
  • Reimbursement;expense account;Claim form;an expenses claim form;dispatch list
  1. 我还要公费报销单。

    I 'd need an expense account .

  2. 有一点必须说明,我们拿不到任何报销单。私下里讲,在审计决算之前,都是由我来承担风险,之后我才能领取报酬。

    It 's quite important to understand that we do not get an expense account . Privately , I hold the risk until the audited accounts are done and then I get paid back .

  3. B:可以,把报销单交给我。

    B : Yes , submit the expense report to me .

  4. 4.Expesnsereport报销单A:我怎样做报销单?

    A : How do I submit an expense report ?

  5. marc有帮你做报销单吗?

    Did Marc help you with the expense report ?

  6. 是的,这是报销单的表格。

    Yes , here is the form for an expense report .

  7. 提交报销单,回复邮件,接着是更多的事情。

    An expense report . Answering several emails . And more .

  8. 我指的是你交的报销单。

    But it 's about the expense report you turned in .

  9. 回来后,你必须把它们贴在报销单上。

    Them to your expense account when you get back .

  10. 你是说我必须把单据贴到报销单上?

    You mean I have to attach the receipts with the expense report ?

  11. 他们发现这些报销单数字都被虚报了。

    They found out the puffed-up purchase orders .

  12. 随着报销单上金额的缩水和顾客们偏向低价选择,顶级饭店正陷入痛苦之中。

    Top spots are suffering as expense accounts dry up and customers trade down .

  13. 等我找到收据,报销单又丢了。

    By the time I found the receipts , I had lost the form .

  14. 我要怎样提交报销单?

    How do I submit an expense report ?

  15. 乐趣完全来自报销单的细节。

    The delight is in the detail .

  16. 所有费用报销单均应附上现金发票/货物清单/付款凭证

    All expenses claims must be accompanied by cash value receipt / invoice / copies of payments

  17. 据称,一位议员的报销单中甚至包括清理水沟的费用。

    One MP even allegedly included the cost of having his moat cleared with his expense claims .

  18. 员工应填写相关的报销单,以及相应的发票和收据。

    Employees should fill out the appropriate forms for reimbursement together with the corresponding invoices and receipts .

  19. 如果您为您的病人递交汽车保险医疗费用报销单,您必须要使用这个系统来申请。

    If you are submitting OCF forms for auto insurance claims for patients you must use this system .

  20. 在担任非执行董事两年多时间里,我连一张报销单也没提交过。

    In over two years as a non-executive director I have not managed to submit a single expense claim .

  21. 例如,可以在零用金报销单模板中使用重复表收集各项经费。

    For example , you can use a repeating table to collect itemized expenses in an expense report form template .

  22. 因为你的报销单送错了部门/会计部经理不友好地盘问你而感到惊讶

    Feel surprised that your expenses form went to the wrong department / the Accounts manager questioned you in an unfriendly way

  23. B:这有一个报销单的表格,填好交给我就行了,我帮你拿去签字。

    B : Here 's the form for expense report . Fill it out and give it to me . I 'll get it signed for you .

  24. 企业每天会生成大量的费用报销单,需要专人将这些单据全部录入为凭证,在大多数企业中,这项工作均由财务人员承担。

    Enterprises produce lots of reimbursement lists everyday , which needed to be fully entered by special-engaged person as vouchers . In most enterprises , this work is undertaken by financial personnel With the expansion of business operation scale , the bill documents have being massively produced gradually .

  25. 福特.长官的报销单及其复杂难搞,早已经臭名远扬。他发现,总的来说,大堂的机器人缺乏很好的装备,没法理解他提出的那些个论证,因此他宁愿另找通道入场。

    Ford Prefect 's expense accounts were notoriously complex and difficult affairs and he had found , on the whole , that the lobby robots were ill-equipped to understand the arguments he wished to put forward in relation to them . He preferred , therefore , to make his entrance by another route .

  26. 哦,如果你们还没有报销旅费,别忘了填好报销单——信息袋里应该有一张。

    Oh , if you haven 't claimed your travel expenses yet , don 't forget to fill in your expenses claim form there should be one in your information pack .