消失。

    Fraudulent activity is therefore unlikely to disappear until deep-seated processes ranging from the reward structure to monitoring mechanisms have been appropriately modified .

  12. 东京一家婚礼策划公司近日宣布,将实行“睡眠报酬制度”以鼓励员工获得更多睡眠。

    A Tokyo-based wedding planning company recently announced the implementation of a " sleep remuneration system " to encourage its workforce to get more sleep .

  13. 随着国有企业现代企业制度建设步伐的加快,经营者报酬制度的改革和建设也取得了较大成效。

    With the establishment of the state-owned enterprises ' modern corporate system , great achievements have been made in the reform of the operators ' pay system .

  14. 文章剖析了中国的现实障碍和政策导向,分析和介绍博弈管理下中国企业家报酬制度的发展方向和选择创新。

    The paper also analyses the obstacles in real world and policy guide in China and introduces the tendency and innovation of Chinese entrepreneur 's reward system .

  15. 文章还分析了如何利用这些影响因素来设计企业家激励报酬制度,并提出需要通过相应的组织结构调整来实现这种激励报酬的设计思想。

    It analyses how utilize these factors to design executive incentive compensation system , and suggests that realizing the incentive remuneration design philosophy should adjust organizational framework .

  16. 经理股票期权始于20世纪70年代,是西方近20年来兴起的一种用来激励经理人员的报酬制度。

    Executive Stock Option started from seventies last century , it was a pay system , which used to encourage managers in recent twenty years in western countries .

  17. 正是村组干部的报酬制度,决定了村组干部的行为方向,并成为决定村民自治状况的一个根本性因素。

    It is such a reward system that has decided the behavioral orientation of village leaders and it has become a fundamental factor that determines the condition of villagers ' autonomy .

  18. 1928年中华国货展览会是近代中国规模最大的一次全国性国货展览会。买办制度的核心内容包括保证责任制度、职责和报酬制度、外商对买办庇护制度等。

    The Zhonghua Exhibition of Chinese Goods in 1928 was the biggest one in modern China . The maturity of comprador system was the first exhibition of their economic condition changes .

  19. 以绩效为基础的报酬制度在此时引入了中国,它是根据员工的工作绩效来获取报酬的原则建立的。

    Individually based performance-related reward systems have been introduced to China at this time . It is based on the principle that employees should be rewarded according to their job performance .

  20. 作为一种国际上通行的经营者激励性报酬制度,年薪制成为国有企业经营者薪酬制度改革的必然选择。

    As one kind of international general managers ' incentive reward system , the annual salary is the inevitable choice to the innovation of the state-owned enterprises managers ' salary system .

  21. 合理的经营者报酬制度成为了建立有效的公司治理的核心内容,众多学者对公司管理人员的报酬进行实证分析。

    The construction of rational manager compensation system is a core content of efficient governance , and many academicians start to carry on the empirical analysis to corporate mangers ' compensation .

  22. 良好的工作环境是指对人的尊重、公平竞争氛围、信任机制、合作氛围、报酬制度的公平、挑战性工作机会等。

    The good work conditions includes respect for everyone , fair environment for contest , function of confidence , cooperation of each other , impartial reward , opportunity for provocative tasks , etc.

  23. 奖励也许并不那么吸引人,但时睡眠报酬制度本身绝对是非常有趣的,尤其是在像日本这样过度工作和精力耗尽是主要问题的国家。

    The rewards may not be that attractive , but the sleep remuneration system itself is definitely very intriguing , especially in a country like Japan where overwork and burnout are major issues .

  24. IT企业人力资源指数内在结构包括:沟通协作、报酬制度、参与管理、管理质量、关系取向、鼓励创新和职业发展。

    IT enterprises ' human resource index inherent structure including : communication and cooperation , reward system , participate in management , quality of management , relationship orientation , encourage innovation , career development ;

  25. 在中国,如何能够成功实施和应用以个人绩效为基础的报酬制度呢,一个重要的问题是是否员工希望并遵循这个报酬分配方式的原则。

    In China , how to successfully design and implement of this system ? A major issue should be the willingness of Chinese employees to abide with the individually based performance-related reward systems ' principles .

  26. 这种以个人绩效为基础的报酬制度已经在西方主体经济中已经实行了很长的时间,特别是那些隶属于盎格鲁-撒克逊文化的国家,如美国,英国和澳大利亚。

    Individually based performance-related reward systems have been utilized for a long time in the major Western economies , and especially in countries that belong to the Anglo-Saxon cultural cluster that includes the United States , the United Kingdom and Australia .

  27. 我国现行的经营者报酬制度&经营者年薪制,无论是从理论分析的角度看还是从实证的结果看,都还存在不少弊端和缺陷,激励效果差甚至没有激励效果的现象比较普遍。

    The active operaters ' income system in our country-annual salary , has much more malpractice and limitation and the motivation effect is mostly little and even none at all with the point of view of theoretic analysis or of demonstration results .

  28. 随着我国监狱企业改革的深入及行刑的国际化趋势,借鉴发达国家的成功经验,建立我国的罪犯劳动报酬制度迫在眉睫。

    With the deepening of our prisons enterprises ' reform and the international trend of executing punishment , it is extremely urgent to learn the successful experiences of developed countries and set up our countrys system of criminals ' payment for labor .

  29. 股票期权作为一种由企业的所有者向经营者提供的长期激励报酬制度,将最大限度地使经营者的个人利益和企业发展的整体利益、长远利益结合起来,在发达国家实施较为成功。

    As a long-term incentive and remuneration system provided by the enterprise owners to the managers , Stock Options can combine to the extreme extent the individual interests of managers with the whole interests and long-term interests of enterprise development and was put into effect successfully in the developed countries .

  30. 最后是对EVA指标及EVA经营者报酬激励制度的再度思考,提炼出在我国的企业管理中关于EVA应用和经营者激励应关注的一般性问题。

    At the end of the paper , the author reduce some general problems about carrying out EVA to motivation manager 's in Chinese enterprises through thinking over the EVA indexes and EVA managers reward motivation system .