
  • 网络Charity Culture;culture of charity
  1. 中国传统慈善文化与和谐社会建设

    Chinese Traditional Charity Culture and the Construction of Harmonious Society

  2. 论中华慈善文化及其道德精神

    Chinese Charity Culture and its Moral Spirit

  3. 中国传统慈善文化历经数千年的传承和发展。

    China has witnessed the thousands of years ' inheritance and development of traditional charitable culture .

  4. 第二,慈善文化宣传普及不到位影响慈善事业的发展;

    Second , the charitable cultural propaganda popularizes does not arrive the influence philanthropy 's development ;

  5. 慈善文化在构建社会主义和谐社会的历史进程中,是一种重要的精神力量。

    The culture of Charity is an important kind of mental power in the process of constructing Harmonious Society .

  6. 对于我国的慈善文化渊源,笔者着重从儒学思想中涉及慈善问题的方面着手展开。

    The cultural origins of the charity , the author focuses on Confucianism from the issues involved in charitable aspects started .

  7. 当时的中国不可能有像洛克菲勒、卡内基那样慷慨的个人或家族去培育慈善文化或传统。

    It was an impossible time to have a culture or tradition of philanthropy nurtured by the generous individuals and families like the Rockefellers or the Carnegies .

  8. 弘扬中国传统慈善文化,发展慈善事业,对于促进精神文明建设、构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的借鉴意义。

    In order to speed up the construction of moral civilization and harmonious society , we should promote the Chinese traditional charity culture and do more charites .

  9. 在西方慈善文化渊源的论述中主要从基督教的博爱、原罪、谦卑思想来展开论述。

    Cultural origin in the Western discourse of charity , mainly from the Christian " love ", " original sin ", " humble " thought to start on .

  10. 从传统文化探析中西慈善文化差异&铁公鸡事件之启示论晚清基督教在华慈善组织与传统慈善组织

    Discussion on Differences between Chinese and Western Charity Culture ; The study of the relationship between the Christian Charitable Institutions and Chinese traditional Charitable Institutions in the late Qing Dynasty

  11. 有很多个人和家庭的税收支持着政府,他们的志愿捐赠支持着宗教、慈善、文化、艺术和教育。

    There are individuals and families whose taxes support the Government and whose voluntary gifts support church , charity , culture , art , and education .

  12. 政府的维持就是靠这样一些个人和家族缴纳的捐税,教会、慈善事业、文化、艺术和教育事业也是靠他们的自愿捐献来维持的。

    They are individuals and families whose taxes support the Government and whose voluntary gifts support church , charity , culture , art , and education .

  13. 奢侈商品、慈善事业、文化活动方面的高排名帮助这座加州的城市吸引了大量富翁的注意,十分周到的服务也使得这些住户感到非常满意。

    Ranking high in luxury goods , charity and culture measures , this California city attracts the wealthy and has the services to keep them happy .

  14. 艾奇逊们心中有数,所谓“那些在宗教、慈善事业和文化方面团结中美两国人民的纽带,一直在加深着美国对中国的友谊”,是有来历的。

    Acheson and his like know what they are talking about , and there is a background for his statement that " our friendship for that country has always been intensified by the religious , philanthropic and cultural ties which have united the two peoples " .

  15. 马英九的助手表示,过去8年中,马英九共向公共福利、慈善、教育、文化和其它社会组织捐赠了6809万元新台币。

    Mr Ma 's aides said he donated a total of T $ 68.09m over the past eight years to public welfare , charity , educational , cultural and other organisations .

  16. 成立主旨推行社会教育,协赞公益慈善事业,提倡文化教育活动,消弭社会暴戾之气,改善社会风气,增进全民福。

    Purpose promote social education , assist causes for public benefit , encourage cultural education events , ameliorate violent attitudes in society , improve the soical climate , and promote the welfare of the people of taiwan .

  17. 推动慈善思想建设、文化建设、树立人人可慈善的理念,大力倡导勿以善小而不为,着力营造有利于促进慈善事业发展的社会氛围。

    Charity thought construction , culture construction , establish " everyone can charity " concept , advocate " not good for small ", strive to create a conducive to the promotion of the development of philanthropy social atmosphere .

  18. 中国作为文明古国,有着悠久的慈善传统,慈善文化是中华文明的重要组成部分,它有着自身鲜明的特点,并且也蕴涵着极为深刻和丰富的道德精神。

    As an ancient country of civilization , China possesses a long tradition of charity and charity culture is an important part of Chinese civilization . With striking characteristics of its own , charity culture contains deep and rich moral spirit .

  19. 原因与中国的慈善组织的错误认知、慈善消费偏好缺少、慈善文化不佳及社会保障水平低有关。

    All of these are highly related to inaccurate awareness of charity organization , less preference of charity consumption , poor culture of charity , as well as low level social security .

  20. 中国慈善事业发展的精神动力机制&志愿精神与传统慈善文化的融合与超越

    The Mechanism of Spirit Motivation for Chinese Philanthropic : The Integration and Development between Volunteerism and Charity Culture

  21. 同时,通过与西方慈善观在理论方面和外在影响机制的对比,揭示了传统慈善文化的特点。

    At the same time , through with western charity idea in the theory and the external influence mechanism contrast , reveals the traditional charity culture characteristics .

  22. 目前中国社会对企业社会责任理念的理解还不够成熟,慈善事业的发展起步也较晚,所以必须不断地从慈善制度、慈善文化和慈善组织的角度促进企业对慈善事业的参与。

    But in China we know little about social responsibilities of and charity enterprises , so we should develop charity system , charity culture and charity organization to help enterprises participate in it .