
  • 网络Off-Balance-Sheet Financing;Off Balance Sheet Financing;Off-balance Sheet Finance;off-balance sheet financing
  1. SPE一直没能纳入发起人的合并报表,导致其逐渐沦为某些企业进行表外融资、隐藏债务的工具。

    SPE has not been included in the consolidated financial statement of sponsors in the long term , which makes it become means of off-balance-sheet financing and hiding debt for some enterprises .

  2. 企业在进行表外融资决策时,需要考虑的成本和风险因素又有哪些。

    And how the cost and risk factors influence the off-balance-sheet financing decision .

  3. 第三,记者们未能领会银行表外融资增加的重要性、这种现象与巴塞尔新资本协议(basleii)中顺应周期的资本充足率规定的关系、以及杠杆的总体概念。

    Third , journalists failed to grasp the significance of the growth in off-balance sheet financing by the banks , its relationship with the pro-cyclical Basle II rules on capital ratios , and the overall concept of leverage .

  4. SPE设立的真正目的是分散或转移风险、节约融资成本及合法避税,但是由于会计准则特别是合并报表规则上的漏洞,使SPE沦落为某些企业表外融资、隐藏债务的工具。

    The true purpose of SPE is to distract from risk , to save the cost of financing and to avoid taxes legally , but on account of the shortcomings of consolidation rules , SPE has become means of off-balance sheet financing and hiding debt for some enterprises .

  5. 它是一种表外融资;

    It is a kind of financing outside the form ;

  6. 表外融资业务开辟了融资新渠道、缓解了企业的财务困境。

    Off-balance-sheet business starts a new financial channel and alleviates the financial distress .

  7. 表外融资会导致企业哪些利益相关者产生怎样的利益冲突,会对各种财务指标产生怎样的影响;

    What are the influences that the off-balance-sheet financing have on the financial ratios ;

  8. 表外融资的几种形式

    Several kinds of forms of outside formed financing

  9. 表外融资产生的背景和根源是什么;

    What are the backgrounds and the springhead that give birth to the off-balance-sheet financing ;

  10. 正因如此,表外融资逐渐成为诱发财务舞弊和金融风险的重要根源。

    Because of this , OBS financing gradually became an important source of financial fraud and financial risks .

  11. 本文讨论的问题主要有:什么是表外融资;

    The questions discussed in the thesis mainly are : What is the off - balance - sheet financing ;

  12. 在金融创新的背景下,与表外融资相关的金融产品或交易设计更为繁杂。

    In the context of financial innovation , financial products or transactions relevant to OBS financing become more complicated .

  13. 和以往一样,创新证券化和表外融资等等在这个故事中占据了很大篇幅。

    Innovation securitisation , off-balance-sheet financing and the rest has , as always , proved a big part of the story .

  14. 资产证券化作为强市场本位时期重要金融工具,其主要具有表外融资、未来收入抵押和现金收入担保等特征。

    Assets securitirization is the basic essence and main characteristic of those important financial tools in the time of strong market standard .

  15. 第一章介绍了研究背景和意义、表外融资及相关界定、研究方法、主要内容和主要贡献等。

    Chapters ⅰ introduce the research background and significance of OBS financing and definition of research methods , and the main contribution .

  16. 资产证券化是一个以项目收入为导向,以资产信用为基础的创新型的表外融资方式。

    As an innovative financial outside balance sheet , asset securitization takes income as the direction , and credit of assets as the basis .

  17. 第二章是本文研究的逻辑起点,分析了租赁会计准则的制定目标在于公允表述承租人租赁业务中的价值变动情况,并指出这一目标具体体现在解决租赁表外融资的会计问题。

    Seen from lessee , a more detailed objective of lease standard is to resolve accounting problems brought from off balance sheet lease financing .

  18. 主要介绍现代化市场经济下,表外融资的定义、产生方式、存在原因。

    Definition , form of coming into being and reasons of existence of the outside formed financing under present market economy are mainly introduced .

  19. 进一步地,基于股东、债权人和管理者之间的契约关系,分析表外融资的主、客观动因。

    Further , based on the contractual relationship between shareholders , creditors and managers , this chapter analyzes subjective and objective motivations of OBS financing .

  20. 让公众改变对银行存款风险的认识,金融体系的另一个巨大部分或许也会受到影响,即影子融资,或表外融资。

    Changing public perceptions about the risk of bank deposits could have implications for another huge part of the system : shadow financing , or off-balance-sheet fund-raising .

  21. 公司应当区分债务融资、表外融资、股权融资、衍生产品融资等项目对公司未来资金来源进行披露。

    The company shall disclose future fund sources in the future based on different items of debt financing , off-balance-sheet financing , equity financing , and derivative product financing .

  22. 资产证券化凭借其表外融资、结构融资及信用融资的优势,得到各国资本市场的广泛追捧。

    The property securitization relies on the superiority of finance which is outside fiscal statement , structure financing and the credit financing , pursued widely by various countries ' capital market .

  23. 但到2002年底,中国央行改变了规范的,我希望商业银行进行资产负债表外融资方案,一步到位,以促进住房抵押贷款证券化。

    But by the end of2002 , China 's central bank changed the norm , I hope the commercial banks to make balance-sheet financing options , step in place to promote mortgage securitization .

  24. 本章首先构建了一个简单的经济博弈模型,证明了在一定条件下会计准则缺口将诱致管理者采用表外融资以追求其自身利益最大化。

    At beginning , this chapter builds a simple economic game model to prove that under certain conditions the accounting standards '" gaps " could induce managers to pursue their own interests to maximize by OBS financing .

  25. 表外融资的内涵和外延相当丰富,可表现为租赁、回购、资产证券化、特殊目的实体、衍生金融工具、或有负债等具体手段的单一或综合运用。

    The connotation and extension of the off-balance sheet (" OBS ") financing is abundant , and can be performed for leases , repurchase , securitization , special purpose entities , derivative financial instruments , contingent liabilities and other specific means of single or combined use of .

  26. 此前多家银行变得过于依赖银行间市场,将其视为一个廉价资金来源,并利用这些资金为高风险的表外贷款融资。

    Several banks had become overly reliant on the interbank market as a cheap source of funds and were using the cash to finance risky off-balance sheet loans .

  27. 资产证券化融资是一种表外的直接融资方式,有其他触资方式无法具备的优点。

    Assets securitization financing is a kind of direct financing that has advantages over other kinds of financing models .

  28. 花旗曾是安然、世通、阿德菲亚和帕玛拉特等丑闻公司的主要表内和表外融资提供者。

    It had been a prominent provider of finance , on-and off-balance sheet , to Enron , WorldCom , Adelphia and Parmalat , among others .

  29. 表外负债可延申为表外融资负债与不确定性负债。

    Off-balance-sheet liabilities can be expanded into liabilities for off-balance-sheet financing and uncertain liabilities .