
  • 网络A vindictive mentality.
  1. 在其背后,可能还隐藏着一种报复心理。

    In the background could also lurk an element of revenge .

  2. 他的动机完全是出于报复心理。

    He was motivated entirely by the desire for revenge .

  3. 大学生人际宽恕与报复心理研究

    A Study on Interpersonal Forgive and Revenge of Undergraduates

  4. 他扣下那封信纯粹是出於报复心理。

    He withheld the letter out of sheer vindictiveness .

  5. 第一种猜想认为,惩罚侵犯者的欲望只是一种报复心理。

    One is that the desire to punish is simple revenge for an offence .

  6. 有意思的是,就是这么不起眼的几十美分也能激发人的报复心理。

    It is intriguing , though , that even such trivial sums of money can provoke thoughts of revenge .

  7. 当被不文明举动所影响时,只有最冷静宽容的司机才能阻挡报复心理的诱惑。

    It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior .

  8. 奥巴马倾向于依法办事,不会批准窃听对手,也没有报复心理。

    Mr Obama tends to follow the law , would never approve of burgling the opposition and bears no vengeful traits .

  9. 男性志愿者承认他们有更强的报复心理,看到对他们不公正的人受苦能获得满足感。

    Men admitted to having a much higher desire for revenge than women and derived ( 11 ) satisfaction from seeing the unfair person being punished .

  10. 其次,从报应观念来看,被害人的报复心理是一种客观存在,应当得到合理限度内的发泄;

    Secondly , based on the retributive conception , the retributive mentality of victims is one kind of external realities , and it should be abreacted in a reasonable way ;

  11. 如果我看到玛格丽特日子不怎么好过,如果我可以给她一些帮助来满足我的报复心理,我可能会原谅她,一定不会再想给她什么苦头吃。

    If , when I saw her again , Marguerite had been unhappy ; if , in taking my revenge , there had also been some way of helping her ? then I might well have forgiven her , and would certainly never have dreamed of doing her any harm .

  12. 浅析报复犯罪的心理特征

    A brief analysis of psychological characteristics in the criminal revenge

  13. 也有社会性的:如哥们义气、盲目性爱情、报复和变态心理;

    Sexual and material desires are physiological , and blind love and abnormal psychology are social .

  14. 农村受虐女性经历困惑、伤心、绝望无助、报复泄恨等心理变化,最终形成了犯罪心理并在特定情景下激化成暴力犯罪行为。

    The abused women in rural area undergo psychological changes of obfuscation , sorrow , despair and revenge , which finally forms the criminal psychology that leads to violence behavior under certain circumstances .

  15. 刘庆邦的审丑小说充分展示了腐败的灵魂、残忍的杀戮、性道德的堕落、对人的尊严和权利的蔑视以及嫉妒、报复等阴暗心理,表现了对这些丑陋人性的厌恶和批判。

    The ugly-testing stories of LIU Qing-bang 's shows fully obscure psycology of corrupted souls , cruel murders , sexual moral degeneration , mockery of human dignity and rights , jealousy and revenge etc , which are all disgusted and criticized .