
  • 网络Charitable Trust;Pew Charitable Trusts;Trust for Philanthropy
  1. 例如,皮尤慈善信托基金会(PewCharitableTrust)正在努力开发简化版本的金融文件,比如银行费用,人们对银行费用存在广泛的困惑,而这种困惑的代价相当高昂。

    The Pew Charitable Trust , for instance , is trying to develop simplified model documents on financial topics such as banking fees , about which there is widespread and costly confusion .

  2. 李宝椿慈善信托基金

    Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund

  3. 他已设立了两个慈善信托机构。

    He had set up two charitable trusts

  4. TerrenceHigginsHIV慈善信托的女发言人说:“尽管鱼疗感染传染病几率很小,仍要小心。”

    A spokeswoman for HIV charity the Terrence Higgins Trust said : ' The risk of picking up infections is minimal but people must be careful where they choose to go . '

  5. 例如,coutts银行就参与了建立家族慈善信托等架构,然后帮助管理其中的资金。

    Coutts , for example , is involved with setting up structures such as family charitable trusts , and then managing the money in them .

  6. 本文把美国作为发达国家的代表,以密尔沃基市的教育券计划和教育选择慈善信托(ECCT)为例,介绍了美国教育券计划的实施现状;

    The thesis , regarding the developed country , America , as the representative , and taking the plan of education voucher of Milwaukee and ECCT as an example , introduces the current situation of the plan of education voucher in America ;

  7. 塔塔集团及其子公司拥有印度规模最大的两家慈善信托基金。

    The Tatas run two of the largest charitable trusts in India .

  8. 重点讲解:他已设立了两个慈善信托机构。

    He had se t up two charitable trusts .

  9. 约66%的塔塔集团股份由120年前创建的慈善信托基金持有。

    Some 66 % of Tata is owned by philanthropic trusts founded 120 years ago .

  10. 天狼星全球动物慈善信托基金会;

    Sirius global animal charitable trust ;

  11. 由于公益信托源自于对英美法系的慈善信托制度的移植,因此,对于英美慈善信托法律制度的研究对于我国公益信托制度的完善具有极其重要的意义。

    Because of charitable trust is originated from the transplantation of public trust in common law system .

  12. 李宝椿慈善信托基金读劝善的好书不免沈闷无味。

    Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Reading good books of morality , is a little flat and dead .

  13. 第二章为英美慈善信托的成立要件。

    The second chapter focuses on the conditions which are critical to the establishment of charitable trust in common law system .

  14. 第四章为英美慈善信托制度移植我国的法理分析。

    The fourth chapter makes legal analysis on the transplantation of charitable trust from common law system to our legal system .

  15. 本周,皮尤慈善信托基金会的研究人员预测,3%的房主将在未来几年内遭遇(房产)没收。

    This week , researchers from the Pew Charitable Trusts predicted that three percent of all homeowners will be in foreclosure in the next few years .

  16. 美国的几家大型银行主动采用了皮尤慈善信托基金会去年推出的模板,这是一个令人振奋的信号。

    The model form that Pew put forward last year has been voluntarily adopted by several of the nation 's largest banks ─ a very encouraging sign .

  17. 那些股票此后被出售,价值估计为4亿美元(保尔森已表示,他将会把自己的财富放进一家慈善信托基金)。

    That stake has since been sold , for an estimated $ 400m ( Mr Paulson has said he would put his fortune into a charitable trust ) .

  18. 同时,巴菲特一直因其不贪慕虚荣而受到赞誉,因为他将资金捐给了盖茨基金会,而不是以自己的名义建立一个慈善信托基金。

    Meanwhile , Buffett has been lauded for his lack of vanity in handing his money over to the Gates foundation instead of setting up a charitable trust in his own name .

  19. 2007年她建立了自己的慈善信托,以纪念父亲,一位马来西亚华人大亨,旨在“将当代中国带入英国公众视野”,反之亦然。

    When she launched a charitable trust in 2007 , dedicated to the memory of her father , a Chinese-Malaysian tycoon , the aim was to " bring contemporary China to the British public " and vice versa .

  20. 该章首先讨论了英美慈善信托的监管制度的必要性;其次分别对英国和美国的监管制度进行介绍;最后论述了有关慈善信托监管制度的核心内容。

    This chapter , first of all , discusses the necessity of the regulatory system , and then introduces the regulatory system in UK and in US . At last , it discusses the core contents of regulatory system .

  21. 慈善信托是英美法中极具特色与创造性的法律制度,历经数百年的发展,随着该制度自身的不断发展完善,现已成为英美法系中不可或缺的重要内容。

    Charitable trust , featured by its creative characteristics , is an extremely peculiar legal institution in common law system . Hundreds of years bear witness to its development , and with continuous perfection , it is now has become the indispensable legal institution in common law system .

  22. 慈善书面信托是用来建立大的慈善基金。

    Charitable express trusts are used to create large philanthropic foundations .

  23. 经管慈善事业、信托基金、地产

    Administer a charity , a trust fund , an estate

  24. 捐与公共性质慈善机构或信托团体的款项

    Donation of money to charitable institution or trust of a public character

  25. 发布调查报告的是艾滋病慈善组织特伦斯·希金斯信托。该组织也同时对最近避孕套销售的增长表示欢迎。

    Aids charity the Terrence Higgins Trust , which published the survey , also welcomed recent figures showing an increase in condom sales .

  26. 查尔斯王储并未出席,而是在参加他的新项目慈善机构王储信托的发布活动。

    Prince Charles wasn 't there for either , he was attending a launch of a new project by his charity , the Prince 's Trust .

  27. 市民可浏览本局网页,查阅认可慈善机构及信托团体名单及有关慈善团体的资料小册子。

    The list of approved charitable institutions and trusts of a public character and the information pamphlet on charities are also available on our home page .

  28. 肯尼亚主要慈善组织大卫·谢德里克信托表示,英国已经落后了。英国政府表示将发布公告,承诺全面禁止象牙交易。

    But a leading charity in Kenya , the David Sheldrick Trust , says UK has The British Government says it 's made a manifesto commitment to ban ivory completely .

  29. 但英国慈善教育机构萨顿信托基金会在题为《婴儿的情感纽带》报告中指出,亲子关系除了会影响孩子的心态以外,还会影响他们日后的学习生活。

    But the report from the Sutton Trust education charity , entitled Baby Bonds , makes the case that it has an important impact on children 's future educational chances as well as their emotional well-being .