
chuán bō xué
  • media studies;communication studies
  1. 从传播学角度看孔子思想

    Viewing Confucius Thought from the Angle of Media Studies

  2. 从教育传播学看《大学语文》的困境与出路

    Puzzlement and way out of College Chinese from the perspective of education media studies

  3. 接下来是教育学(10万2219个学位)等社会科学专业,传播学专业(9万8949个学位)和财会专业(9万8663个学位)二者的热度没什么差别。

    Social science majors such as Education ( 102219 ) follow up , and the difference between Communications ( 98949 ) and Finance and Accounting2 ( 98663 ) is rather small .

  4. 值得注意的是,在美国,一个普通心理学学位和教育学、传播学学位一样,能让学生找到社会工作、市场营销和人力资源方面的工作。

    Notably5 , in the US , a general psychology degree will open doors for students to find jobs in social work , marketing6 and human resources , similar to Education and Communications .

  5. 框架分析(frame)作为一种理论与方法近年来在传播学领域应用十分广泛。

    Frame analysis , as a kind of theory and method , has been quite widely applied in the field of mass communication .

  6. 美国专栏作家李普曼1922年出版的著作《民意》(PublicOpinion)一书是涵盖新闻传播学、政治学、社会心理学、公共关系学等领域的综合性的传世名著。

    American columnist Walter Lippmann ' Public Opinion published in 1922 was a masterpiece which covered many disciplines such as journalism , mass communication , political science , social psychology and PR.

  7. SNS中的社会行为涉及的是关系的建立与维系,传播学中的关系理论可以从微观的角度对此进行解析。

    Social behavior of SNS is involved in the establishment and maintenance of the relationship , the relationship theory can explain this from a microscopic perspective .

  8. 詹姆斯·W.凯瑞作为美国传播学文化学派的代表人物之一,他提出的传播仪式观是文化取向传播理论研究中的关键理论。

    As one of the prominent representatives of American communicational culture study , James W. Carey puts forward the ritual view of communication , which is the key theory in communication theory of cultural orientation .

  9. 本文将以Web2.0平台的音乐符号为研究对象,运用传播学,音乐学和音乐美学的研究视角,结合Web2.0平台上具体的案例,分析音乐符号在信息传播中的情感表达作用。

    In this thesis , we will take the Musical note as research subject , analyzing the role of emotion expression in specific cases under the view of Communication , Musicology and Musical aesthetics .

  10. 拉斯韦尔的5W模式和香农&韦弗模式在传播学研究中占据着重要的地位,几经学者们的改进和完善。

    Lasswell 's 5 W model and Shannon & Weaver 's model are important in the study of communication science , and scholars refine and consummate them several times .

  11. 论文通过搜集Twitter和新浪微博上的案例资料,运用传播学理论和其他相关理论,以定量和定性分析相结合的方法,对草根话语权实现的说法予以层层质疑。

    Articles by collecting micro-blog Twitter and Sina information on the case , the use of communication theory and other theories as to the combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis method , the realization of the right words to say the grassroots to be layers of doubt .

  12. 俄亥俄州立大学传播学和心理学教授、该研究报告作者之一布什曼(BradJ.Bushman)说,人们不会自然地进行自我疏离;当他们生气时,会很自然地沉迷于自己的情绪当中。

    ' People don 't self-distance naturally ; when they become angry , they naturally ruminate on it , ' says Brad J. Bushman , a professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State and one of the study 's co-authors .

  13. 针对这些问题,美国学者哈罗德·拉斯韦尔(Harold·Lasswell,1902&1977,传播学的先驱之一)经典的五W传播模式为我们思考这一系列问题提供了良好的基本框架。

    In view of these questions , American scholar Harold · Lasswell ( Harold · Lasswell , 1902-1977 , one of dissemination study pioneers ) the classics " five W " the dissemination pattern for us pondered this a series of questions have provided the good bare bone .

  14. 达尔萨斯教授与他的妻子、传播学教授玛丽奥德(marie-aude)育有三个孩子,分别为15岁、12岁和7岁,而这并非巧合。

    And it is no coincidence that Prof Dalsace and his wife , marie-aude , a professor of communications , have children aged 15 , 12 and 7 .

  15. 洋务派体育行为选择的文化传播学解读

    Westernization of the culture of sports choice behavior interpretation of communication

  16. 受众是大众传播学中的一个重要概念。

    Audience is an import an t concept in mass media .

  17. 为以后的相关研究提供一定的借鉴,同时补充传播学的相关理论。

    To provide a reference communication theory for future research .

  18. 课堂教学效果的传播学分析

    Classroom Teaching Result : An Analysis Based on Communication Science

  19. 大学生网上行为价值的传播学分析

    An Analysis of University Students Behavioral Value in Net Media

  20. 传播学著作研究与分析(1981&2002)

    The Study and Analysis of Dissemination Works ( 1981-2002 )

  21. 唐代题壁诗的传播学分析

    An analysis on wall-scribed poems of the Tang dynasty by communication theory

  22. 从公众舆论看媒介生态&宝马肇事案传播学分析

    Reflections on the Media Ecology in Perspective of Public Opinions

  23. 从传播学角度看翻译的受体研究

    Receptor Study in Translating from the Perspective of Communication Science

  24. 编辑学:中国特色的传播学

    Editorial Study : A Study of Communication With Chinese Characteristics

  25. 现在传播学在世界各国呈现出方兴未艾、蓬勃生长的态势。

    In the world , communication science is growing rapidly .

  26. 新闻学与传播学的学科特质比较分析

    An Analysis on Differences of Discipline Characteristic between Journalism and Communication Studies

  27. 从传播学角度看翻译建立传播学的翻译观

    Construction of Translation Science on the View of Communication Science

  28. 参与式:传播学教学的有效方法

    Participant Style : an Effective Teaching Method of Communication Science

  29. 中国传播学研究三十年的困惑与思考

    A Reflection on China 's Communication Research in the Last 30 Years

  30. 我国传媒与建设小康社会&基于发展传播学的思考

    Media of Our Country and the Well-off Society Construction