
  1. 你做的所有提高存在感的事情——特别是在你所知的群体之外的更大领域内——是一个净赢。

    Anything you do that advances your presence - especially in a larger sphere , outside the communities you know - is a net win .

  2. 有些人这么做是为了让你知道他们真的在关注你,而有些人则纯粹是在耍存在感。

    Some of them are doing this to tell you that they really care about you , while others are just trying to get some attention .

  3. 我记得在冬季的夜晚,我站在一个Target超市入口内,被我一种感觉紧紧包围,我只能将它形容为存在感的恐惧。

    I remember standing inside the entrance of a Target superstore one day in late winter , enveloped in what I can only describe as existential terror .

  4. 这招另对手头疼不已。大学时期,布克不擅长在油漆区得分,但他在NBA却很快变得存在感十足。

    For a player who struggled with scoring at the rim in college , Booker is quickly developing a presence in the paint .

  5. scrambleto努力你的习性使你不由自主地想要重建存在感。

    Your habit , your conditioning , is to scramble to reestablish , somehow , a sense of Identity .

  6. 自从虚构的黑帮老大托尼•索普拉诺(TonySoprano)因为自己泳池中的鸭子而产生存在感危机后,观众们饱览了越来越多的高质量剧集。

    Ever since fictional mob boss Tony Soprano had an existential crisis over the ducks in his swimming pool in 1999 , viewers have been feasting on a growing bounty of high-quality dramas .

  7. 我们很难把丹佛掘金想作NBA中沉睡的巨人,这个队给人的印象就不是这样的。更别说,休赛期各路豪门高歌猛进,用各种超级巨星的交易花式刷头条,掘金就更没什么存在感了。

    It can be difficult to consider the Denver Nuggets a sleeping giant in the NBA.Perception doesn 't really allow for it , not when plenty of more-high-profile franchises made headline-dominating deals for some of the league 's most recognizable stars .

  8. 在他自己的国家,出一半力他就可以成为文化偶像式的人物和四届MVP,在NBA拼了老命也就是在一支没存在感的球队为了替补出场时间而竞争。

    He can be a cultural icon and the 4x reigning MVP in his home country while half-assing it OR he could toil in relative obscurity and work hard competing for backup minutes on a possibly irrelevant team in the NBA .

  9. 卡班是《魅力的神话》(TheCharismaMyth)一书作者,她是越来越多向高管讲授“个人魅力”——存在感、影响力与激情的结合——可以习得的专家之一。

    Ms Cabane , author of the The Charisma Myth , is one of a growing band of experts making a living out of teaching senior executives that " personal magnetism " - a combination of presence , power and warmth - can be learned .

  10. 记忆是提供存在感的依据。

    Memory is to provide the basis for sense of presence .

  11. 此外,库克还令人体会到了他个人的存在感。

    In addition , Mr Cook has made his personal presence felt .

  12. 而是和他们在演讲中带出来的存在感有关。

    It 's about the presence that they 're bringing to the speech .

  13. 特别是,不干涉原则对人类来说存在感并不明显。

    In particular , the Rule of Non-Interference is not obvious to man .

  14. 她有很强的存在感

    She 's a strong presence . She was .

  15. 但在这里,另一条欧洲分界线的存在感更强。

    But another European border is more evident here .

  16. 数码技术与影像存在感

    Digital Technology and the Sense of Image Existence

  17. 一些人希望,硅谷在华盛顿日益增加的存在感也许会激发新思路。

    Some hope Silicon Valley 's growing visibility in Washington might spark new ideas .

  18. 那能确认自我的存在感和重要性。

    That confirms its existence and its importance .

  19. 它们影响着社会存在感,同时社会存在感又反过来影响着这些因素。

    These factors influence social presence , and they are also influenced by social presence .

  20. 这会使我们最大程度地开发其潜力而不失去我们的存在感。

    This would allow us to maximize its potential without losing our sense of place .

  21. 这次的区别还在于马竞的存在感焦虑以外的东西。

    This time the difference was about more than Atl é tico 's existential angst .

  22. 我不是拜金女,可我需要物质的存在感。

    I am not worship money the female , but I need material the existence feeling .

  23. 魏晋之际社会普遍存在感时感物之时尚,士人们的创作也就出现了许多感时感物的作品。

    So many works written by scholars were those that had reflections on seasons and beings .

  24. 对得到的图像序列进行处理,检测是否存在感兴趣的目标,并且从序列图像中提取出运动目标。

    We process and detect sequence images in order to find interesting object and extract it .

  25. “他给了我们经验和存在感,他真的很享受他的足球生涯。”

    " He gives us experience and presence and he 's really enjoying his football . "

  26. 我不知道怎么样去定义它,但我真的感到真实的存在感。

    I don 't know how to define it exactly , but I feel so incredibly alive .

  27. 其主要任务是检测所拍摄的车辆图像中是否存在感兴趣的车标并确定其位置。

    The main task of vehicle-logo location is to detect vehicle-logo and locate it in vehicle images .

  28. 我们都可以学会带着快乐的心情,怀着激情和存在感去更好地工作。

    We can all learn to work better , with real joy , passion , and presence .

  29. 前几周的好莱坞已经感受到了勒布朗·詹姆斯无与伦比的存在感。

    LeBron James ' inimitable presence has already been felt in his first few weeks in Hollywood .

  30. 要提高虚拟学习社区的学习绩效,创建并提高社会存在感是很有必要的。

    So it is necessary for us to create and promote the social presence to improve learning performance .