
  • 网络Presentation;presentation medium;Representation Media;Reprception Medium;Representation Medium
  1. 在表示媒体上部分或完全重叠的两个或多个布局客体的公共区域。

    The common area of two or more layout objects that overlap each other partially or fully on the presentation medium .

  2. 他表示媒体把这件事弄的有些疯狂。

    He says things are crazy here with the press .

  3. 布尔值表示媒体访问的设备需要清理。在功能数组属性中显示是使用手动还是自动清理。

    Boolean indicating that the media access device needs cleaning . Whether manual or automatic cleaning is possible is indicated in the Capabilities array property .

  4. 在随后的一场记者会上,外交部发言人表示媒体报道的情况完全虚假,并将其比作间谍小说中的情节。

    The ministry 's official spokesman said at a subsequent press conference that the report was totally false and compared it to something out of a spy novel .

  5. src:表示生成媒体的任何源。

    Src : A source is anything that produces media .

  6. 美国电视主持人凯蒂库里克(KatieCouric)也表示:媒体可以成为变革的工具

    Or as Katie Couric , the American television anchor says : The media can be an instrument of change

  7. 总而言之,对于RESTful应用来说,契约包含三个不同部分:统一接口、表示的媒体类型和资源的上下文相关链接。

    To sum up , for a RESTful application , the contract contains three different pieces : the uniform interface , media types of representations , and contextual links to resources .

  8. 普华永道(PwC)最近发表了一份有关该行业的报告。报告的作者大卫兰斯菲尔德(DavidLancefield)表示,媒体所有者关于数字模式的看法正在发生变化,部分原因是广告业低迷对其核心业务造成了伤害。

    David Lancefield , author of a recent PwC report on the sector , says media owners ' thinking about digital models is changing in part because of the damage being wreaked on their core businesses by the advertising downturn .

  9. 他表示国家媒体只会让情况变得更糟。

    State media , he said , have just made things worse .

  10. 表示物理媒体是用来清理的而不是用来储存数据的布尔值。

    Boolean indicating that the physical media is used for cleaning purposes and not data storage .

  11. 她表示,媒体对卡贝尔证词的关注有利于打击钻石的斗争。

    She says the media attention given to Campbell 's testimony is a for the fight against conflict diamonds .

  12. 但是研究人员表示,媒体在报纸上对他们的报道存在许多问题。

    But the researchers say there are many problems in the way the press has reported on their paper .

  13. 世界各地的评论人员表示美国媒体的报道抹杀了战争真正的残酷性。

    Some critics around the world argue that American media coverage has been cleansed of the real violence of the war .

  14. 利比亚的黎波里-利比亚过渡委员会发言人周四表示,媒体消息表明利比亚前领导人卡扎菲已经身亡。

    Tripoli , Libya ( CNN ) & Reports indicate deposed Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is dead , the National Transitional Council spokesman said Thursday .

  15. 他表示:媒体对我的薪酬非常感兴趣,但它们的报道有时有偏差,与事实不符。

    The media is very interested in my salary but their reports are sometimes biased and not in line with the truth , he said .

  16. 而他表示,媒体对联合创始人的这种关注并不恰当,目前的管理团队已经顺利合作了数月之久。

    He suggested that the focus on the co-founders has been misplaced , and that the current management team has been working together well for months .

  17. 奥巴马在首次接受全球性刊物采访时表示:媒体往往把这设定为一种非此即彼'的方式。

    The press has tended to frame this as an either / or ' approach , Mr Obama said in his first interview with a global publication .

  18. 五角大楼在周一时表示新闻媒体不会报道关于本周末一架美国直升机被击落,30名遇难美军的遗体返回事件。

    The Pentagon said Monday that news media will not be able to cover the return of the remains of30 U.S.troops killed when militants shot down their helicopter in Afghanistan over the weekend .

  19. 论坛执行主席、新华通讯社社长蔡名照表示,媒体在促进金砖国家的合作中发挥着重要作用,尤其是在人文交流方面。

    BRICS Media Forum Executive Chairman and Xinhua News Agency President Cai Mingzhao says media has an important role to play to promote cooperation - especially regarding people to people exchanges among BRICS countries .

  20. 中国中药协会会长房书亭表示,媒体和工作对活熊取胆的过程有相当大的误解。

    Fang Shuting , head of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ), said there is a great misunderstanding among the media and the public about the process of extracting bear bile .

  21. 互联网的政治战略家表示社会媒体的目标是收集来自为了使活动个性化的选民数据,也为了让候选人不仅被人熟知,而且也要被视为一位知道理解并想要解决选民面临着问题的良友。

    Internet Political Strategists say the goal with social media is to collect data from voters in order to personalize the campaign-to make the candidate not only familiar , but also to be seen as a friend who knows and understands the problems voters face and want solved .

  22. sink:表示能够消耗媒体的任何接收器。

    Sink : A sink is anything that consumes media .

  23. 罗格对法新社(AFP)表示:外国媒体将首次能够在中国自由报道,并且自由发表他们的报道。

    For the first time , foreign media will be able to report freely and publish their work freely in China .

  24. 东京股票交易所(TokyoStockExchange)的运营方日本交易所集团(JapanExchangeGroup)拒绝评论具体的媒体报道,并表示对该媒体的新闻采集方法无可奉告。

    Japan Exchange Group , operator of the Tokyo Stock Exchange , declined to comment on individual press reports , and said it had no comment on the newsgathering methods employed by the media .

  25. IBM表示,社交媒体早在上世纪70年代就已在其内部扎根,当时IBM的主机程序员在System/370平台上开创了在线讨论区。

    The new York-based company says its social media roots date back to the 1970s , when its mainframe programmers started discussion forums ( on system / 370 consoles ) .

  26. 伦敦政治经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)传媒系助理教授尼克褠斯特德(NickAnstead)表示,社交媒体是一种免费接触大批受众的方式的说法也是错误的。

    Nick Anstead , assistant professor at the media department of the London School of Economics , says it is also a myth that social media is a way to reach large audiences for free .

  27. 在多伦多罗特曼商学院(rotman)负责全日制mba项目的凯文福雷(kevinfrey)表示,社交媒体策略师在各个行业也很受欢迎。

    Social media strategists are also in demand across all sectors , says Kevin Frey , who runs the full-time MBA at Rotman in Toronto .

  28. 麦当劳发言人巴克(HeidiBarker)周一表示,如果媒体报道中描述的情况得到证实,对麦当劳而言那是完全无法接受的。

    McDonald 's spokeswoman Heidi Barker said Monday that if the practices described in media reports were confirmed , they would be ' completely unacceptable to McDonald 's. '

  29. 行业高管们表示,社交媒体及诸如shazam这样的工具将提供一种重要的渠道,同时将为奥运会带来更多的讨论话题。

    Social media and tools such as Shazam could provide an important link and drive more buzz for the games , industry executives said .

  30. 中国劳工通讯的郭展睿(GeoffreyCrothall)表示,新闻媒体对打车软件的关注掩盖了中国出租车司机的主要困扰:那些唯利是图的出租车公司经常收取巨额份子钱,让司机辛苦挣来的钱所剩无几。

    Geoffrey Crothall of China Labor Bulletin said the news media 's focus on ride-hailing apps obscured the main complaint of the Chinese taxi drivers : that rapacious fleet companies charge onerous rental fees that leave drivers with little to show for their toil .