
  • 网络Traditional Market;Wet market;pasar
  1. 本论文通过比较传统市场和B2C电子商务市场,分析了B2C电子商务市场中价格信息不对称产生的原因和相应的对策。

    By comparing the traditional market and B2C e-commerce market , this paper analyzes causes and the corresponding countermeasures of price information asymmetry in B2C e-commerce market .

  2. 电子市场相对于传统市场而言可以极大的减少交易成本,而且由于信息共享,在B2B电子市场上供应链契约的执行成本比较低。

    Compared with traditional market , electronics market can greatly reduce transaction costs ; due to the lower cost in information sharing , the enforcement costs of supply chain contract are lower .

  3. 分析师表示,与神州数码的协议标志着一次重要的转变,它将令RIM公司从其在中国的传统市场公司利基领域扩张至更广阔的消费者市场。

    Analysts said that the Digital China deal was an important shift , allowing RIM to expand beyond its traditional corporate niche in China to the broader consumer market .

  4. 但对于价格离散,网上图书市场的离散度大于传统市场,而网上CD市场的离散度小于传统市场。

    However , with respect to price dispersion , the dispersion degree of online book markets is larger than that in traditional markets and the dispersion of online CD markets is lower than that in traditional markets .

  5. 分析了传统市场中的供应链在电子市场影响下供需关系的变化,以及供应链结构的动态性演进。其次,本文分析了B2B电子商务环境下的供应链失调的原因;

    Also changes of the relationship between suppliers and purchasers under the environment of B2B E-market are discussed , which present that the structure of supply chain is developing dynamically .

  6. 从市场情况来看,电信业的竞争正在加剧,PSTN(公共交换电话网络)、CATV(有线电视网)、ATM和IP(数据网)都在相互窥视对方的传统市场。

    According to the circumstances of the market , the competition of the telecom vocation is intensifying , the operators of PSTN , CATV , ATM and IP networks are peeking at others ' traditional markets .

  7. 本周一,美泰公司(Mattel)位于上海的6层楼芭比旗舰店也关门歇业,对于在其传统市场无处不在的芭比娃娃,中国消费者的热情正逐渐消退。

    On Monday , Mattel shuttered its six-storey flagship Barbie store in Shanghai , in the face of waning enthusiasm for a doll ubiquitous in its established markets .

  8. 第三部分,从分析商品质量信息对买方购买决策的影响出发,根据B2C交易模式中信息传播的特征,提出了区别于传统市场的形成逆向选择的成因;

    Part 3 , At first , this dissertation analyzes the impact of quality information on buyer 's purchase decision , and presents the causes of quality information asymmetry in B2C business mode to be different from in traditional markets .

  9. 在香港上市的时装品牌公司思捷环球(esprit)近几年明显缺乏活力,随着其传统市场西欧后继乏力,它正将业务重心转向中国。

    Esprit , the Hong Kong-listed fashion brand that has suffered a distinct absence of joie de vivre in recent years , is turning its focus to China as its traditional markets in Western Europe run out of steam .

  10. 在这里,你可以一睹台湾传统市场的风采。

    Here 's your chance to check out a traditional Taiwanese market .

  11. 传统市场不正当竞争、排斥电子网络市场交易;

    Traditional market have unfair competition and reject the internet market trade ;

  12. 新兴市场较之传统市场形式多变。

    Emerging markets are far more varied and volatile than mature ones .

  13. 市场均衡域:对传统市场均衡的一种思考

    Market Equilibrium Area : Thinking about Traditional Market Equilibrium Theory

  14. 同时也促使传统市场必须进行数据型学习。

    And to expose the traditional market to data-driven learning .

  15. 传统市场中的不正当竞争行为蔓延至网络世界,形成了网络不正当竞争行为。

    Unfair competition spreading into the internet , which forms internet unfair competition .

  16. 电子化市场与传统市场的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis to the Electronic Market and Traditional Market

  17. 根据客源市场变化的情况,不断巩固传统市场及客户;

    According to the customer market changes , constantly consolidate traditional market and customers ;

  18. 网络市场调查与传统市场调查

    Internet Marketing Research And Traditional Marketing Research

  19. 在电子市场环境下,传统市场功能产生了变化,这些变化强化了市场的功能。

    Under the environment of electronic markets , the functions of traditional markets have changed .

  20. 初步调查显示,病人曾到过一家有活禽销售的传统市场。

    Initial investigations indicate the case visited a traditional market where live poultry were sold .

  21. 随着光通信不断向前发展,光纤光缆在传统市场规模缩小的同时,出现了一些需求的新热点。

    With the development of optical communication , there are the new demands and new technology .

  22. 繁忙的都市冷冷清清,传统市场人山人海,大家忙着办年货,返乡人潮络绎不绝。

    Busy cities empty , traditional markets fill with holiday shoppers , and people journey home .

  23. 发现将路虎从传统市场转移至蓬勃发展的豪华市场。

    The Discovery moves Land Rover away from its traditional markets and into the burgeoning leisure sector .

  24. 内涵式发展与边际式变革&以传统市场为中心的中西比较

    Internal Development and Marginal Reform : A Comparison of the Traditional Markets between the West and China

  25. 市镇作为一种市场形态,是中国传统市场的重要组成部分。

    As a kind of market form , town is an important component part of chinese traditional market .

  26. 中国战机仅仅是便宜,但这并不意味着“非传统市场”就会买它们。

    Simmply because China can produce something cheaper , does not mean any non'traditional'China customers will but it .

  27. 不过中国的汽车销量对汽车制造商来说已经在传统市场中销量滞后的时候变得越来越重要了。

    But auto sales in China have become increasingly critical for automakers as sales lag in traditional markets .

  28. 在巩固传统市场的同时,加快开拓前景广阔的新兴市场;

    We will speed up efforts to open up emerging markets that have strong demand while strengthening traditional markets .

  29. 首先,通过对电子商务中的经济活动,即电子市场的研究,从产品类别、生产方式、交易特征等多个方面对电子市场与传统市场进行了比较;

    Firstly , through the analyzing of E-market , this thesis compares the difference between E-market and traditional market .

  30. 帮助出口企业巩固传统市场和重点市场,开拓新兴市场。

    Shall help the export enterprises to consolidate the traditional markets and key markets and to open up new markets .