
  • 网络press advertising
  1. 超强的解释功能,实现了报刊广告的所有功能。

    Super explanation which could replace all functions of newspaper advertising .

  2. 中国近现代报刊广告的兴起及社会功能

    The Rising and the Social Function of Newspaper Ads in Modern China

  3. 近代报刊广告中的视觉传达&以《申报》为中心

    The Visual Communication of Modern Newspaper Advertising & Centered on Shen Paper

  4. 少儿报刊广告的运作原则与策略选择青少年导刊(年刊)

    The Operating Principles and Strategic Choices of Advertisements of Teenagers Periodicals ;

  5. 房地产报刊广告是房地产商品的重要营销手段。

    Newspaper and Magazine Advertisements are important selling methods of real estate .

  6. 试析俄罗斯报刊广告的语言特点

    Analysis of language characteristic of the press ad in Russia

  7. 报刊广告设计及其表现手法

    The design for advertisement of newspapers and periodicals and its technique of expression

  8. 2006年台湾知名报刊广告创意述评广告公司与广告奖项

    Renowned 2006 ' Taiwan newspaper advertising creative Commentary

  9. 服务企业短期报刊广告评价

    Short-term Evaluation for Newspaper Advertising in Service Company

  10. 心的模仿&当代俄罗斯报刊广告艺术管窥

    The imitation from heart and soul & To have a limited view of advertisement art in modern Russian newsprint

  11. 报刊广告在市场经济发展过程中具有其它广告形式所不可比拟的优越性。

    The advertisement of newspapers and periodicals in the course of market economy development has superiority beyond comparing with others .

  12. 对大量俄罗斯电视和报刊广告标题语进行具体分析,不仅有助于对广告语言的研究,而且有助于对俄语功能语体的进一步探索和翻译研究。

    A detailed analysis of the Russian advertisement title languages will be beneficial to both advertisement language study and further exploration of Russian functional style and its translation .

  13. 民国时期的报刊广告版面,与其他历史时期相同,绝大部分被各类商业广告占据,因而学界对商业广告的研究成果颇丰。

    Advertisements of the Republic of China , the same as other historical periods , were mostly various types of commercial advertising , so academic research on them is fruitful .

  14. 在这个社会中,一种新型的传播形式对上海商业的发展及大众的消费活动发生着重要的影响,这种新型的传播形式就是近代报刊广告。

    In the twenties and thirties , as a new form of communication , the modern newspaper ad had a significant impact in commercial development and public consumption activities in Shanghai .

  15. 广告媒体是一个多元结构,主要包括报刊广告、电视广告、杂志广告、广播广告等。

    This paper induces the rules and principles in visual creation of various advertisement media by analising the characteristics of visual advertisement media : the news ads , TV ads , journal ads.

  16. 本文基于广告流的概念,旨在建构一套描述、解释、预测报刊广告流发展变化的总体模型。

    This essay is intended to establish a set of overall patterns to depict , illustrate and predict the development and change of the advertisement flow of newspapers and periodicals in China .

  17. 报刊杂志广告中用面子技巧进行社会距离操纵的分析

    On Social Distance Manipulation Through Face Management in Newspaper & Magazine Advertisements

  18. 本文把研究的重点放在时尚报刊、广告这样的文化现象上,放到被人们寄予厚望的媒体上面。

    This paper focuses on the study of the fashion press , a kind of cultural phenomenon of advertising , people pinned high hopes on the media to be put above .

  19. 在对100条现代英文报刊商业广告进行观察和词频统计的基础上,本文着重研究了广告中的动词,尤其是高频动词的用法。

    The use of verbs , verbs with high frequency in particular , in English advertising is studied on the basis of the observation and statistics of verbs with high frequency in a total of 100 English commercial advertisements that are selected from today 's magazines and newspapers .

  20. 对某报刊登医药广告情况的统计分析及思考

    The statistics and analysis of 292 medicine and drug advertisements

  21. 中文报刊的招聘广告的语类分析

    A Genre Analysis of Job Advertisements in Chinese Newspapers

  22. 报刊上的广告、报刊评论、出版自由。

    Press advertising , comment , freedom .

  23. 本市广播、电视、报刊和户外广告应当有市容环境卫生方面的公益性宣传内容。

    The Municipality 's radio , television , press and outdoor advertisements shall have public-interest publicity contents of city appearance and environmental sanitation .

  24. 出版商与公众接触的主要方式是报刊和杂志广告,自从二战以来,广告标准也有极大提高。

    Newspaper and periodical advertising is the publisher 's principal means of reaching the public and standards here have also risen considerably since world war II .

  25. 为了回答消费者为什么变得那么急于购物这一问题,一些史学家指出,这是因为制造商们可以在无需审查的报刊上刊登广告。

    To answer the question of why consumers became so eager to buy , some historians have pointed to the ability of manufacturers to advertise in a relatively uncensored press .

  26. 报刊新闻、广告、电话、电报、书信等传媒字样在《霍桑探案》文本中频繁出现,构成独特的现代传媒景观。

    The modern media symbols like news , advertisement , telephones , telegrams letters and so on , which appear frequently in the Detective Stories About Huo Sang , reveal before us a unique view of modern media .

  27. 通过国内电视台和报刊发布展览会宣传广告,并作专题报导。

    Release the exhibition news through domestic and international TV station and newspapers .

  28. 我打算先在报刊上发表小型广告。

    I plan to start out with small newspapers ads.

  29. 直到前一阵,依然有一些新闻报刊的主管认为广告收入会随着他们的观众群的转移,而从报刊转向网络。

    Until recently many print news executives believed that advertising revenues would follow their readers from print to the web .

  30. 本文构建了广告投放与消费者电话反应之间的几何滞后分布的动态计量经济模型,并利用实测数据对不同报刊媒体的短期广告效果进行了评价。

    For evaluating short-term newspaper advertising effectiveness , the article built up a geometric lag distribution dynamic econometric model to relate advertising cost and customers ' telephone response .