
  • 网络presentation media;The Presentation Medium;Display Media
  1. 为了将实验机理和过程形象、直观地演示出来,作者研究了多媒体技术及表现媒体类型,确定了使用的软件工具,并将其应用于药剂学实验过程的演示。

    To demonstrate the mechanism and process of experiments visually , multimedia technique and representation types of medias were developed . Software that will be used was made certain .

  2. 外语教学应以语言能力、交际能力、学习策略能力为目标,界面设计应以此为据选择表现媒体、结构层次、交互方式和技术手段。

    The selection of multi-media for displaying , structural arrangement of interface , modes of interaction and technological means should be based on foreign language teaching goals of linguistic competence , communicative competence and learning strategies .

  3. 另一方面,在促进销售量增长的基础上,展开详细论述,分别从创意表现、媒体选择和市场营销组合几个方面进行分析。

    For another , the thesis goes deep into the analysis on originality , media , and marketing .

  4. 新闻策划可以提升新闻传播效果,在传播中的突出表现被媒体和政府部门所关注并积极运用。

    Journalistic planning contributes to the achievement of communicating effects . Its outstanding performance in contributing to spreading effects made it win the favor of media and government .

  5. 实际上,由于他在世界杯赛场上的出色表现,媒体在报道时称其为“清道夫”(sweeper-keeper),他总是在球队面临压力的时候,走出禁区,为队友提供精准传球。

    Indeed , he has been dubbed a ' sweeper-keeper " by sections of the media for his performances at this World Cup , featuring plenty of evidence of his desire to come off his line and play accurate passes when under pressure .

  6. 他们在亚特兰大奥运会的糟糕表现遭到英国媒体穷追猛打,媒体指责运动员为钱不择手段,其中包括两名英国跳水运动员摩根(BobMorgan)和艾利(TonyAlly),他们在亚特兰大沿街兜售自己的奥运队服换取现金。

    The disastrous performance in Atlanta was devoured by the British press , which pointed to tales of hard-up athletes , including that of two U.K. divers , Bob Morgan and Tony Ally , who hawked their official Olympic gear on the streets of Atlanta for cash .

  7. 最为明显的表现在与媒体的互动。

    Nowhere is that more obvious than in the corners of it that interact with the media .

  8. 在这样的背景下,艺术的形式也在逐步产生变革,一种新的艺术表现形式新媒体互动装置艺术产生了。

    Under this background , the form of art changes too . A new kind of art-New media interactive installation art born .

  9. 计算机图形处理技术不仅给人们提供了认识和表现世界的媒体,同时也产生了一种新的艺术形式。

    The technique of CG not only provides people a new medium to realize and express the world , and also creates a new style of art .

  10. 但是,其研究成果多是阶段性的,或就特定时间内的特定事件(比如选举)表现出的媒体和政治关系进行研究。

    However , the results of their research is mostly short-term , or about the relationship between the media and politics showed in time-specific events ( such as elections ) .

  11. 第三章主要阐述文化工业产品对人们的精神异化作用及其极端异常的行为表现,包括媒体成瘾、对媒体产生信仰等。

    The third chapter deals with the spiritual alienation effects of the culture industrial products on the characters and their unusual behaviors are followed , such as addictions to media , turned faith in media and so on .

  12. 中国电影业都在关注《一代宗师》的票房表现。根据媒体研究公司艺恩咨询(EntGroup)的数据,《一代宗师》周二上映首日的票房为人民币2980万元(480万美元)。

    The Chinese movie industry will now turn its attention to box-office receipts for ' The Grandmaster , ' which took in 29.8 million yuan ( $ 4.8 million ) on its opening day Tuesday , according to media-research firm EntGroup .

  13. 表现出对广电媒体多重本性的某些认可;表露出国加入WTO后的紧迫感与焦虑感。

    It also manifests the approval of media 's multiple nature and the pressing worries of China with the entry to WTO .

  14. 此外,网络媒体还表现出与传统媒体融合的特点。

    Besides , there is another feature of the convergence of the network and traditional media .

  15. 数字化使得艺术家有了更多的表现空间,新媒体也使越来越多的观众产生兴趣。

    Digitization makes the artist have more behavior spaces , the new media makes more and more audiences become interested too .

  16. 分类广告转投网络使得报纸是一段时间来表现最差的媒体,而其广告收入继续大幅下滑。

    Newspapers , for some time the weakest media performers because of the online migration of classified advertising , turned in further heavy declines .

  17. 换句话说,不管有多少种表现形式,新媒体的核心只有一个,即使用者和作品的直接互动。

    In other words , regardless of the number of forms of performance , the core of new media is the interactive between users and works .

  18. 网络媒体为主、数字媒体技术作为基础的新媒体已经在媒体传播的各个方面,表现出与传统媒体分庭抗礼的态势。

    With Internet media as its main form , new media based on digital media technology has shown the competitive trend with traditional media in all aspects .

  19. 而对于默多克在听证会上的表现,几乎所有媒体都引用了他在听证会上的开场白,“这是我人生中最为卑微的一天”。

    And it made her an instant hero among the millions of television viewers who had tuned in to watch the face-off between the Murdochs and their parliamentary interrogators .

  20. 最近几年,社会化媒体迅速发展,特别是微博,越来越流行。由于社会化媒体所表现的与传统媒体的不同特性,引起了研究者极大的兴趣。

    With the development of Social Media , especially the popular of Micro-blog , more and more researchers are interested in it , because of the differences between Social Media and traditional media .

  21. 新媒体作为一种革命性的媒介对传统媒体所构筑的媒介环境的瓦解是不言而喻的,这种瓦解首当其冲的表现便是新媒体对传统媒体权威性和信誉度的削弱。

    New media as a revolutionary medium who had collapsed media environment of traditional media is self-evident . The brunt performance of this collapse is that authority and credibility of traditional media have weakened by new media increasingly .

  22. 随着时代的发展和信息化进程的推进,网络媒体不仅丰富了传播形态,改变了传播格局,还带来了新闻传播领域的重大变革,表现出传统新闻媒体无法比拟的优越性。

    With the changing of the times and the development of information , the internet media not only enriched the communication , changed the pattern of the media , but also has changed the field of news dissemination . The internet media is more advantage than the traditional news media .

  23. 从审美艺术表现载体看,他的艺术作品的另一个创新就在于艺术表现媒体的革故鼎新,这也是他的审美创造的艺术特点之一。

    From the view of show carrier , his works discards the old in favor of the new , this is one of his aesthetic creation characteristics .