
  • 网络communicator;transmitter
  1. 传者形象,即活动主体的形象具有隐蔽性,可在客体形象塑造过程中间接呈现。

    The image of the Communicator is elusive , but can be found indirectly in the process of shaping the objective images .

  2. 该体系具有四个特征,即形象性特征、娱乐性特征、传者与受者的角色互换以及创新语系与通用话语并存。

    It contains four features : figurativeness , entertainment , interaction between communicator and receiver , the coexistence between innovative phylum and common discourse .

  3. 从图书情报传播的传者分析、内容分析、媒介分析、受众分析和效果分析等方面探讨了图书情报的5W信息传播模式。

    This paper probes into the " five Ws " information propagating mode from the propagator analysis , content analysis , mass media analysis , receiver analysis , and effect analysis , etc.

  4. 应用相关研究混沌动力学的方法及脑电多相分析系统(EEGMPAS),观察经络感传者大脑皮层诱发电位及动态脑电分维地形图。

    Using electroencephalograph muti-phase analysis system ( EEGMPAS ) and chaotic dynamic method , the cerebral cortex evoked potential and running fractal mapping in Jing-Luo sensation-people were ob - served .

  5. 西方现代新闻传播中传者与受者的主体变奏

    The Subjects Variation between the Disseminator and Acceptor in West Modern News Communication

  6. 从受传者的心理选择论健康传播致效的原则和策略

    Principles and Strategies of Health Communication Efficiency Based on the Psychological Preference of Receivers

  7. 传播者、受传者和传播技巧都影响农业创新的传播效果。

    Agricultural innovation propagation effects are influenced by propagators , acceptors and propagation skill .

  8. 另一方面,它进一步模糊了受众和传者的地位。

    On the other hand , it blurs out status of audience and disseminators further .

  9. 交际的过程包括传者、受者、信息等八个线性分析要素,同时又受制于心理素质、具体交际情景、文化环境等纵向宏观因素。

    The process of intercultural communication includes eight ingredients horizontally and cultural context , situational context etc.

  10. 如果传者对这些暗示比较敏感,他就能相应地调整信息的传递。

    If the sender is sensitive to these cues , he can adjust the message accordingly .

  11. 同时,传者的传播方式、叙事策略以及受众对文本的解读方式也必将相应发生变化。

    Journalistic communication style , narrative strategy and frame of interpretation also are adapted to the corresponding change .

  12. 而以墓志文的传播讨论传者的独立,同样有着深刻的意义。

    And to discuss the spread of mass culture epitaphs of those independent , also has a profound significance .

  13. 影响诗歌传播的因素有传播者、诗作本身与受传者。

    The factors that affect the poetry spread are : the spreader , the poetry itself and spread receiver .

  14. 信息然后被传输出去,以口头或者书面的形式,从而跨越传者和受者之间的空间距离。

    The message is then transmitted spoken or written so as to cross the space between sender and receiver .

  15. 其中传播主体包括传者和受者,即谁和对谁。

    The subject of communication include the sender and receiver , namely " who " and " who " .

  16. 传者把信息转化为一系列的符号,然后通过信道传给受者。

    The transmitter converts the message into a set of signals that are sent over a channel to a receiver .

  17. 在美国,心胸狭窄的官员,粗鲁的传者,和没有礼貌的出租车司机也并不少见。

    Small & minded officials , rude waiters , and ill mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US .

  18. 传播者和受传者的界定开始模糊,前所未有的复杂而频繁的交互,一种异时的,而非即时的交流。

    The boundary of disseminator and receiver became illegibility , Information exchange is much more complex and frequent than ever before .

  19. 另外在传者角度重点使用了传播学中的使用与满足理论分析泰剧对中国观众情感期待的满足。

    Besides this paper use the theory of use and satisfaction and analysis the Thai TV drama satisfaction for Chinese audience .

  20. 新媒体技术突飞猛进,传者与受众的界限己日渐模糊,新兴媒体使传统的线性传播变为网状互动。

    The boundary between disseminators and audiences is blurred . It is new media which changes linear dissemination to reticulate interactive .

  21. 新闻敏感是新闻传者发现、判断并实现有价值的新闻的能力。

    The nose for news is the ability of a person who spreads news finds , judges and realizes the valuable news .

  22. 本文研究得到如下主要结论:(1)基于产品延伸价值的网络口碑传播中,传者的专业性正向影响网络口碑传播效果。

    For the online word-of-mouth dissemination based on product extension values , senders ' profession positively influences the effects of online dissemination .

  23. 在传统传媒的技术条件限制下,传者与受者相分离、精英与大众相分离,媒介的掌控权始终在精英阶层手中。

    With the limit of traditional media technological conditions , disseminators and audience were separated , so were the elites and the masses .

  24. 正是在这种传播过程中,传者形象、社区的公共空间、居民归属感、社区文化逐渐建立起来。

    In the process of communication , media image , public space , sense of belonging and community culture have been built gradually .

  25. 在信息利益的承诺上,要与受传者的心理企盼相契合;(四)在信息诉求的背景上,要与受传者所处的时间、空间和利益相结合。

    ( d ) In the background of advertising information , to be close in time , space especially benefits with the receiver 's.

  26. 在传播中可以引入或多或少的通道,或者不平行的通道来强调传者所要传递的信息。

    The communication can summarily introduce fewer or additional channels , or a channel that is not parallel , to emphasize his desired message .

  27. 由传者中心向受众中心转移,是目前为止西方大众传播事业发展的基本趋势。

    The transformation of Communicant Center to Audience Center is a basic trend of development of the mass communication in the West up to now .

  28. 论文从体育传者、体育受众和体育媒体三个方面提出加强我国体育新闻报道中人文关怀的建议。

    Papers from sports disseminators , sports audience and sports media three aspects puts forward strengthening our country sports news reports the humanistic solicitude suggestion .

  29. 首先在传播过程中,对传者、受众、传播渠道、新闻信息以及反馈这作为传播的五大要素进行分析。

    First , communicator , audience , communication channels , news information and feedback , as the five components of communication , should be analyzed .

  30. 通过以上层层推导,本文旨在为电视数字化趋势下的传者和受者提供些许现实借鉴和理论参考。

    The goal of this essay is to provide communicators and audiences with some references of reality and theory within the digitizing trend of TV .