
bào biǎo
  • report forms;forms for reporting statistics, statements and reports;journaling;journal sheet;forms for reporting to the higher organizations;statement
报表 [bào biǎo]
  • [forms for reporting to the higher organizations] 向上级报告情况的表格

报表[bào biǎo]
  1. 水土资源管理及研究中报表自动生成的通用程序设计

    Programming of Report Forms Automatic Producting for the Soil and Water Resources Management and Research

  2. 介绍了铁路电力试验车软件的设计思想、框架结构及其总体控制策略,并就其中的测试程序、数据库管理系统、串口通讯程序、复杂式样报表生成和系统安装程序的设计策略作了叙述。

    In the paper the authors present the frame of railway electric test coach software , the authors also give an accout of the way how to design test program , database application , communication program , complex report forms program and installation program .

  3. 几位总监负责填写公司的财务报表。

    The directors are responsible for preparing the company 's financial statements .

  4. 这个报告与财务报表内容不一致。

    The report is inconsistent with the financial statements .

  5. 大气测量和排放量报表系统,包括输入格式,文件、程序和报告书。

    The Aerometric and emissions reporting system is comprised of input forms , files , programs and reports .

  6. 6.Cookthebooks做假账伪造或篡改财务报表

    cheat in accounting , manipulate financial records

  7. 我们翻阅了公司过去5年来的财务报表。

    We perused the company 's financial statements for the past five years .

  8. 讨论年度报表及其审计报告的会议

    a meeting to discuss the annual accounts and the auditors ' report thereon

  9. 年以上财务经验,包括:预算经验,成本核算经验,财务报表经验

    Up to 4 years relevant experience on budget , cost acing report analysis . 4

  10. 第三十二条审计机关进行审计时,有权检查被审计单位的会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表以及其他与财政收支或者财务收支有关的资料和资产,被审计单位不得拒绝。

    Article 32 Audit institutions shall , in conducting audit , have the power to examine the accounting documents , account books , accounting statements and other information and assets relating to budgetary revenues and expenditures or financial revenues and expenditures of the auditees , and the auditees shall not refuse such examination .

  11. access会将标签添至窗体或报表。

    Access adds a label to the form or report .

  12. 借助CrystalReport水晶报表,实现了报表的选择与打印。

    Realizing selection and printing of report by using Crystal report .

  13. WEB模式下借助树形目录实现动态报表

    Based on WEB Mode to Generate Dynamic Printed Report Resorting to Catalogue of Tree

  14. 另外,Access允许创建自定义报表用于打印或输出数据库中的信息。

    In addition , Access allows to create custom reports for printing or exporting database information .

  15. SqlServer混合认证模式下打印客户端Web报表的实现

    Realization of Printing Customer Web Reports in SQL Server

  16. Web应用程序中用流技术动态生成Excel报表

    Making Excel Reports Dynamically by Stream Technology in Web Applications

  17. 从DataExplorer视图将数据集拖拉到报表编辑器中。

    Drag the data set from the Data Explorer view to the report editor .

  18. 控件使用默认的windows标识来连接到报表服务器。

    Control uses the default Windows identity to connect to the report server .

  19. 在CompatibleQueryMode下执行时,报表显示如下输出。

    When executed in Compatible Query Mode , the report displays the following output .

  20. Net中的C技术设计并实现基于构件的用户自定义报表生成器,控件通过网络自动下载到客户机上运行。

    The report forms can be downloaded form server through network and run at the client automatically .

  21. Java报表打印的若干问题

    Some Questions about Java Report 's Printing

  22. 利用XML实现报表形式定义

    Utilization of XML to implement

  23. 该图形界面允许报表管理员轻松识别DynamicQueryMode查询的所有各个部分。

    This graphical interface allows a Report Administrator to easily identify all the individual pieces of a Dynamic Query Mode query .

  24. column提供若干选项,可用于配置报表中的一个特定列。

    Column provides several options that can be used to configure a particular column in the report .

  25. 应用PowerBuilder中Grid模板实现交叉报表的统计

    Realizing the Statistics of Crosstab with Grid Table Template in PowerBuilder

  26. VC和VB混合编程实现可视化报表

    Programming with VC and VB to Realize Visual Report Forms

  27. 如果您需要根据基于XML的数据来生成水晶报表,您会发现那篇文章是非常有用的。

    If you want to generate Crystal Reports based on XML data , you will find that article very helpful .

  28. 针对以上不足,本文提出了基于单元格和参数的XML报表描述的改进方案。

    To solve these problems , the thesis designs an improved XML report description scheme based on cell and parameter .

  29. ORACLE通用报表生成器的实现

    The design of a general-purpose report generator for Oracle Database

  30. VB中无第三方控件的报表输出

    The Output of Report in VB Without the 3rd Controller