
  • 网络The Traditionalist
  1. 可以有把握的说,他们创作的方法与传统主义者类型相反。

    One can safely say that their approach to composition is the opposite of the traditionalist type .

  2. 她对堕胎和女权主义的反对态度表明她是个不折不扣的传统主义者。

    Her opposition to abortion and feminism mark her as a convinced traditionalist .

  3. 传统主义者反对这种讲授历史的方法。

    There is hostility among traditionalists to this method of teaching history .

  4. 传统主义者也许不会热衷于在Facebook上炫耀他们清理了几条马路,但是其他很多人会这么做——从而帮助宣扬在这个城市里,每个人都要做好自己的本分。

    Traditionalists may not be keen to brag on Facebook about how many pavements they have cleared , but plenty of others are - thus helping to spread the city 's message that everyone has to do their bit .

  5. 社论将总统概括为“中间偏右的传统主义者”。

    The editorial summarized the president as'a center-right traditionalist ' .

  6. 我们是传统主义者,凯瑟琳.-是,我注意到了.

    We are traditionalists , Katherine . - Yes , I noticed .

  7. 他公开承认自己是一个传统主义者,反对任何类型的改革。

    He is an avowed traditionalist and against reform of any kind .

  8. 不幸的是,长期来看,传统主义者往往是对的。

    Unfortunately , in the long run , those traditionalists are usually right .

  9. 但是有了孩子才结婚的人事实上反而有可能是传统主义者。

    But people who get married after having children could actually be the traditionalists .

  10. 你是一个彻头彻尾的传统主义者。

    You 're a traditionalist through and through .

  11. 农夫琼斯是一个顽固的传统主义者,他从不愿使用任何新式的农药。

    Farmer Jones was a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist ; he would never use any modern pesticides .

  12. 法国人骨子里是传统主义者。

    The French are at heart traditionalists .

  13. 我父母是根深蒂固的传统主义者。

    My parents are dyed-in-the-wool traditionalists .

  14. 进步主义者希望而传统主义者害怕,最高法院在全联邦赋予人民同性婚姻的权利。

    Progressives hope and traditionalists fear that the Supreme Court will find a federal right to same-sex wedlock .

  15. 法国以及加拿大法语区的传统主义者也同样担心英语词汇会影响到它们的母语。

    Traditionalists in France and French-speaking Canada also worry about the influx of English words into their native tongue .

  16. 但是传统主义者称,禁止武器将会破坏瑞士人民与军方之间长期以来的信任关系。

    But traditionalists said banning the weapons would have broken the long-standing trust between the Swiss people and the army .

  17. 维特根斯坦不属于西方哲学史上任何特定的运动、趋向或学派,被认为是一个反传统主义者,而他与之斗争的正是以笛卡尔为代表的传统思维模式或思考方式。

    He was regarded as an anti-traditionalist , fighting against the traditional thinking mode or way , represented by Descartes .

  18. 但就和威少被人批评有刷三双的嫌疑一样,哈登的打球方式也饱受传统主义者诟病。

    But just like with Westbrook , who has been accused of chasing triple-doubles , Harden fights against the purists .

  19. 传统主义者一致同意创建一个新组织来对抗教会变革趋势,如一名同性恋牧师的任命。

    Traditionalists have agreed to create an organization to combat liberal trends , such as the ordination of a gay clergy .

  20. 首先,在度假时,有些传统主义者仍习惯于请别人帮忙拍照。

    On the one side there are the traditionalists who still actually ask other people to take photos of them on holiday .

  21. 作为历史学家,梁先生是一位传统主义者。他间或叹息,没有什么建筑能超越唐时的木质寺院了;

    As a historian Mr Liang was a traditionalist , sighing sometimes that nothing could surpass the wooden temples of the Tang dynasty ;

  22. 现代化有时还需要像布赖恩这样的传统主义者所提出的批评、警告和建言。

    Modernization may need some critiques , warnings , and suggestions from traditionalists like William Jennings Bryan , the central figure of this dissertation .

  23. 萨博这个拥有悠久历史的传奇品牌居然也因为财务问题被送上断头台,这让许多汽车业的传统主义者深感沮丧。

    Automotive traditionalists are understandably upset that a brand with a long and storied history like Saab has wound up on the financial chopping block .

  24. 传统主义者认为,太极拳既能防身,又有助健康,它注重阴阳平衡。

    Traditionalists say that Tai Chi is a mixture of self defence and health and that these represent the two opposing forces of yin and yang .

  25. 一些内部人士倾向于那些在快速增长领域(比如数据分析)具备专长的候选人,而其他人想要一位可以维护公司品牌的传统主义者。

    Some insiders favour candidates with expertise in fast-growing areas such as data analytics , whereas others want a traditionalist who will protect the firm 's brand .

  26. 在众多的中文书籍中,十九世纪德奥浪漫主义作曲家约翰内斯勃拉姆斯常常被视为保守的传统主义者,德国古典作曲家中的最后一人。

    In most Chinese works , Johannes Brahms the romantic composer of the19th century is often referred to as a conservative traditionalist and the last classical German musician .

  27. 反传统主义者认为,柏格森哲学是建基于科学之上的,所以,以柏格森作为一个重要的例证,认为中国的现代性建构也必须以西方的科学精神扫除中国的封建迷信;

    Anti-traditionalist thought Bergsonism was based on science , so it gave us a proof that , in order to establish China modernity , we should use western science to replace Chinese superstition .

  28. 克瑞德的作品惹怒了那些传统主义者,他们一向认为特纳奖是对现代艺术的嘲笑。

    The choice of Creed , whose other works include crumpled pieces of paper , looked set to enrage traditionalists , who condemn the Turner as a national joke which makes a mockery of modern art .

  29. 善人给子孙遗留产业。罪人为义人积存赀财。传统主义者更善于文学批评,而且行动积极。

    The heritage of the good man is handed down to his children 's children ; and the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the upright man . In literary criticism the traditionalists were more articulate and aggressive .

  30. 不过让这一理论变得复杂的是,ump令人不安地混合了各种政治传统戴高乐主义者、中间派人士、自由派和一股更为强硬、更加民粹化的右翼。

    But this theory is complicated by the fact that the UMP is an uneasy mix of political traditions Gaullist , centrist , liberal and a harder , more populist right wing .