
  1. 高校报网融合已成为校园新闻媒体发展的必然趋势。

    Integration of the college 's newspaper with Internet has become a natural trend of the campus news media .

  2. 与大多数报业集团的报网融合、资源融合、资本融合等尝试所不同的是,烟台日报传媒集团模式借助数字化技术全面整合了不同媒介之间的各种资源,再造了内容生产的全媒体流程。

    And most of the newspaper group reported net fusions , resource integration , capital of integrated attempt , yantai daily media group by digital technology integrated model for different media between various resources , the content of the production of recycling process .

  3. 报纸的网络化传播是纸媒的发展方向,然而什么是报网互动,什么是报网融合,它们之间有着怎样的区别与联系是第二章重点说明的问题。

    Newspaper transmit by internet is the development direction of newspaper media . However , what is interaction of internet and newspaper , what is convergence of internet and newspaper , what is the difference and contact between them is the main topic in the second chapter .

  4. 传统报媒要想冲破重围,摆脱目前的困境,就必须放下身段,向它的竞争对手&新媒体去学习,实现报网互动,在融合中谋得共同发展。

    If traditional newspaper intermediary want to get rid of the problem , it must put down the figure , and learn its rival & the new media .