
  • 网络voting trust
  1. 本章首先对表决权信托制度的含义进行分析,认为表决权信托本质上是信托制度在股东表决权领域的运用、是股东表决权和信托制度联姻的产物。

    After analyzing the meanings of voting trust , the author deems that voting trust is in essence the combination of trust and shareholders ' voting right .

  2. 其次,具体介绍和分析了表决权信托的设立及法律效力。

    Secondly , the establishment and legal effect of voting trust will be introduced .

  3. 在世界范围内,表决权信托已经成为一种保护中小股东权益的重要制度工具。

    Voting trust has become the worldwide tool for Minority-shareholder protecting .

  4. 公司股东表决权信托制度探究

    A Study on Stockholder 's Trust System of Voting Rights

  5. 建立中国表决权信托制度的法律思考

    Legal Thoughts on Establishing Vote Trust System in China

  6. 表决权信托证书可以在证券市场上自由流通。

    The voting trust certificates may be freely transferred in the securities market .

  7. 而且,曼彻斯特州在实践中也已承认了表决权信托的效力。

    Moreover , Manchester state has acknowledged the effectiveness of voting trust in practice .

  8. 表决权信托在保护中小股东权益方面的运用

    The Application of Voting Trust to Protecting Middle and Lower-level Stockholders ' Rights and Interests

  9. 所以,我国有必要也有可能建立表决权信托。

    Therefore , there is necessary and possible to establish the system of voting trust .

  10. 刍析表决权信托客体&表决权抑或股权

    Comments on the Object of Voting Trust

  11. 表决权信托是保护中小股东利益的有效方式。

    Voting Trust is an efficient way .

  12. 股权表决权信托制度是股东表决权行使过程中对信托制度的引入。

    Voting Right Trust is the exercise of shareholders'voting right through a way of trust .

  13. 第二个层次是表决权信托制度在我国确立的可行性。

    The second level is the feasibility of the Voting Trust established system in our country .

  14. 但我国却没有表决权信托制度的法律规定。

    But currently in China , there is no such kind of law as voting trust .

  15. 全文共有四个部分:第一部分是对表决权信托的概述。

    This paper has four parts : The first section is a summary of the voting trust .

  16. 表决权信托制度肇端于美国,并在美国及其他国家得到了极大的发展。

    Trust system of voting rights starts in America and develops considerably in America and other countries .

  17. 股权信托最早源于美国,在美国其表现形式为表决权信托。

    Shares Trust originated from the United States , the original form of it is Voting Trust .

  18. 受益人即信托证书持有人,常常与委托人(设立表决权信托的股东)是同一人,他们则处于信托的权利主体的地位,主要享有对信托财产的受益权和对受托人的监督权。

    The parties to a voting trust mainly are settlers , trustee ( s ) and beneficiaries .

  19. 现今,关于表决权信托研究最多的是美国、日本和我国台湾地区。

    Today , The United States , Japan and Taiwan of China are the best about voting trust .

  20. 针对表决权信托的特性,我国应通过适当立法途径建立起相应的表决权信托制度。

    We should establish the correspondent system in line with the characteristics of voting right via proper legislation .

  21. 运用表决权信托,有助于法人治理结构的真正实现,保持股权结构的相对稳定。

    It helps to exert the corporation structure - treatment and keep the stability of stock construction comparatively .

  22. 表决权信托是信托在公司法领域的运用,一种间接行使表决权的方式。

    Voting Trust is a trust in the use of corporate law , an indirect exercise of voting rights .

  23. 表决权信托通过对表决权的重新安排,为中小股东利益保护提供了一个较好的外部机制。

    By way of a rearrangement of voting rights , voting trust provides an external protective mechanism for minority shareholders .

  24. 我国的台湾地区在其公司法和企业并购法中对表决权信托做了明文规定。

    There are regulations about voting trust in company law and merger of voting rights law in Taiwan of china .

  25. 本文则从股份收购这个新的角度探讨表决权信托,全文共分四章。

    This article , which has four chapters , is about the voting trust in the field of stock acquisition .

  26. 本文在对大量外国文献研究的基础上,意图就表决权信托做一个制度研究。

    Based on studying large amount of foreign materials , the author intend to do some research on this subject .

  27. 股东表决权信托的客体究竟是股份还是基于股份所产生的表决权,意义重大。

    It is of great significance whether the object of stockholder voting power trust is share or share-based voting power .

  28. 表决权信托制度在完善公司治理结构和保护中小股东利益方面具有独特的功能和价值,其也引起我国学者的广泛关注。

    It has distinctive function and value on which perfects company 's administration structure and protects middle and small stockholders'profits .

  29. 表决权信托的当事人主要包括委托股东、受托人和表决权信托证书持有人。

    The parties to the voting trust must include the depositing stockholders , the trustees and the voting trust certificate holders .

  30. 对将表决权信托制度在我国确立可能引起的质疑和现实障碍进行回应和改进。

    On the Voting Trust established system in our questioning and practical obstacles that may arise from the response and improvement .