
  1. 它拥有的百万富翁、特大城市、互联网用户、高楼大厦,以及排放的温室气体,都超过了世界上的任何国家。

    It is now a country with more millionaires , more mega-cities , more internet users , more skyscrapers and a higher emission of greenhouse gases than any country on earth .

  2. 研究发现:民工子女和城市青少年在互联网的使用上有一定的共性,但差异更为突出。

    The research shows that two groups have prominent differences although share the common ground for the use of Internet .

  3. 笔记本电脑出现后,城市居民使用互联网就更加不受地点局限,但他们通常仍需找到一家咖啡馆以连接上网络。

    When laptops arrived , urbanites could use the new networks anywhere - but they often still needed a coffee shop to get online .

  4. 一般来说,智能城市是指利用互联网等数字技术改善城市规划,节约资金和资源,使我们的生活更加便利的城市。

    Generally , a smart city is a city that uses digital technologies such as the Internet to improve city planning , save money and resources , and make our life convenient .

  5. 中国公司百度(Baidu)在另外一份研究报告中表示,大多数在线学生并不在大城市——这表明互联网正使得中国各地的人们都能同样地获得技能。

    Most online students are outside larger cities , Chinese group Baidu said in separate research , suggesting that the internet is allowing skills to be acquired evenly across the nation .

  6. 浮现中的网络城市的网络&互联网对全球城市体系的影响

    The impact of Internet on global ur-ban system

  7. 数字城市已成为继互联网之后的新词汇,受到人们越来越多的关注。

    Digital City has become the new term after the Internet . More and More people pay close attention to it .

  8. 本研究采用问卷调查和深度访谈的方法,对北京市民工子女和城市青少年群体的互联网使用状况进行了初步分析。

    This paper comparatively studies the Internet use between migrant children and local urban children in Beijing with the methods of questionnaire and in-depth interviews .